Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Things With The Word Baby


forest reserves may be subject to mining: Minambiente

Uribe, Minister of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development.
With Circular 18001 of 2011 the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development reiterated the ban on mining in forest reserve areas.
The document defines the scope of Decree 2715 of 2010 in which the administrative procedure related to the issuance of requests for legalization of traditional mining and minidrag, and thus ensures the recovery and survival of forests.

The statement issued by the ministry of national order is directed to governors, mayors, Autonomous Regional Corporations and sustainable development Ingeominas and urban environmental authorities.
In this regard, the document states that "there will be no legalization when applied to legalize areas are within the mining areas excludable under the provisions of Article 3 of Act 1382 of 2010." Meanwhile
provides the power of mayors to close the farms and report to the competent environmental authority in the jurisdiction.

"However, if the overlap is partial, the circular concludes, the applicant can proceed with the application for legalization, if this new coordinates and plans to exclude the overlap with the area forest reserve, "said the ministry.

The national government's determination to give peace a part of different actors in the regional order has been opposed to the interests of companies engaged in the activity for future extraction of minerals such as gold, zinc and copper of the Cordillera Central, and which is the most representative case Colosa.

And while representatives of the firm that planned to move the process forward, the multinational AngloGold Ashanti, had told La Crónica del Quindío that work for this operation did not involve land department and all focused on the Tolima, concern maintained by the fact which were estimated about 60 licenses that are managed to advance work in the mountain area of \u200b\u200bQuindio, including companies such as Cerro Matoso.

regard, the Secretary for Economic Development and Competitiveness of the department, Julio César Cortés Pulido, expressed satisfaction on the performance management from the national government to prevent the development of a mining operation which could have affected biodiversity, landscape and the provision of water resources of the local authority.

"Governor Julio César López Espinosa has been very clear, we received your message in defense of the environmental conditions of Quindío. Mayors have been strong and the provincial government has been a real spokesman for the localities. In this sense we had the opportunity to socialize the issue with the Minister of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, Beatriz Uribe, the meeting of the Sixth Committee of the Senate in Armenia, which opened an exclusive themed table where he was shown the conditions under which coffee may be the territory in the case where these examinations and licenses are given ".

The governor also discussed the situation in other settings, and the Agreement for Prosperity held in Beijing last December, with the provision of a working group focused on the subject, and in the last three versions of the National Council of Secretaries of Agriculture, Cons, in which the local authority led the discussion with the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Juan Camilo Londoño.

"We hear these words is satisfying because we know we are in a department of environmental conditions extremely important and we want to support environmental processes. This is reflected in events such as the first department of Colombia that pays an incentive to preserve and whose first contributions were made to 35 families who remain in Salento 136 hectares with a total of approximately $ 122 million. "

The portfolio holder said already acquired land for conservation and said that soon will be signed agreement with the University of Quindío to take charge of environmental management of these.
"I think there is a big job and it is gratifying to know that the portfolio has committed to us. But the announcement also gives coherence to the implementation of the regulations, which was questioned by prohibiting the granting of land under a central forest reserve land reform process but opened the possibility of mining permit, "he said.

By: Andrés Felipe Mejía Álvarez


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