Sunday, September 6, 2009

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Summers are always stressful, at least for me, I just divided among the people living my parents, which is on the Costa Brava and has little beach, and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe great devourer.
This has been especially hard because my little sister gets married and believe me I thought it was stupid when people say that a wedding was a lot of work ... but it's true. He married next week and it makes me really happy ... but also of illusion have been nerves, expenses, haste, misunderstanding ... one of them has been with my other sister, which is a pity and a few days wedding. Of course not thinking to allow this misunderstanding to be extended until that day and talking to my sister to clarify what has happened. And while she thought what she had actually occurred, I wondered: Do we get angry when we have no reason? or when we can not give it to us ... why?
and the fact is that cold retrospect I find it quite absurd, since I find no reason to really be good or valid ... the truth is that I wonder if there really reasons to be angry sometimes ... because anger is a way to help or that no solvent is simply a way out ... how easy it is to think about it when the heart beats fast with anger, nor are we so caught up in ourselves that at the end even lose sight of the reason we had taken it ...