Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Many Valence Electrons Are In Clf2−

permanent roadblocks demanding the release of detainees Arauca recently

indefinite stoppage in Arauca

At 6 AM Thursday February 3, 2011 large numbers of people have different points road cut in the department of Arauca to demand the release of the seven people arrested on 25 January in Saravena. Among those accused of rebellion and conspiracy is the president of the Association of Indigenous Councils and Traditional Authorities of the Department of Arauca (Ascatidar), Ismael Uncasía Uncasía, Indian chief of the department. Each concentration consists of some 500 people both indigenous and non indigenous department closed indefinitely in the following way: the north west exit of Saravena (Via Saravena-Pamplona) and Betoyes (Via Tame, Arauca, Tame) .

With these facts, the social organizations in Arauca state the Civic Strike for Dignity and Sovereignty of Peoples and the Social Movement Ancient People in preventing access by public transport, machinery and working staff of some oil facilities directly or indirectly affect indigenous U'wa and Arauca Sikuani . In the same way before cutting.

eight years ago in Arauca had no place for a mass mobilization of this magnitude with roads for a month because of the indigenous and peasant mobilization in June 2003 against the multinationals and paramilitary action in the region. Social Organizations of Arauca state that the agreements that allowed the lifting of the barricades in 2003 have not been met.

In this case, the demands are the immediate release of President Ascatidar, Ismael Uncasía, and other people detained on 25 January. They also require judicialice not be criminalized or freedom of association, expression and mobilization, the formation of a Commission for verification and continuous monitoring on the situation of indigenous and peasant communities in conflict zones and oil exploration, to investigate the use Indians in war policies in the conflict in the country, and to respect their autonomy, laws and special privileges as an indigenous nation.

On the other hand, the call from the day stoppage requires assure pa ra people who take the spokesperson on behalf of indigenous communities and social movements.

To Ascatidar, the goal is to release them to fellow prisoners and that "her crime was to defend and speak in defense of indigenous peoples in the department of Arauca." Thus, they appeal to the entire population at the departmental level, nationally and internationally to know the reality and the problems experienced as indigenous men from Arauca.

Press Contact: 310 392 4350

sinfronteras @

More information and updates:

indefinite stoppage in Arauca: http://www. / index.php? Option = com_content & task = view & id = 682 & Itemid = 1


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