Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bladder Weakness Aged 19

is better to be silent and suspicious of your little wisdom to speak and remove any doubt about it ...

Abraham Lincoln (1808-1865)

I believe in people who speak little and act a lot, as my grandmother:

"Actions speak louder than words"

so I like the facts more than the flatterers and talkative, is why every day I think I need more good real time, without much;
looks I prefer warm, calm, frank and sweet are my favorites.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tattoos About Being Strong

Seeking spinster (as the dictionary Espasa-Calpe):-aged, single.
So until it is forty years old did not walk into that category. Rio for the absurd, by the fact that imposing a requirement for entry into that category.
The issue is that yesterday I saw a friend and both a couple of years we have awakened maternal instinct, so I said: I'm going to turn into a spinster . I replied that I shake hands and how sealing a business and two seconds later reacts indignantly: - No! no shaking hands! have to say no.
I laugh for fear we have for the single state and the way he fled, peste.Me like the river because the reaction of my friend, I have also had and as the day I do not understand why. Singleness is easy to cure and not have to be something definitivo.Lo truth is that I know many couples who prove that lower or much hopes, or simply prefer not to follow the sun @ s. .. and complaints as the partner in question makes a thousand and one ... and I want something easy and nice, so if I have time to forty!
Jaaj, "it really be an old maid is a cross?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cervix Get High Before Period

often would like to remain a child without money worries or problems. Age without being seen to which I, without thinking that sometimes the days slip through my fingers ... today I have a good day. My mind is exhausted, dehydrated, my strength of will fall like a column, dry.
do not know if I have commented on occasion that many people think of me I'm a strong person. I do not know if I am, just know that this image that the others accept it as mine, sometimes weighs heavily that want someone to help me cope without having to ask. That sometimes the people you care look after me without asking. Understand me, not that I do not care, but sometimes occurs when the weight is crushing. I am one of those moments and I will not force me to go against it. Time will take its course.
say that accidents do not exist, that somehow try to call attention to peers and I have been three accidents this year so I have to stop and that hurts me deep breath ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How To Shrink Facial Pores


Does anyone know what the correct definition of spirit? Because I sometimes feel that it hurts the spirit, not the soul. This dualism of words that ultimately mean one of our ignorance, our ignorance ... is there really a difference? Is there?
I've always been an intuitive person and has given me a lot fear anything supernatural or could not understand because I was unknown ... if our spirit is our soul and feel with the soul, then we should not be afraid.
centuries ago women were burned at the stake. Women who said they were witches and were possessed by demons. Women who convulsed and put eyes, which were in a trance and it was impossible to master ... women in this century we know that suffering was epilepsy, but at that time was not sufficient to explain science and understand what was happening.
Today we fear the unknown and like then, do not believe in mediums or in life beyond death and (at least to me), give us fear the spirits of the dead. .. what if it, like at the time, is that we are not prepared scientifically to understand them? everything that is not there, it is not real? Has anyone ever seen the love of a physical, tangible way? I think so, that our spirit and our soul or two at a time or remain the same, he has seen but not with the eyes, but with a vision which does not require physics or science or explanation, but beyond the end ... after all, we only use ten percent of nuetra brain right?