Thursday, December 30, 2010

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie 16th

Colombia COLOMBIA: Mine Accident Amagá (Antioquia) leaves one dead and three wounded

At this time, according to the mayor, the emergency is under control.

December 27, 2010

Lily Bedoya, commander Fire Department of Amagá, said one piece of land that fell within one of the tunnels of the colliery San Fernando, caused the emergency in the morning.
"A miner was killed in Medellín when Amagá brought him and the others had fractures," said the fire commander.
Amagá The mayor, Relief Aid Zapata, denied that it had submitted a fire, as was rumored a couple of hours.
"We are waiting to go to the mine entrance miners were in the tunnel," said Zapata. "Since the incident at the mine is controlled, "he said.

rescued 70 bodies in Amagá

Shortly after the completion of the rescue work in deep coal mine San Fernando, in Amagá, 73 candles are kept burning at the foot of the Virgen del Carmen, patron saint of miners.
In a sort of simple altar at the entrance to the offices of the company mates of the 73 miners killed by explosion on Wednesday of last week, now pay tribute and pray that the gates of heaven are opened for men to cry today este pueblo, que vive del carbón.
A ese monumento se acercan con reverencia y de forma silenciosa los mineros que participan en el rescate. Antes de entrar o salir del túnel San Joaquín, cada uno de ellos se persigna delante de la Virgen y le piden que les dé valor para no desfallecer.
Van 8 días de búsqueda Al cierre de esta edición, y después de ocho días de atención de la emergencia, ya fueron recuperados 70 cuerpos,ocho de ellos ayer, y sólo falta por evacuar otros tres, dos de ellos ya están localizados.
“Esperamos que se pueda amanecer con la noticia de que ya los recuperamos a todos”, comentó Jhon Fredy Rendón, director de la Oficina de Disaster Antioquia.
He added that there have been high concentrations of methane gas in the mine, which has delayed the evacuation of the last bodies.
Olga Lucia Moncada, sister of Carlos Mario Bolivar, one of the bodies recovered and friend of many others, is given short dialogues holding forces quietly with the candlestick that corresponds to your family, Carlos Mario Bolivar, attesting that he listening.
commission is expected to submit its report investigating the July 3 to find out what caused the explosion archivo/documento/MAM-4026842


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