Friday, February 26, 2010

Sports Bar Uniforms Ideas

the same stuff ... MAJOR DECISIONS

Funny how facts and different people are connected, as you reach the same conclusion by very different routes and talks ... and the truth is that many women do not know what wonderful or how big they are to admit their fears, their weaknesses, break their masks and show baring your soul before you, becoming what makes us so spectacularly unique and authentic ... the essence that goes beyond dialogue, those words without being the same spoken by persons other than just summarize something that is more than a sensation, a certainty, a wire cord of some women to others ... not ever happened to you that you have spoken with someone and well described using other words a sense different to yours but a spring awakening something concrete in your thinking so that you have to FEEL confident that is exactly referring to?
That I came up with two friends of mine, who did not know each other but I describe attitudes and thoughts that ultimately were having and uncomfortable ... it was very exciting, it made me feel proud and gave me a joy that does not I can describe ...
In the motorcycle, on the way home I was accompanied by that feeling I dodged traffic, noise, all those annoyances that sometimes irritate me and make me uncomfortable and I ended up reaching the same conclusion: THE END AND WE'RE ALL OUT PASTA MADE FROM THE SAME
Thanks for that small amount that reminded me that there are still human!


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