Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tattoos About Being Strong

Seeking spinster (as the dictionary Espasa-Calpe):-aged, single.
So until it is forty years old did not walk into that category. Rio for the absurd, by the fact that imposing a requirement for entry into that category.
The issue is that yesterday I saw a friend and both a couple of years we have awakened maternal instinct, so I said: I'm going to turn into a spinster . I replied that I shake hands and how sealing a business and two seconds later reacts indignantly: - No! no shaking hands! have to say no.
I laugh for fear we have for the single state and the way he fled, peste.Me like the river because the reaction of my friend, I have also had and as the day I do not understand why. Singleness is easy to cure and not have to be something definitivo.Lo truth is that I know many couples who prove that lower or much hopes, or simply prefer not to follow the sun @ s. .. and complaints as the partner in question makes a thousand and one ... and I want something easy and nice, so if I have time to forty!
Jaaj, "it really be an old maid is a cross?


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