Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Am I Suppose To Use Gpsphone


Today I received a power point for those who usually send chain and normally do not pay attention, but this was about Pablo Neruda, a great poet, a great thinker and an intelligent man ... and tell you you're your own destiny, your future and this will be your best and what I liked: THE LUCK is the excuse for the failures ... so lucky, Put on your part! Besotesssssss

Monday, January 24, 2011

Full Head Highlight Vs Half Head Highlight

Oriental sensuality

This world fascinates me, I guess because for me it is a place where I feel that their rituals are able to wake up with all the art of sensuality, so much geisha costumes, gestures, makeup, skills and behaviors are seducing me and much, I leave here just a drawing that for me fails to reflect what I like.
will study a little more on them to see if I can learn some of their ancient techniques of seduction ...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Melina Velba In A Thong


Cecilia Zarate-Laun *

Friday January 21, 2011 , by dhcolombia
the 7th of August in his inaugural address as President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos Calderon said: "We are one nation with the highest biological diversity of the world, and more water wealth, and are called to preserve it for good of ourselves and humanity." ...." We will create the National Water Agency to ensure greater protection of water and our natural resources. " Elsewhere in his speech the President Santos emphasized the need to create jobs to reduce the highest rate of unemployment in Latin America in addition to emphasizing the "locomotives" that his government moved to Colombia forward. These "engines" are field development, infrastructure, housing, mining and innovation in technology.
According to the speech by President Santos, its challenges include the protection of bio-diversity, taking care to ensure safe drinking water, and the creation of jobs for millions of unemployed, simultaneously with monitoring of mining operations such as planned in paramo of Santurban.
Located in the eastern cordillera of the Andes is a series of mountains called Santurban knot. They stopped territory, terms, or pre-Roman language desolado.Y means are desolate lands because they are in the barrier of 3.000 to 5.000 meters high which is characteristic vegetation of shrubs and herbs. Her desolation is apparent, because both their bushes and their herbs are in constant action, retaining water vapor and eternal mists into liquid water. The secret is in the nature of the volcanic ash soil containing organic material and aluminum. The accumulated organic material, combined with low temperatures, dormant microbial activity and acumula.Al combined with aluminum particles are resistant to decomposition and thus help to retain water for long periods which will slowly and steadily releasing . They do not produce water because this comes from rain, ice and snow nieblay heights beyond 5,000 meters, but it collects the water and regulate. So the Andean highlands are considered "factory" natural water. Also by the very nature of its soil, stop the atmosphere store carbon to help control global warming. The Andes Mountains are stars basins in South America. These mountains may well provide the answer to global warming and water shortages.
In the specific case of Santurban, the ecosystem supports a high biodiversity in addition to its water supply from rivers, and lakes. Santurban has 85 lakes, gives rise to a number of rivers and streams that sustain the agricultural economy and low density areas, in addition to supplying water to the 2'200 .000 people living in the cities of Bucaramanga and Cucuta and 20 surrounding municipalities.
. It offers 457 species of plants are the frailejon Espeletia Conglomerate, ferns, orchids, mosses, lichens and oak Quercus humboldtii. Colombia is the country in the world with the highest number of bird species and of these 201 are endemic to Santurban. Many amphibians like frogs and lizards and mammals live there, as the Andean bear "Tremarcus ornatus" extincion.Tiene also threatened with a large area of \u200b\u200bwetlands called peatlands ", which act like sponges to a greater or lesser amount of water according to the time of year. According
reported El Pais in Madrid on December 5, 2010 on an analysis of the website Wikileaks, "the South American continent, Washington's priorities are clear:" mines. " It seems that also for Canada, since its multinational Greystar request permission to mine gold in the area of \u200b\u200bSanturban. Specifically in the area near the gorge of Angostura, which takes its name. In the municipalities of veins and California, the English Crown gold bag from 1500, mines of adits (tunnels) and the traditional way, ie, in small quantities and steadily since then
But the technology is very different from that era to the technology you want to use Greystar.Esta company plans to intervene 1.104.19 acres, build two stacks and a heap leaching at a height of 2.600 to 4.100 meters. The process uses heavy machinery to destroy the topsoil to expose the soil, then use explosives to loosen the soil. The hole that opens will have a depth of 200 meters. 1075 million will be removed tons of rock, of which 775 million will go to the dump tons and 300 million will leach piles. Were used 25 kg of explosives per ton of rock removed per hour, for a total of 7.000 tons per month. There will be two piles of leaching a ravine near the Narrows and another near the creek Paez. The concentration of sodium cyanide used would be 500 mg / liter of water.The volume of sodium cyanide in stack will be from 4500 to 5000 cubic meters per hour. The cycle is 60 days and the leaching time 10 años.Se estimated that the amount of water used by the mine will be of 250,000 liters per hour. Greystar plans to extract 11.5 million ounces of gold and 61 million ounces of silver in 15 años.Cuando go, let the hole and the desert to remember them.
The mine generates many questions, that will happen to the 85 gaps? What will happen to the basins of the rivers Zulia and Lebrija that are in the mining area? What will happen to the rivers Surata, Tona and Cold aqueduct supplying the Bucaramanga? Near the city is building a dam to supply the aqueduct that serves a million people. Since the project would affect the Angostura generation of water in the paramo, then to the dam is built? cyanide heap accumulated in the degraded and airs therefore has a risk of long-term pollution and acid rain originating in this region producing water excellence ..
What will happen to biodiversity and species extinction via living there? What will happen to the millions of tons of cyanide-impregnated earth will leave the multinational? What will happen with the remaining sterile soil?
More questions: what will happen to the groundwater? By using so much water in the mine currents weaken and diminish their potential while removing soil water sensors. The cyanide-water basins can be broken, their Containment levels beyond what is provided by action of excess rain or an earthquake, high-frequency in the Cordillera Oriental, could cause the presence of cyanide in the rivers originating high in the paramo and supplying the public water and cities in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe cyanide transport, especially the areas located at the top of the mountain is dangerous because the nature of the vertical field, the uncertainty of weather conditions and road construction as primitive.
Before leaving the presidency, Alvaro Uribe signed leave mining concessions in most of the stop in Colombia. The portal The Empty Chair ( ... ) reports that at the end of its mandate surface acres in the country with mining title, went from 1.13 to 8.53 million of which 6.3% are in the moors. The most unfortunate that this happened when he had made an amendment to the Mining Code prohibiting the exploitation in stop, but he took eight months to sign the law in those 8 months the number of mining increased dramatically.
Colombia's Constitution of 1991 mandates the protection of ecologically important areas and natural resources. In fact, Law 1382 of 2010 expressly prohibited in Article 34 of the Mining Code in mining stopped. Colombia
leaders will do anything except solve the structural problems of injustice. If you develop the economy brings with it the destruction of the vast bio-diversity of the country, then so be it. There is no eagerness to seek any form of development that do not include mining. Deliver to stop predatory multinational companies, which are only interested in extracting mineral wealth, knowing that the mining will always produce consequences in a country like Colombia, is as suicidal as if Saudi Arabia decides to burn its oil fields.
In relation to the creation of employment, experience in other mining operations in Colombia shows us that the permanent jobs created are relatively few. According to George Pierce, a mechanical Caion United States for several years working in the Drummond coal mine in Colombia, once the infrastructure of the mine is built, much of the permanent works are brought skilled workers from abroad.
A new element appears in this case the Greystar in the California town where the mine is building its huge gaps, as in accordance with the constitution, the local population should be consulted before beginning the exploitation and only with your permission can begin works, Greystar has convinced the local population that their presence will bring benefits and give them scholarships to the children, take field trips, build greenhouses to play endemic plants for reforestation and job creation, which is real to build their buildings and the hole but the supply decreases locally because the offer will be made later for technicians from outside. The local population is excited and approves the advent of mining. Quite different from what mine did companion Nias in the South of Bolivar, where paramilitaries used to displace the local population. Worthy of mention is the participation of the World Bank, which so often seem to defend the environment, Greystar has investments through its International Finance Corporation. See / ifcext / spiwebsit ...
Colombia's government should suspend the granting of mining rights in the producing areas of responsibility agua.Su is not only to Colombia but with the planet. Santurban must be declared national park and the local small and informal mining areas should regularse.En lower rather than mining, such as eco-tourism could offer an excellent alternative. It is time that the government of Colombia put aside his insanity of exploiting Colombia's natural resources to serve the highest bidder and start thinking about the benefit of the people of Colombia who deserve a future of respect and prosperity for all and not to serve the greed of foreign investors. Santos
must take seriously his offer to defend bio-diversity of the country so large and its wealth of water resources, mining forgetting and doing more creative proposals consistent with respect for the environment, such as incentives to return to the field and production food. If you have the courage to do it would be marked in the history of Colombia as a great leader.
ALSO TAKE ACTION: Please write to the individuals listed below . Tell them you want to be suspended and the Angostura project because it threatens the drinking water of millions of people and threatens the biodiversity of the Paramo de Santurban .. Tell members of the Colombian government should not be mining in the mountains of Colombia.Recuerdeles your responsibility is not only to Colombia but to the entire planet.
President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos:
Minister of Mines Carlos Noriega Shot:
Environment Minister Beatriz Uribe Botero:
Governor Horacio Serpa Uribe Santander:
California Mayor Medardo Garcia Estevez:
LEADERS Write to Greystar and tell them you are very concerned about the risks to the environment Angostura.Digales your project environment is open to mining in the mountains of Colombia and believes that his project should be suspended
Angostura Steve Kesler President CEO and Director Greystar Resources Ltd
333 Seymour St Suite 1430
Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 5A6 Victoria Vargas
Angostura Project in Colombia:
ESCRIBALE DIRECTOR OF THE WORLD BANK ENVIRONMENT and tell them you are concerned about the serious environmental damage caused by Greystar's Angostura project in Colombia. The World Bank through its International Finance Corporation has provided millions of dollars to finance the Angostura Project. Ask them why they approved this fund when environmental risks are so great.
Mr, James W. Evans: Dear Mr.Evans CSN wants to lead a delegation investigating Santurban. If you are interested to contactenso
Please be generous - Support our work! Click "Make a donation" from our home page:
Find us on Facebook:
Colombia Support Network
P.O. Box 1505
Madison, WI 53701-1505
Phone: (608) 257-8753
Fax: (608) 255-6621


*Directora de Programa Colombia Support Network en Madison, Wiconsin USA

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wholesale Ballet Slippers

'We do not know live in Colombia': Brigitte Baptiste

New Director of the Institute Humboldt speaks of need to begin to reorganize the territory.

When Luis Guillermo Baptiste Brigitte talks about environment, transgender status does not matter, forget it. At last, after all, is their right.
But what does generate controversy is with his views on the direction to be taken Colombia as one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. Baptiste future that will be featured during the next four years as director of the Instituto Alexander von Humboldt.

biologist, teacher, master's degree in Latin American studies at the University of Florida, specializing in landscape ecology and the analysis of processes of transformation of the territory, and who is about to complete a doctorate in environmental sciences from the University of Barcelona will have to ensure, in these times of extreme weather events, for knowledge and the preservation of our biological resources.

is not very optimistic about the health of the planet, but say they have enough 'fuel' to drive a shift to divert us from the abyss.

What do
which is the main environmental challenge facing the country? society understands that biodiversity is the foundation of wellbeing. It is time that the agricultural, mining and infrastructure know that our biodiversity is not an ornament, but a tool for long-term functionality.

Are we far from our development going in the way of what is sustainable?
Right. Move in the opposite. We complain that we are flooded when it rains, we burn when the sun shines, and all that we call 'disaster'. But is that the world is like, these phenomena are inherent to the planet. We must adapt, but there always We are thinking of changing the physical conditions of the country so that they suit our interests, an Anglo-Saxon model we want to imitate.

Do we have missed turning to look at the Indians?
not think we should copy exactly the indigenous culture, but it would be good to emulate its approach. We must have an adaptive culture, flexible, go hand in hand with nature and not try to impose it.

A change of culture?
Yes I realize that is not always good to try to control our world with concrete curb river, build a canal or a dam, it would be easier not splinter the river, build away from him, but that means different economic models, to change behaviors. If you play a country rebuild its road network from time to time, it is because something is going wrong. In short, we must recognize new ways of living in Colombia is that we live in the country.

Does Development Plan to be adopted at the Congress is focused on achieving at least a part of that development? Initially
not reflect the environmental interest, because not even a chapter to the subject, but that is being corrected for the component 'green' touch to all sectors. The Importantly, the Plan recognizes the limitations and open spaces of innovation.

Do you trust an environmental revolution?
An environmental revolution is not feasible in the midst of this model, because today, for the average citizen, environmental served but not uncomfortable, if not reduce consumption patterns or change the standard of living. This conflict can not resolve it soon and for good. We will need many disasters to learn and change.

"Mining is an obstacle or an opportunity?
sustainable mining there. So it is important to be clear what the price we are willing to pay to acquire these mineral resources, and enjoy your winnings. I would sacrifice the environmental quality of certain points, if there is a real compensation, if well managed projects. What happens is that the country of biodiversity sounds very difficult to get to negotiate environmental quality, in exchange for profits often takes corruption.

Does the lack of budget for the environment and its institutions creates threats?
Yes, because the mining sector, for example, we are able to balance. They have money to buy all the information in a particular area and we do not, then we to argue without much argument. Even have to ask them to fund research, and they can not be judge and jury. The Humboldt Institute has an annual budget of 8,000 million pesos, but it should be 80,000 million for operating ideally.
What is the main lesson that the country should learn from this rainy season?
Seeing the destruction, but also helps the telethons for the victims, the same thing every year, I confirmed that in Colombia built a 'maladaptive', a skill, a culture of disaster feedback. People who make patronage with the tragedy, this because it suits them rebuild their clientele. Those who suffer the tragedy, it will because the State should pay attention, and if so I pay attention I take another tragedy, then I welcome (the professional victim.) In short, this evil accommodation between victims, State and disaster, which seems to work, is actually a cancer that is leading us to collapse. An event that cost us points of GDP shows that the disaster that culture must end.

Do CAR do have full responsibility attributed to them? No. Corporations are a recent creation. The water is doing is not an arm of the state, but the model State.

Did anyone have the responsibility and go unnoticed?
ministries that handled the work in the last twenty years. Universities that did not prevent the students reproduce a model of development that left fifty years of accumulated environmental impacts.

environmental centralism Is there a lot?
I think so. Research institutes and universities have to put, literally, down to earth. They are modeling in the abstract, doing a virtual ecology, lost the connection to the world. As the weather stations is Ideam in many regions, the Humboldt Institute should have stations biodiversity.

Another issue: fishing, which is adrift. Do not you think that lack of standards to protect it?
Fishing is in a sorry state. The country is going backwards, has destroyed the institutions that investigate and control these resources and their management and management gave the private sector, which is profit. Urgently required a new charter, to be built between agriculture and the environment.

What about the development of the Orinoco?
This region is the most disadvantaged have terms preservation of biodiversity. I think we need to understand and place there some protected areas such as wetlands of Casanare.

Are there other areas that should take priority?
Mompos Depression and inland aquatic ecosystems of the Magdalena basin of San Jorge and Cauca.

How do you imagine the world in thirty years? We
great environmental crisis. What happened to Colombia, we will see a global scale. Last year was the wettest in history and the second warmest, then these peaks could be repeated more frequently until the global economy collapses.

Any strategy to avoid these effects?
Building sustainable cities. Bogotá is difficult to make a turn that way, but some others such as Armenia or Bucaramanga, ie those with less than two million people, still have time. These cities should become centers for refuge from urban chaos.

Singuila Ngaroest Birthday

Traders oppose mining

Fenalco-Santander asked the Ministry of Environment not to grant the environmental license to the Canadian multinational Greystar.
Santurbán In the wilderness of rivers that feed aqueducts are born throughout the region of Santander.

Bucaramanga dealers closed ranks to oppose the mining project of the Canadian company Greystar Santurbán the moor. Along with environmental organizations, academic and social Santander Fenalco leads a citizens' movement is not willing to sacrifice to the headwaters of rivers that feed the aqueducts in the region. Erwin
Rodríguez-Salah, CEO of Fenalco Santander, said that as an association have a historical commitment and can not "remain indifferent to a momentous decision."
The figures speak for themselves, according to Rodriguez: for mining in the area includes the daily use of 40 tons of cyanide, 230 tons of ANFO, plus it is going to blow up 1,075 tons of soil in first phase. This, if successful calculations expert, will require daily water consumption equivalent to receiving a city of 600,000 inhabitants.
"There was unanimity in making this decision," says Rodriguez. As for the plan to be drawn to oppose mining in the wilderness intervention and subpáramo, the representative of dealers that decided to ask the Ministry of Environment to conduct another public hearing, but not in the mountain towns such as California and veins, but directly in Bucaramanga, where people actually live that would be affected.
"We also request that the project is licensed Angostura the Greystar "he told Rodriguez to clarify that" we support the locomotives of the administration of President Santos as milestones of progress, growth and more than this, the economic development of our country, to the extent that these run on the 'rail 'sustainable development. "
are not alone on the pulse with the Canadian company. "There are different forces," the official said, listing some of them: "They are the Committee for the Defence of Santurbán Paramo, Society of Public Improvements in Bucaramanga, Santander Society of Engineers, environmental organizations and the Corporation Commitment, Ecological Society of Santander Central to Union Bucaramanga Metropolitan Aqueduct. "
The alternative press and especially the university is accompanying the organizations in this initiative and has played an important role. "15 publications as Journal of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga have devoted considerable space in their editions," he says. Social networking sites like Facebook are now more than 10 groups that invite Santurbán protect the moor.
For now everyone is still waiting for the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development set the date of the new public hearing Bucaramanga and progress in the study of the environmental license.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Do I See Text Logs For Sprint

Santurbán buy Swiss miner Xstrata's assets in Colombia

Bogotá. Offering of U.S. $ 8,000 million, the miner Xstrata could become the owner of Drummond in Colombia, that after passing the proposals of Australia's Rio Tinto and Brazil's Vale.

According to newspaper The Australian and The Sunday Times, coal producer in the country would have accepted the offer of the Swiss firm, among other reasons, being the only one who offered to acquire resources own.

Bank of America-Merrill Lynch, conducting the auction, extended the deadline to allow other competitors to enter a bid, however, only Xstrata was in the lead, leaving the way open for purchase to Drummond, which now day is 42% in coal production term in Colombia.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Los Hombres De Paco 666 Episode 1


today finally I felt that my new apartment is my home, the next pulse fact that I had after recognizing a certainty that my body is transmitted, has been coming here and sharing.

It's funny how one sometimes recognizes sensations that have no logical explanation, but that you know are certainties. And indeed they are, I speak from experience, My mother says I'm a bit bruja.Lo truth is that I am Scorpio and although I do not believe in astrology too, because after all time is an invention man, I think it affects some modo.Las stations exist and are a natural outgrowth of mother earth, which, unfortunately, we are destroying ... at least in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe city where I live and suffer and grow and dance and enjoy and visit and share ............................................. ............................ mid-February, I'm going with two friends a canary in the sun, unwind and have fun ... diosssss going to be great, I have wanted, I have wanted and I can also see my new tattoo! I love watching it, is like watching a jewel in my instep derecho.Tenía scared me the tattoo and then get tired and bored of seeing the same picture and regret why it took four years to let me and I solecito !!!!!!!! happy, sunny day ... kisses from the chaise longue sofa micasa, by taking a coffee nespresso and that feeling is a certainty

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tesco Breadmaker Recipies

Both Drummond tree obscures the forest is rich

A quarter of the world's population survives on forest resources, including thousands of Colombians. What do to keep them at the same time economic benefit? Four Colombian experts met to "throw power" on the subject.

By: Lisbeth Fog

Close your eyes for a moment and think of a forest. Look carefully at the trees, and each stop on their leaves, bark, animals up and down the trunk or jumping on branches. Even remember the colors, smells, textures. You've been in the middle of a forest.

Now talel. I needed fuel, plant potatoes or build a bed. But there is no forest. It's over. Finito. What do you see in this area? Even if thought of a mangrove forest, what happened? What about now? Or rather, what is not?

The United Nations has declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests, to promote conservation and proper management of these ecosystems contain 80% of global biodiversity, are home to 300 million people , and a quarter of the world's population depends for their livelihoods. It is also known that every year 13 million hectares deforested in Globally, more or less equivalent to the area they occupy in Colombia's national parks.

Why disappear? Over-exploitation and illegal logging, to grow or get livestock to collect wood or to build settlements, roads, bridges, dams, for improper management of land, mining and exploitation of oil, forest fires and air pollution.

And now that the world is concerned about climate change, the role of forests to absorb carbon dioxide, CO2 is more important. The process of deforestation due to 20% of global CO2 emissions. From four different banks, the viewer starts the year raising the discussion on forests.

From international cooperation

Since more than a couple of years, speaks strongly of a plan for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries has been called REDD. This is an effort to create economic value of carbon stored in forests and provide incentives countries that host them. REDD + goes further: it includes the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable forest management.

Three organizations of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Environment (UNEP) and FAO, with support from Norway, Denmark and Spain, countries that have donated nearly $ 100 million, have formed an international alliance to promote the initiative.

A Colombian Santiago Carrizosa, UNDP regional technical advisor for this program, explained: "The aim of these pilot programs over the next three years is to advance efforts to build national and local capacity in the near future, countries can benefit from the economic incentive provided by REDD + ".

Colombia, like other 16 nations participating as partner country, which means you have access to all progress and studies conducted, as well as work programs where countries REDD pilot store information regarding criteria, methodologies and developments.

"REDD + is an economic incentive to change behavior. It will probably be fixed through international market, according to market rules, and according to predictions, may vary between $ 3 and $ 10 per ton of carbon per hectare, "said the Colombian.

To Carrizosa, Colombia will find great opportunities to conserve their forests if this scheme materializes.

From the environmental history of the country

environmental economist Alberto Galán, current executive director, Natural Heritage Fund for Biodiversity and Protected Areas, it is concerned that the new look of these programs are unaware of the history of environmental policy-making and management of collective territories in the country. "Much of the discussion lately has been on forests in Colombia and the world is related to the forest economy. There will have to discuss who valued, how it does, who pays to maintain the forests or the opportunity to not use them, who benefits, who owns and what institutions exist. "

To Galán, in Colombia we have made significant progress in several aspects compared to other Latin American countries. The areas of collective territories, for example, are an essential reference when speaking of forests in the world. But concerned that the ecological values \u200b\u200bare not being packaged in a solid economic outlook: "I think from the side of the environmental sector are lagging behind in economic approaches to more elaborate and clear about it."

These decisions, continues Galán, should be included in other policies, such as peace or border. "Welcome cooperation. But it is necessary to understand what interaction we have with those who say that tendencies are going to give due assessment forests or to the corresponding monitoring. That we have to take a strong negotiating position. "

He says it is concerned that the country took action against the 47 million hectares of forest containing 60 to destine them to collective property, blacks and national parks, but did not approach comprehensive economic.

From the field of Alexander Von Humboldt Institute, its director, Brigitte Baptiste, emphasizes that policy forests and biodiversity policy must be in perfect harmony: "It is not possible without the other."

"What we would like to see us is the connection between biodiversity and forests. We've had policies that they think things separately, "says Baptiste.

The outcome of the Cancun meeting on climate change last December, admitted that forest management should be in social-ecological contexts with explicit considerations of biodiversity, and it is there "where Colombia would an additional opportunity to access many international resources, "he continues.

forests, or lack of them, have taken their toll in recent months because they are the ones that contain the erosion and allow the hydro-regulation. Perhaps no deforestation the country had not been flooded, and rivers had overflowed, and the dams filled by excess sedimentation. "There are many services that are exclusively provided by forests."

alerts on the Amazon, "as a symbol and as an expression of cultural and biological diversity, we were not allowed to see other types of forests and other forest management are probably more critical, as the Andean forests, which are on slopes, Caribbean dry forests, gallery forests of the Eastern Plains and mangrove ecosystems have their own characteristics and their potential. "

"Definitely if policies are not connected with forest land, water, mining and infrastructure, will continue into the trap of not being able to influence the actions needed in the long term to reduce For example, the impacts of the floods, "said Juan Camilo Cardenas, professor Faculty of Economics and Researcher, Centre for Development Studies (CEDE) at the Universidad de los Andes.

The best example happens Cispatá Bay in the department of Cordoba. "The Autonomous Corporation of Valle del Sinu, a environmental authority interfere in forest monitoring. Is the one that receives and approves applications for cutting bellied mangrove forest. While monitoring is done by fishermen illegally activity in the arts and the fishing. The Corporation seize the nets to the fishermen, "says Cardenas and continues:" The INPA, Incoder happened subsequent to, and interfere in the issue of fishing, upset and demand to the Corporation, "usurpation of functions." The lawsuit is still ongoing for a legal interpretation: if the fishery is 'natural resource', is a function of the Corporation, if it is "fishery resource", the jurisdiction belongs to the Incoder. " He concludes: "It is absurd: it is an ecosystem where you can not separate the mangrove forest fish, or communities who live and work exploitation of mangroves and fisheries."

Cárdenas emphasized that it is fundamental understanding of local regulations that affect property rights of these forests. "If we add the 12 million hectares of parks, five million black communities in collective titles and 30 million indigenous reserves, we're talking more than 40% of this country with a level playing property rights that are different from the private property and that most public policies are used to do. "

In his research, Cardenas combines experimental economic techniques through workshops and economic games with the different local communities. "It necessary to work the theme of forests from local communities logical, "he says. Based on studies by Elinor Ostrom, Nobel Prize in Economics in 2009 and who was your teacher, and those of his research group, Cárdenas believes that conservation will have better results if communities participate in building rules management and monitoring of compliance, whether or not their owners. "

Cárdenas raises an interesting hypothesis: "I believe that in Colombia there is no culture of self-regulation and monitoring by local communities themselves, it is believed this is the responsibility of the State and those who engage in this activity are seen as toads. "

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Does Milk Processing Plant

Canadian Mining gold deposit in

Medoro Resources Canada's reported Friday the discovery of a reservoir with an estimated 6.6 million ounces of gold in the northwest.
The report was based on studies made by geologists SRK signature certificates in South Africa explored 127,500 meters of the mine in rural Marmato, a town 195 kilometers northwest of Bogota, in the department Caldas.
The study said that in mining terms is a possible additional 3.2 million ounces of gold. It also indicates that there are 37 million ounces of silver proven and 22 million for the same metal in possible reserves, according to reports SRK.
"It's a major mine in Colombia and relatively in the region, the continent, so to speak.'s Obviously not the greatest," he told The Associated Press Medoro corporate manager, Juan Carlos Santos.
explained that the operating projections are "very good and a very interesting future for Marmato by the results of exploration plans have been made over the years."
On the site is projected to open pit mining. Canadian miner does not yet have an environmental license to run it.
"Medoro wants to do things by all possible environmental controls and oversight committees and wants as far as possible to improve the environmental standards of responsible mining operation," said the executive.
Marmato is a town nestled in the mountains northwest of Colombia, which has among its main income royalties from mining on their territory.
mine estimated that start up operation would generate 2,000 jobs.
Colombia is the fifth largest gold producer in Latin America and competing for mining investment in Peru and Chile.
Gold is going through one of its best moments, its current price is $ 1,400 a troy ounce.