Sunday, February 13, 2011

Slides Pps Monte Fuji

COLOMBIA: Social Rebellion against uncontrolled exploitation

By Helda Martínez
BOGOTA (IPS) - Growing social mobilization against gold mining in Colombia, an activity in the hands of transnational companies that led the country to be the most contaminated with mercury in the world, according to the United Nations Organization for Industrial Development.
"The development, foreign investment, employment generation and welfare promises for residents of the area of \u200b\u200boperation can not be grounds for risking the wealth of our moorland water, "said National Retail Federation (Latest).

This entity informed the government of Juan Manuel Santos his fierce opposition to the mining project Angostura to extract gold and silver in the open for 15 years by the Canadian firm GreyStar Santurbán the Paramo in the northern department of Santander.

"We do not support an intervention that will cause irreparable and irreversible damage", said by telephone IPS Erwin Rodriguez, director of the association of traders in Bucaramanga, the departmental capital.

adhere to this claim Santander Society of Engineers, the Society of improvements and other social organizations. "All eyes are opposed to short term," he said Rodríguez.

GreyStar The company denied that the project affects the environment. "Like I said 20 years ago (U.S. firm) Drummond," said the former Environment Minister Manuel Rodriguez in a public forum in Bucaramanga.

The former official was referring to the environmental damage confirmed in the northern department of Cesar due to coal mining by the company, acts amounting to serious allegations of human rights violations against the local population and the miners.

precisely those violations led to lawsuits in Colombia and the United States and were part of the objections to fine not realize the free trade agreement between the two countries.

"It's exciting for the first time a conglomerate with the participation of middle and high social sectors, leftist political groups and environmentalists to come together around a single goal, as is the protection of water," said geologist IPS Julio Fierro Morales.

Santander social movement is added to the environmental persistence of the central department of Tolima against intervention South African company AngloGold in the municipality of Cajamarca.

"It was constant work," he told IPS by phone Evelyn Fields, director of the nongovernmental Ecostierra.

The strategy is to disseminate widely the devastating effects of mining on the water supply, with 160 sources of water and surrounding ecosystems, such as moorland, forest and cloud forest.

"We visited the villages (sites) to explain to people the ecological damage, causing social and economic exploitation," said Campos.

This information is expanded through a half-hour radio program daily and weekly, too half an hour, which goes by the television channel of Ibague, Tolima's capital.

"This month we began a career in environmental management in the public University of Tolima," said Campos.

social movements are also recorded in the Moors of New Columbus and Vijagual, in the northeastern province of Boyaca.

"Another encouraging example is the mobilization of Embera indigenous and Afro-exploitation of gold in the Cerro Careperro by U.S. company paarte Mining Muriel," said Fierro.

The Constitutional Court has already issued "ruling in favor of Indians, peasants, blacks and other citizens opposed to mining operations with courage, dignity, "Fierro noted.

Demonstrations including southern Bogota against contaminants interventions by the army on grounds of the Artillery School, the Catholic Diocese of San Bogotá with its Foundation Antonio and transnational firms such as Cemex, Mexico, and Holcim of Switzerland.

This type of complaints and protests are already old in Colombia, which occupies prominent place in the world for biodiversity and until mid-twentieth century was one of major exporters of gold in the world.
This activity
gold "then fell in line with the global situation, in ascending order with increasing pollution, "said Fierro

Colombia retains the largest coal reserves in Latin America, besides having silver, platinum, emeralds, nickel, copper, iron, manganese, lead, zinc and titanium. It also operates on land and salt Marine, gravel, sand, clay, limestone, sulfur, talc, gypsum, rock phosphate and ornamental rocks.

All these natural resources attracted foreign investors in the last decade, aided by the Mining Code issued by the government of Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002).

"Encouraged after the successful promotion of the next government of Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010), He notes that had mining presence at trade fairs around the world in asserting that social conflict had ended, which would allow mineral development, "said Fierro.

Colombia has issued about 10,000 mining titles, 4,000 of whom are already in operation, without adequate control by the government, according to environmentalists. This irregularity is recognized by the authorities "to say that so far only 40 officers can check compliance controls mining, which is insufficient," he said.

The Ministry of Mines and Energy announced earlier this month a reform to increase control in mining, especially in the informal and illegal taking place in different regions, driven by extreme poverty and lack of incentives for agriculture.

is a very dangerous activity. The Colombian Chamber of Mines reported in 2010 death of 134 miners, while 27 have died so far this year in two explosions in coal mines.

"The best thing would be to promote a referendum to allow a new mining code, with policies favorable to the country, conservation of natural and human wealth. Profound changes that are needed will not legislative or government initiative," Fierro concluded.

The scenario for the referendum would boost the Colombian Network In front of the big mining transnational which emerged in February 2010 bringing together more than 50 social organizations in Colombia. (FIN/2011) nota.asp? Idnews = 97461

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Acetyl-l-carnitine Is Like Adderall

social rebellion against uncontrolled exploitation

By Helda Martínez
BOGOTA (IPS) - Growing social mobilization against gold mining in Colombia, an activity in the hands of transnational companies that led the country to be the most contaminated with mercury the world according to the United Nations Organization for Industrial Development.
"The development, investment foreign employment generation or promises of welfare for residents of the area of \u200b\u200boperation can not be grounds for risking the wealth of our moorland water, "said National Retail Federation (Latest).

This entity informed the government of Juan Manuel Santos his fierce opposition to the mining project Angostura, to extract gold and silver in the open for 15 years by the Canadian firm GreyStar Santurbán the Paramo in the northern department of Santander.

"We do not support an intervention cause irreparable and irreversible damage, "said Erwin telephone IPS Rodriguez, director of the business association in Bucaramanga, the departmental capital.

adhere to this claim Santander Society of Engineers, the Society of improvements and other social organizations. "All eyes are opposed to short term," he said Rodríguez.

GreyStar The company denied that the project affects the environment. "Like I said 20 years ago (U.S. firm) Drummond," said the former Environment Minister Manuel Rodriguez in a public forum in Bucaramanga.

The former official was referring to the environmental damage confirmed in the northern department of Cesar due to coal mining by the company, disasters amounting to serious allegations of human rights violations against the local population and the miners.

precisely those violations led to lawsuits in Colombia and the United States and were part of the objections to finely took place on free trade between the two countries.

"It's exciting for the first time a conglomerate with the participation of middle and high social sectors, leftist political groups and environmentalists to come together around a single goal, as is the protection of water," said geologist IPS Julio Fierro Morales.

Santander social movement is added to the persistence of environmental the central department of Tolima against the intervention of the South African company AngloGold in the municipality of Cajamarca.

"It was constant work," he told IPS by phone Evelyn Fields, director of the nongovernmental Ecostierra.

The strategy is to disseminate widely the devastating effects of mining on the water supply, with 160 sources of water and surrounding ecosystems, such as moorland, forest and cloud forest.

"We visited the villages (sites) to explain to people the ecological damage, causing social and economic exploitation," said Campos.

This type of information is enhanced through a program half-hour daily radio and weekly, also half an hour, which goes by the television channel of Ibague, Tolima's capital.

"This month we began a career in environmental management in the public University of Tolima," said Campos.

social movements are also recorded in the Moors of New Columbus and Vijagual, in the northeastern province of Boyaca.

"Another encouraging example is the mobilization of Embera indigenous and Afro-exploitation of gold in the Cerro Careperro by U.S. company paarte Mining Muriel," said Fierro.

The Constitutional Court has already issued "ruling in favor Indians, peasants, blacks and other citizens who oppose the mining operations with courage, dignity, "Fierro noted.

Demonstrations including southern Bogota against contaminants interventions by the army on grounds of the School of Artillery Catholic Diocese of Bogotá with its Foundation San Antonio and transnational firms such as Cemex, Mexico, and Holcim of Switzerland.

This type of complaints and protests are already old in Colombia, which occupies prominent place in the world for its biodiversity and until mid-twentieth century was one of the leading exporters of gold in the world.
Such activity "fell in line after with the world situation, in ascending order with increasing pollution, "said Fierro

Colombia retains the largest coal reserves in Latin America, besides having silver, platinum, emeralds, nickel, copper, iron, manganese, lead, zinc and titanium. It also operates on both terrestrial and marine salt, gravel, sand, clay, limestone, sulfur, talc, gypsum, rock phosphate and ornamental rocks.

All these natural resources attracted foreign investors in the last decade, aided by the Code Mines issued by the government of Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002).

"Encouraged after the successful promotion the next government of Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010), who had mining He notes the presence at trade fairs around the world in asserting that social conflict had ended, which would allow mineral development, "said Fierro.
Colombia has
issued about 10,000 mining titles, 4,000 of whom are already in operation, without adequate control by the government, according to environmentalists. This irregularity is recognized by the authorities "to say that so far only 40 officers can check compliance of mining controls, which is insufficient, "he said.

The Ministry of Mines and Energy announced earlier this month a reform allowing increased control in mining, especially in the informal and illegal taking place in different regions, driven by extreme poverty and lack of incentives for agriculture.

is a very dangerous activity. The Colombian Chamber of Mines reported in 2010 death of 134 miners, while 27 have died so far this year in two explosions in coal mines.

"The best thing would be to promote a referendum to allow a new mining code, with policies favorable to the country, conservation of natural and human wealth. Profound changes that are needed will not legislative or government initiative," Fierro concluded.

The scenario for the referendum would boost the Colombian Network Against the Large Scale Crime, which came in February 2010 bringing together more than 50 social organizations in Colombia.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Many Valence Electrons Are In Clf2−

permanent roadblocks demanding the release of detainees Arauca recently

indefinite stoppage in Arauca

At 6 AM Thursday February 3, 2011 large numbers of people have different points road cut in the department of Arauca to demand the release of the seven people arrested on 25 January in Saravena. Among those accused of rebellion and conspiracy is the president of the Association of Indigenous Councils and Traditional Authorities of the Department of Arauca (Ascatidar), Ismael Uncasía Uncasía, Indian chief of the department. Each concentration consists of some 500 people both indigenous and non indigenous department closed indefinitely in the following way: the north west exit of Saravena (Via Saravena-Pamplona) and Betoyes (Via Tame, Arauca, Tame) .

With these facts, the social organizations in Arauca state the Civic Strike for Dignity and Sovereignty of Peoples and the Social Movement Ancient People in preventing access by public transport, machinery and working staff of some oil facilities directly or indirectly affect indigenous U'wa and Arauca Sikuani . In the same way before cutting.

eight years ago in Arauca had no place for a mass mobilization of this magnitude with roads for a month because of the indigenous and peasant mobilization in June 2003 against the multinationals and paramilitary action in the region. Social Organizations of Arauca state that the agreements that allowed the lifting of the barricades in 2003 have not been met.

In this case, the demands are the immediate release of President Ascatidar, Ismael Uncasía, and other people detained on 25 January. They also require judicialice not be criminalized or freedom of association, expression and mobilization, the formation of a Commission for verification and continuous monitoring on the situation of indigenous and peasant communities in conflict zones and oil exploration, to investigate the use Indians in war policies in the conflict in the country, and to respect their autonomy, laws and special privileges as an indigenous nation.

On the other hand, the call from the day stoppage requires assure pa ra people who take the spokesperson on behalf of indigenous communities and social movements.

To Ascatidar, the goal is to release them to fellow prisoners and that "her crime was to defend and speak in defense of indigenous peoples in the department of Arauca." Thus, they appeal to the entire population at the departmental level, nationally and internationally to know the reality and the problems experienced as indigenous men from Arauca.

Press Contact: 310 392 4350

sinfronteras @

More information and updates:

indefinite stoppage in Arauca: http://www. / index.php? Option = com_content & task = view & id = 682 & Itemid = 1

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Things With The Word Baby


forest reserves may be subject to mining: Minambiente

Uribe, Minister of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development.
With Circular 18001 of 2011 the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development reiterated the ban on mining in forest reserve areas.
The document defines the scope of Decree 2715 of 2010 in which the administrative procedure related to the issuance of requests for legalization of traditional mining and minidrag, and thus ensures the recovery and survival of forests.

The statement issued by the ministry of national order is directed to governors, mayors, Autonomous Regional Corporations and sustainable development Ingeominas and urban environmental authorities.
In this regard, the document states that "there will be no legalization when applied to legalize areas are within the mining areas excludable under the provisions of Article 3 of Act 1382 of 2010." Meanwhile
provides the power of mayors to close the farms and report to the competent environmental authority in the jurisdiction.

"However, if the overlap is partial, the circular concludes, the applicant can proceed with the application for legalization, if this new coordinates and plans to exclude the overlap with the area forest reserve, "said the ministry.

The national government's determination to give peace a part of different actors in the regional order has been opposed to the interests of companies engaged in the activity for future extraction of minerals such as gold, zinc and copper of the Cordillera Central, and which is the most representative case Colosa.

And while representatives of the firm that planned to move the process forward, the multinational AngloGold Ashanti, had told La Crónica del Quindío that work for this operation did not involve land department and all focused on the Tolima, concern maintained by the fact which were estimated about 60 licenses that are managed to advance work in the mountain area of \u200b\u200bQuindio, including companies such as Cerro Matoso.

regard, the Secretary for Economic Development and Competitiveness of the department, Julio César Cortés Pulido, expressed satisfaction on the performance management from the national government to prevent the development of a mining operation which could have affected biodiversity, landscape and the provision of water resources of the local authority.

"Governor Julio César López Espinosa has been very clear, we received your message in defense of the environmental conditions of Quindío. Mayors have been strong and the provincial government has been a real spokesman for the localities. In this sense we had the opportunity to socialize the issue with the Minister of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, Beatriz Uribe, the meeting of the Sixth Committee of the Senate in Armenia, which opened an exclusive themed table where he was shown the conditions under which coffee may be the territory in the case where these examinations and licenses are given ".

The governor also discussed the situation in other settings, and the Agreement for Prosperity held in Beijing last December, with the provision of a working group focused on the subject, and in the last three versions of the National Council of Secretaries of Agriculture, Cons, in which the local authority led the discussion with the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Juan Camilo Londoño.

"We hear these words is satisfying because we know we are in a department of environmental conditions extremely important and we want to support environmental processes. This is reflected in events such as the first department of Colombia that pays an incentive to preserve and whose first contributions were made to 35 families who remain in Salento 136 hectares with a total of approximately $ 122 million. "

The portfolio holder said already acquired land for conservation and said that soon will be signed agreement with the University of Quindío to take charge of environmental management of these.
"I think there is a big job and it is gratifying to know that the portfolio has committed to us. But the announcement also gives coherence to the implementation of the regulations, which was questioned by prohibiting the granting of land under a central forest reserve land reform process but opened the possibility of mining permit, "he said.

By: Andrés Felipe Mejía Álvarez

Existentialism Vs Progressivism

They call for march to protest mining in

on the purpose of defending Bucaramanga water and to the environmental damage that would generate the Angostura project in the region, the protest will be held on Friday 25 February.
Fenalco Executive Director Erwin Rodriguez Santander Salah addressed the controversy over large-scale mining in the mountains, and supports the call that environmentalists in the region are on the go 'Defend Bucaramanga water', scheduled for Friday 25 February, departing at 4 pm Water Park, down the Avenida Quebrada Seca to race 27, to take the Street 36 and end at the Civic Plaza Luis Carlos Galán.

According to Rodriguez, the Angostura project includes the daily use of 40 tons of sodium cyanide and 230 tons per day of amphotericin, with dynamite to be 1,075 million tons of soil in the first phase.

Santurbán The Desert of the water needed to produce 2.2 million people located in the municipalities of the metropolitan areas of Bucaramanga, Cúcuta and 20 municipalities.