Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sayings For Bridale Recipe Cards

imaginary ...

Erotica, sensuality , manners and female cats over these hot fantasies that emerge only by my naughty little mind when I do nothing else to remind ...
thinking you Honestly I have so often that sometimes I feel trapped in an erotic novel ... and my little punishment is yielding to lower my passions and
fly to you full of imaginary sex ...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Where Is There A Heys Warehouse In Mississauga?

My masks ...

many masks I take off to be really who I am? ...

You have the power to strip me of my absurd barriers down all my walls and makes it through my misgivings, that I understand you love me as I am.

I have struggled to understand and accept that so, you'll like what you see through my eyes ...

With you I learned to appreciate my strengths and accept my faults, so when I stand before you, put aside my masks and give you just what I am, without hiding anything simply because there are no tricks to you, ours is really ...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Making Acurling Crutch

You give me life ... Floto

when I fly to you, a virtual or real, something inside me feel calm, relaxed, quiet ... it's like inside me to come over a halo of light that floods everything ...

mime basting with hope and new dreams ...

're my zest for life and my view that there are no boundaries or conventions ...

When it comes to us


Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Gun Does Ari Gold Use


pleasure, bliss, desire .. .

Saturday, November 7, 2009


want to be a child ...

A Sometimes it's stronger than me and ask shouting stop, stop the world and get off ,
in a serene beach and be like the child that provides the golden sunshine and bright as a ball of light , to run and play by the golden sand and wet my feet and laugh without fear of giving a wrong step, without fear of falling and stain clothing or to get wet because a cold pillars .. .

'm so tired of being told what is good, what is bad, which kills, fattening ....

please leave me alone, I'm and want to remain small and not tall, or ideas, just ask for calm to return to enjoy as before

to have time to waste in the arms of those who love her dearly and do not be afraid if one of these days I get a tug Hair, who cares I do not fear pain, and I fell many times and it's only a matter of knees shake a little, dry your tears and forget ...

quickly forget the bitterness only darkens the soul and frowns ...
prefer to continue believing that after getting up, life goes on and nothing is forever ...

why but sometimes I say you love me life, I just think we have today, tomorrow, God will say, kisses love you want more than this poor girl be able to put between letters ...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Uncensored Tv On Insight How To

Happiness is not doing what you want
but wanting what you do ... ......

If this great statement is true, I must say that I love doing what I do and especially ... LOVE ... with all the happiness you give me the luxury of having you in my life, it is true that nothing is as idyllic as we wish, but I have become clear that he wanted to return me to enjoy what is ours, because things are pending, because are keen to repeat as many, because we have found something that many seek to find and only a few we hayarlo and enjoy
so even if life ends at this moment ... I would feel full and satisfied for having loved my little happy child ...