Monday, May 9, 2011

Drivers License Grace Period

The fifth corner of the ring, Paola Valverde

still in the geography of the rainforest, where it rained also the death of Ernesto Sabato in the tunnel. In the X Festival Internacional de Costa Rica I find very good poets and best friends, with different jurisdictions, with changing resources. All traditions merge, because there is a single language, not a single school, not an accurate way to dismiss all the others.

test these multiple discourses is the book The fifth corner of the ring , Paola Valverde Alier. Published in a stunning, carefully editing cartonera, recycled paper, Fifth corner of the ring proposes a verbal dialogue in boxing it mixes with love, and the construction of an identity, which remains, in this side of the ocean, one of the main themes of the new poetry. The book is structured as a ring-in fact, presented on a ring, there was a real fight and the author also boxed, so the book becomes a direct action of the poem, and the fight progresses through different rounds :

"In my fists
lives a stone
open a butterfly.
fly anyway."

Pavlov Bitch is the nom de guerre of the boxer-poet. There are gamblers and a good set of legs: "I remember being bitten / flower wasps." It's great poem Hook, and Billy Gallardo :

"My old promoter visit the contest last row

popcorn and beer.
any viewer not
Billy Gallardo returns to the scene
and legs.
picture on the cover unforeseen
Pavlov's dog looks on.
Billy Gallardo disguised his innocence
hat / glasses guilty conscience

boxers combined in the table of war. " Atmosphere

ring, like a movie title poeticized black with white photography black and with that a bit expressionistic chiaroscuro towels, gloves bands. It's like the beginning of a drama caught between the ropes.

On the count of ten , Campana, Belt, Veteran , Fall, kiss the canvas, are poems that lead to over a prolonged combat, which poetic matter thins as energy, power stroke, more concise and contained. portrait of adolescence is a tender poem about the rebellion, the courage to be a woman boxer, a woman-poet, on the canvas increasingly harsh language and life.

Fifth corner of the ring is a book of poems I would have liked to Budd Schulberg, after writing his novel, then movie with Humphrey Bogart, Harder They Fall . But enough of talks, or writes Paola Valverde:

"Shock gloves and go on fighting."

(Image: Hanna Gabriels, Costa Rican boxer.
super welterweight world champion)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bamboo Wedding Arches On Beach


Morning 8:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Per will be a guest on the morning of the Swedish TV "Gomorron Sverige" in SVT.
After being outside, the interview can be seen HERE . If we're lucky, maybe Per could show us one of the many clips of his video camera ...

Marriage Vote Of Thanks

Christoff ... YOU DESERVE IT!

Each member of the band Roxette have always been very kind, lovable and great people. There will always be good memories to treasure. Christopher has been no exception. We only have good and great memories of him. When we were talking with him in an exclusive interview that we hope we can share with you soon, told us that receiving this award for us was like that Per and Marie gave us a prize.

With great honor and a great deal of money was renowned musician, composer and producer Christoffer Lundquist in a gala performance at the Palladium in Malmö last night. He became the first winner Sir George Martin to the music and the legendary Beatles producer itself was responsible for awarding the prize.

During the night, appeared a number of artists - all linked with Christoffer Lundquist and Scania. On the stage were, among others, Miriam Aïda, Jalle Lorensson, Magnason Edda, Nordlund Cecilia, Helena Josefsson (left) and Michael Saxell and Joakim Hallin conductor.

prize of 100,000 crowns and distributed to people in the music industry who are active in southern Sweden and work in the spirit of George Martin.

Things Ti Write In A Wedding Book


less a month the proposal was to get to 1300!. Two days ago we arrived at that number and we have already overcome. To celebrate I had promised a great sweepstakes. Tomorrow night we'll do the drawing. Only 1300 members will participate latinoamerica roxette. Later we hope to continue doing this type of sweepstakes. Brunella take this opportunity to tell Cataldi, Diego Nunez and Abel Llorente contact us to send you other prizes previous contests.
also wanted to invite those who wish to participate in some way with Latino Roxette write and send us their proposals. Do not be shy. This is a group of friends to share your feelings for the duo. Hopefully this group will not stop growing. Currently I am working on some things I will share with you, this is the purpose for which this group has been created.

Thanks for the good vibes to all!. Alejandro Lerin

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Effective Gifts For Stroke Victims

Sunday Poem

this poem is special Sunday. I wrote it seven years ago, in 2004, walking through the rainforest of Braulio Carrillo, near San Jose. Both time and books later, I return to the same scenario, but now accompanied by the poetic subject.

From Costa Rica, with love


RAINFOREST A blue green
the harsh awareness of a flame.
Break a leaf fall from heaven
a tremor on the roof.
Who can build your body now
the delicacy of a fern
enormous within an outline of water and needle
mathematics and feverish. There

rain they do not find in other rains
skin and leave us without coverage, cafés
torsos and we mark the footprint of a mattress.
If you could look at such beauty,
know I see your eyes that you're
accurate and frail, immodest
constant in the woods, hanging lazy

fingers tasty as the fruit of a pod, mourners
flesh without breaking open. There is a seed

a creaking noise, almost prominence
air and staffed resonant

with wise skill of a thumb. Aparto
palm and splashed Bocaracá burning lip.

night and day are snakes, spiders
throbbing inside
if a cow's tongue in your belly comes under a moss
sharp sugar. There
red butterfly wings on your spill
open without routine.
If the gel hardens the vine, a channel
fine in the hair will
do not eat the crust.

A wounded animal in the forest
easy prey for you.

Lying in a kiss
tarantula stopped and waiting anxiously and
in red velvet on hand to tame your explosion
are almost the jungle, almost mute, almost sea
almost transparent.

Owned The red jersey (Visor, 2006)