Saturday, January 15, 2011

Singuila Ngaroest Birthday

Traders oppose mining

Fenalco-Santander asked the Ministry of Environment not to grant the environmental license to the Canadian multinational Greystar.
Santurbán In the wilderness of rivers that feed aqueducts are born throughout the region of Santander.

Bucaramanga dealers closed ranks to oppose the mining project of the Canadian company Greystar Santurbán the moor. Along with environmental organizations, academic and social Santander Fenalco leads a citizens' movement is not willing to sacrifice to the headwaters of rivers that feed the aqueducts in the region. Erwin
Rodríguez-Salah, CEO of Fenalco Santander, said that as an association have a historical commitment and can not "remain indifferent to a momentous decision."
The figures speak for themselves, according to Rodriguez: for mining in the area includes the daily use of 40 tons of cyanide, 230 tons of ANFO, plus it is going to blow up 1,075 tons of soil in first phase. This, if successful calculations expert, will require daily water consumption equivalent to receiving a city of 600,000 inhabitants.
"There was unanimity in making this decision," says Rodriguez. As for the plan to be drawn to oppose mining in the wilderness intervention and subpáramo, the representative of dealers that decided to ask the Ministry of Environment to conduct another public hearing, but not in the mountain towns such as California and veins, but directly in Bucaramanga, where people actually live that would be affected.
"We also request that the project is licensed Angostura the Greystar "he told Rodriguez to clarify that" we support the locomotives of the administration of President Santos as milestones of progress, growth and more than this, the economic development of our country, to the extent that these run on the 'rail 'sustainable development. "
are not alone on the pulse with the Canadian company. "There are different forces," the official said, listing some of them: "They are the Committee for the Defence of Santurbán Paramo, Society of Public Improvements in Bucaramanga, Santander Society of Engineers, environmental organizations and the Corporation Commitment, Ecological Society of Santander Central to Union Bucaramanga Metropolitan Aqueduct. "
The alternative press and especially the university is accompanying the organizations in this initiative and has played an important role. "15 publications as Journal of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga have devoted considerable space in their editions," he says. Social networking sites like Facebook are now more than 10 groups that invite Santurbán protect the moor.
For now everyone is still waiting for the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development set the date of the new public hearing Bucaramanga and progress in the study of the environmental license.


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