Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do You Enter A P When Citing A Text Book


Opinion article in the newspaper criticized the front, Bucaramanga / Santander / Colombia.
Friday, November 12, 2010 21:23 Quesada writes a column every Friday for the past two years in the newspaper "The Front", in Bucaramanga, but never had any problems. However, when sending your column last week entitled "Greystar SANCTIONED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MAL" This was the answer:
Thursday, November 4, 2010, 4:08
pm From: "Claudia Milena Benavides"
A: "Claudio Beltrán"
Good afternoon:
I tell you, Claudio, I can not publish his column about Greystar Resources for not being compatible with the thought of newspaper's management. I hope again within 7 days with their contributions.
I hope you understand the reasons. Thanks

This is the censored article: Greystar
Blue Gold, as they call water is the most valuable that exists on earth. We are already living the prophesied water war, this is one of their battles. Refresh the memory:
Angostura The mining project of Greystar operating for years, destroying water and biodiversity, and now intends to move and treat 1,075 million tonnes of rock which used 7,000 tons of the explosive ANFO month and 1,200 tons of sodium cyanide per month (poison and deforestation unrecoverable). The law states that over 3 thousand meters above sea level wilderness area and could not be exploitation and the Greystar's Angostura project has most of its location there.
However, the firm's experts argue that it has not been recognized. Santurbán is seen as a wilderness protection area, subpáramo and high Andean forest, which classifies it as an area of \u200b\u200bhigh environmental fragility and therefore very important ecosystem, such as water recharge area and wildlife refuge. No matter if a paper says that is an area of \u200b\u200bwasteland or not: it will affect us as the reservoir Bucaramanga structures are within 30 or 35 km as the crow line of site operation.
It would seriously jeopardize the quality and quantity of the vital liquid of water bodies Surata river providers, using the cyanide leaching technique. Cyanide mining was banned in Germany in 2002 and the European Parliament to ban it just for all other countries in May 2010.
The requested flows for different stages of the project, exceed 50 percent of the average flow available in different water bodies. This multinational mining will take over the high mountain lakes, which are the headwaters of rivers that feed our metropolitan aqueduct.
All this will destroy the wilderness of Santurbán, which removed 11.5 million ounces of gold and 61 million ounces of silver over 15 years of operating these mines in the municipalities of California, streaks, Surat, Carnage and Tona.
"Greystar pollution in the watersheds will be zero percent," noted the company's environmental manager, Leonardo Di Mare. But the multinational ", supposedly careful of the environment", has just been fined by the CMDB by following charges, among others:
"The sistemasde treatment of drainage tunnels and tailings leachate has not complied with the provisions of Article 72 of the 1984 decreto1594 standard of discharge for discharges to a water source.
-file does not exist with the environmental documents or a blog for inteventoria and environmental monitoring.
"No septic systems have resulted in most of the sites you have and need the system. "In the dump
The lazy, there was diversion of the stream channel of the same name and is not aware of the permit of the CMDB to the intervention.
I wonder where the courage Santander, if left alone to protest over trifles, to insult the bad driver who parked his car, or to complain about stupid things, like argue because they changed the schedule of the novel that we like. Once we lavantabámos as one man, "Always free in our mountains," and we walked through the madman will shift. Today, when our future and that of our descendants is seriously threatened by the greed of foreigners overpowering, we were looking to see what happens. Sacudámonos the drowsiness and get out to protest in the streets, we support the leaders and environmentalists fighting to stop an outburst as this mining project.
If this is the Greystar our land in the exploration phase, how will the exploitation?
As a result Claudio Beltran gave up his column in the Front and on Saturday November 13, the Programme Manager PLANET Caracol, we will be interviewed on this affront to freedom of expression that should have everything a newspaper columnist who is respected. This radio show airs from 9 to 10 am on AM dial 880 from Bucaramanga, at 810 AM or 100 FM in Bogotá.
Zapatoca BERTRAM, November 9, 2010
Dear Rafael, hereby
email I announce my resignation to the column I've written for your newspaper every week for over two years.
I appreciate the space that opened me to express my opinion about environmental issues, issues that you may remember when we met, I expressed as the most urgent and extremely serious for our species and our great home, Planet Earth.
not know the nostalgia that makes me stop sending the column, but to do honor to the principles, but when the matter is life or death, the destruction of all a beautiful wasteland. The figures say exploit billion tons of rock with explosives and use toneladasde 7000 1200 tons of cyanide each month, which is simply absurd when the moors and wetlands are the most valuable that exists on a planet suffering from global warming, are wonderful water plants inhabited by mermaids, nymphs and pixies. They told me they are angry at the alleged sacrilege. Water, blue gold, is too important, is sacred to replace it with a metal ground, the one is a treasure from heaven, and the other is just land. Santurbán entire ecosystem, its fauna and flora, native species are somewhat valuable, are worth infinitely more than the 11.5 million ounces of gold and 61 million ounces of silver to foreigners intend to extract.
Your position on this ecocide seems possible lack of objectivity and biased by criticizing my writing on the subject, when it is assumed that journalism should focus on both sides of the conflict, as it did when I wrote rejecting Hidrosogamoso building, company also supports.
Resignation from this server column and their reasons for doing so, will be announced on the radio program "Planeta" of Caracol, on Saturday, God willing. What you get in the 880 AM dial in Bucaramanga, or at 810 AM or 100 FM in Bogotá.
Despite our differences, we will continue offering my friendship and respect for your tenacious work as a journalist, which extend to the editor Claudia Milena Benavides.
Peace, strength and joy, Beltran Claudio Q.

NOTE: The censor is called Rafael Serrano Prada. He was parliamentary pension millionaire today enjoys. And it's profitable businesses in his newspaper. Censorship is because he seeks monetary benefits with Greystar, a company that contaminated with cyanide water taken by bumangueses. But that he would not care, above puts the money chasing!
If we surrender now, you never know what will be our defeat." (Homer J. Simpson).