Monday, January 10, 2011

Los Hombres De Paco 666 Episode 1


today finally I felt that my new apartment is my home, the next pulse fact that I had after recognizing a certainty that my body is transmitted, has been coming here and sharing.

It's funny how one sometimes recognizes sensations that have no logical explanation, but that you know are certainties. And indeed they are, I speak from experience, My mother says I'm a bit bruja.Lo truth is that I am Scorpio and although I do not believe in astrology too, because after all time is an invention man, I think it affects some modo.Las stations exist and are a natural outgrowth of mother earth, which, unfortunately, we are destroying ... at least in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe city where I live and suffer and grow and dance and enjoy and visit and share ............................................. ............................ mid-February, I'm going with two friends a canary in the sun, unwind and have fun ... diosssss going to be great, I have wanted, I have wanted and I can also see my new tattoo! I love watching it, is like watching a jewel in my instep derecho.TenĂ­a scared me the tattoo and then get tired and bored of seeing the same picture and regret why it took four years to let me and I solecito !!!!!!!! happy, sunny day ... kisses from the chaise longue sofa micasa, by taking a coffee nespresso and that feeling is a certainty


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