Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where Do I Find Cytis Maplestory

The Long Goodbye

Joaquín Pérez. Puente Genil March, 2007

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Does Platos Closet Sell Watches

Manuel Alexandre, a memory

His eyes had that heroic shadow of the times in which they shared the cafés, where Madrid lived in Hive Cela before the write. Had a name of actor and poet, but like many actors and poets began to study law before the war subsided smell him out of the classroom, the slowness of the board that flight gave little interpretation. Soon after, hunger and war, and friendship in the University Theatre with Fernando Fernan Gomez, who was to mark the rest of his life. A mother died, for months, with him, the Madrid of Gijón, actors and all those people from diffuse thinning and bad life, that whole horizon of nerve and doom that lit the night with a glass of wine to Claudio Rodríguez. Beardless boys were still at war and men in the Spain of desolation, which only met in cafes, was before he decided to send threshold in Gijón, when their kings were Perico Beltrán and Fernando Gomez, but also poets 50 and Cordoba Manuel Alvarez Ortega, who was translated into French symbolists when everything in Spain was a disaster symbolism too obvious meaning.

That was the Madrid Manuel Alexandre, who died three hundred films, television series and plays back in its exact secondary thin, full of nuances in the sentence, which was sometimes one, and only one loser with a humanity consumed in kind fringes without being warned artifice. Queen Victoria Theatre, Teatro Eslava, English. Welcome, Mister Marshall , Comedians, Death of a Cyclist , honeymoon, Main Street, The Evil Carabel , life ahead, Plácido , Killing at three , Don Quixote rides again , Vote Gundisalvo , Almería case, year the lights , The Living Forest or Sinatra are just a piece of their presence in several of the most significant titles in the last decades, film which has taken the good work of Alexandre artisan as cementing the structure acting in any movie, that security on the job.

Of the series, was at all, or almost: Curro Jiménez, Cervantes, Fortunata and Jacinta , Study 1, thieves will office, The runs, Blasco Ibáñez, and even made a dictator finish 20 N: the last days of Franco . In his latest film, And who are you? , Antonio Mercer, twilight vision and alzheimer sensitized with Cristina Brondo as beautiful and sweet granddaughter delivered to end his life, was involved in the sunset.

is the face of cinema, our cinema is, with his little story with no happy endings.

Monday, March 28, 2011

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Leonardo Padura and murder of Trotsky

In do we mean by Haruki Murakami run refers to those novelists who have to be gaining muscle strength based on the record, digging with pick and shovel, until one day they hit a spring. If writing has some hard work, through a deal with some materials difficult to handle, what is what happens when all the craftsmanship, hard and sustained, is carried out, in addition to faith, with an impressive talent for mean? What happens is Leonardo Padura, and the source is not only found a brightness, but a brilliant top loneliness. If anything was clear earlier in his novels was that Leonardo Padura dominated the scaffolding, his weapons of writer, the pick and shovel to build a character and their situations, a porous and sensory landscape inhabited for reading, but also when they have already spent months and even years, since he closed the book. Already Goodbye, Hemingway , all that skill was serving a greater challenge: the reconstruction of a character known by everyone from the admiration and disappointment that any reader of Hemingway have ever experienced in your life, and convinced real job as a writer of a new version of the character, while the usual, walked back to Finca Vigia the last night of the shooting.

But it was with The man who loved dogs , focusing on the figures of Ramón Mercader, Trotsky's murderer, from start to become his executor, and himself Lev Davidovich, since the beginning of exile that would lead to his violent death in Coyoacán, where Leonardo Padura has been found at the end of this magnificent waterway referred to Murakami, which in the case of Padura not be reduced to the great talent that already knew, but has reached huge dimensions of teaching and powerful, with a wingspan, wisdom and passion, character profile, their journeys and fears, these anxieties intimate secret, it becomes human history and only the scope of the giants.

The man who loved dogs is a novel giant giant characters, which then are as yet credible as compassion and pain. Merchant transforming their own historical shadow, the murderer of Trotsky, and its subsequent evolution, decades after the assassination, trying to find a rest in the ruins of the boy who once was, the actual figure of Leon Trotsky, twilight hopeless, but fueled by the strength, courage on the run, and Ivan, the narrator, also victimized by the Cuban Communist island, are the three planes alternating fed together with rhythm and instinctive suggestion puzzle.

Borzois dogs, so beloved by Trotsky and his murderer, appear slim, elegant, and the lost dignity in the world after the devastation of the Stalinist extermination machine in the English war in Cuba and its genocidal purges. The description of Trotsky's family privacy, besieged and sentenced to death in the distance, repudiated by all nations until it reaches the Cardenas Mexico, Norway, Turkey or in the desolation of a wagon train halted by a temporary snow in the middle of the Russian steppe, is masterly in all its nuances. Research, fiction, nonfiction and people treated with emotional autopsy fine: the novel all live and breathe as those princely Russian greyhounds.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Brazil Women Camel Toe


Winds spread the shadows that run away,
that break the boundary line
fibrous paper, in an armed role of acute
discouragements, flamed edges.
can live, has lived, what has been
can ever be:
books are kept, they are located.
In this shelf there is room for everyone. Owned

Delta (Visor, 2004)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Camera Aircraft For Sale

Sunday Poem Photo Album, or almost a poetic

Memory is the indirect light of the fence, the limit on the lookout for future instant. Once said Jaime Gil de Viedma that the subjects of his work were "the passage of time and I", which is saying something and that is nothing, because the passage of time and self is the synthesis of any writing, by top of aesthetic variety. Antonio Machado, a poet who was very akin Biedermann, could have said exactly the same, but also Juan Ramón Jiménez, not so close to Jaime Gil de Viedma, simplifying the most of all his writing, including prose and its final stage could also say: because even poetry Language is becoming the realm of self, both suffered and enjoyed as Emily Dickinson, a great poet with his reverie not quite nice. One, when you write, why write?

write as I remember, I write to remind myself. We know that the passage of time is a constant, and also their own personal experience. We know that the homeland of the language can be claimed as an end in itself-that is, Gongora, but Mallarmé and a long tradition, or as a means to an end-social poetry, some 50 and Blas de Otero-best, and that the colloquial speech can become much more ambitious rhetoric that the construction of a world visual. We know it can engage in dialogue with poetry itself metaposía, metaliterature at last, some tradition akin to the generation 27 to 70 in Spain, the newest-and with the other cultural baggage, on a question of symbols just being, well, an exploration of identity and its social, and historical inquiry, geological, vital, emotional, changeable, it is always a matter of the poem.

approach the poem as subjects, as a questioner of reality: where reality ends and begins? Can you put boundaries on realism? A poem is more realistic because it is more a notary the here and now, than trying to transcend reality seek to alter more diverse? Poetry comes from the tension between planes, the recognizable and the unfathomable, in several poetic, and the debate about the reality, that has nourished the theory of poetry and fiction in the last two centuries, will now be cyclical.

However, the reality is today. "The reality is memory? Absolutely. And you have to adjust. One has to gather his family photos, also dust the tops and review the older faces, who were also young people a day and spent their hours in that avenue with the dizzying elevation of a new life do. A book can not answer all the answers, but at least enough to stay alive.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wat Dose A Vigin Look Like

Pavas GreyStar, Medoro and AngloGold in the air by environmental issues in granting Country

Bogotá. Canada's decision to withdraw the application for an environmental license for the Angostura Project, encourages those who are watching very closely what about major projects and Medoro and AngloGold, in order to make responsible mining.

pressure is higher for other mining companies are exploring in Santander as Window, Galway Resources, Norvista.

GreyStar clarified that continue to explore alternatives for the project and will work jointly with the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development and the Ministry of Mines and Energy in resolving outstanding issues. "The withdrawal of the license might be misinterpreted as meaning that Greystar is removed completely from the project, but the intention is simply to avoid it is issued to allow a future presentation of another project in appropriate terms," \u200b\u200bthe company said in written communication.

Steve Kesler, president and CEO of Canada said that "we understand the concern of government and communities about the project open and the need to protect the wilderness and so we organized a meeting next week with the Minister of Mines and Energy and the Minister of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development. The aim is to discuss how the open-pit project may be modified to address concerns and present our proposal to go forward. "

Kesler said it is obvious that there will be a delay in first planned production compared to the draft proposed open pit, but they will work quickly to advance the next phase of study y de perforación para ampliar y mejorar la categorización de los recursos subterráneos de alto grado. "Nuestro recién nombrado director de Operaciones, David Heugh, tiene una amplia experiencia de la minería de oro subterránea ya que cuenta con una amplia trayectoria e n Anglo American", aclaró.

Ante los nuevos acontecimientos, las directivas de la compañía canadiense Medoro Resources, anunciaron que no desistirán de su proyecto de exploración aurífera en Marmato (Caldas). El gerente Corporativo de Medoro, Juan Carlos Santos, aseguró que "nuestra operación está entre 1.500 metros y 1.700 metros de altura.

We are half way to touch forbidden areas. "He added that this draft is not an environmental restrictions.

Note that at this time, Medoro doing environmental impact studies and has not been dealt a license from the Ministry of Environment. According to the spokesman for the firm, the project has no insurmountable difficulties in environmental matters and that is why they are quiet.

Experts believe that another project to be reconsidered is that of AngloGold Ashanti Colombia, the third-largest gold producer, currently has a license to explore the mine's Colosa as there are concerns that affect water resources and Ibague near Cajamarca in Tolima. The push and pull in the Colosa, considered one of the largest gold mines with more than 12 million ounces, has been branded more as in 2008 the examination was suspended by order of Cortolima because water resources used the region.

Currently, the exploration activities carried out by the signature is made with water purchased from other sectors of the country while waiting for the water authority of the entity.

The Angostura project would be reformed
The mining industry hopes that the project be reformulated GreyStar and conforming to regulations so that they continue to make outside the zone moor. So said the executive director of the Colombian Chamber of Mines, César Díaz Guerrero, who explained that "this is a project that should be saved because it will generate great economic benefits to the country. We need to rethink to take into account the conditions Current Ecosystem which to develop. As for other projects, Diaz believes to be analyzed individually and that mining can not be seen from the standpoint of extremism.

Opinions Shot
Carlos Noriega
Minister of Mines and Energy

"According to Colombian law can not develop mining projects in wilderness areas, provision we respect. "

Cesar Diaz Guerrero
Executive Director of the Colombian Chamber of Mines

"The mining industry is expected to GreyStar project be reformulated and conforming to regulations continue to be done outside the wilderness area.

Senator Jorge Robledo

"With the widespread civil resistance that made the Santander, transnational knew that the Government would not dare to grant a license that was also illegal."

Director Elvia Hercilia Páez Regional Autonomous Corporation of Bucaramanga

"On many occasions GreyStar warned that the project should be reformulated and that did not meet environmental standards."

Itchy Rash Before Strep Throat

Susan Abad from Bogota
In his inauguration on August 7, Juan Manuel Santos President was emphatic in ensuring that his government would be five locomotives that would draw to Colombia towards progress: housing, infrastructure, mining, agriculture and innovation. According to environmental experts, in the case of mining, running towards progress is leaving the rails under the environmental and cultural sustainability of the country.

Colombia retains the largest coal reserves in Latin America, in addition to owning gold, silver, platinum, emeralds, nickel, copper, iron, manganese, lead, zinc and titanium.

"This wealth, coupled with favorable laws governing this activity, means that today 40% of the territory is required to make mining concession," says a News Allied Mario Valencia, the Colombian Network front of the big mining Crime (RECLAIM).

Official figures confirm that the exploitation of minerals is big business in Colombia. Trade authorities have revealed that over 85% of foreign investment in the country is in the extraction of minerals and hydrocarbons. Statistics show that between 2002 and 2009 investment in this sector rose from U.S. $ 466 million to $ 3 billion and exports grew from $ 2.8 billion to $ 8.1 billion.

"The only priority economic laws," said Juana Diaz, spokeswoman for the Office of Territories and Biodiversity of the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC). "In 2001 was amended by the Mining Code to the law 685 which was very successful for large companies. Is lost then the primacy of state ownership of mining territories and the inclusion of elements of environmental protection and recognition of artisanal mining areas. It also puts some demands can be met only multinational companies in terms of infrastructure, machinery and more serious still, eliminated the requirement for an environmental license for exploration. " Major impacts

However, the economic boom "does not reconcile with the environmental and social and there are many other costs that are difficult to valued. You are extracting non-renewable natural resources causing a major impact on the collective heritage of Colombians. Mining titles are issued without any rigor, without any qualification. System has been plagued by lack of vision and irregularities, "says Juan Mayr, former environment minister and advisor to the Development Programme (UNDP).

TNCs have concessions for more than 43.000 km ². "To cite a single case, the [South African mining] Anglo Gold Ashanti is 690.000 Ha concession Gramalote projects in Antioquia and Tolima in the La Colosa, in round numbers, a vast territory with impact political and economic issues and that explains much of the social conflicts that are living in the world of mining and may well become worse, "says a News Allied Senator Jorge Robledo, the Alternative Democratic Pole.

"People are paying and will pay high costs that can not be valued by the economy," warns Marco Avirama indigenous Senator. "In the process of exploration and mining, and due to machinery, vehicles and technology employees strongly affects the stability of the soil and its fauna, flora and water causing the disappearance of the local ecosystem, with no chance of recovery. In For gold mining requires large amounts of water to separate it from other elements and is also used cyanide and mercury to reach the river becomes a major pollutant. "

According to the Organization of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the excessive gold mining in Colombia has led the country from becoming more contaminated by mercury in the world. Measurements made by the agency last year determined that in the municipality of Segovia, Antioquia department, a former gold mining area, as many as 10 to 20 times the range of 10,000 nanograms of mercury per cubic meter of air permitted by World Health Organization.

Water resources are also seriously threatened by large-scale exploitation. Case in point is the struggle that has maintained the population of the northeastern department of Santander, which requires the government not to issue an environmental permit for the project in which the Canadian company Grey Star aims to draw more than 500,000 ounces of gold a year to exploit the sites located in the Santurbán Paramo, valuable ecosystem protected by the Constitution, where more than 40 lakes, hundreds of streams and varied and abundant vegetation and retaining water scavenger.

"With the operation is put at risk sources aqueduct aquifers that supply the metropolitan cities of Cucuta [in Norte de Santander] and Bucaramanga [Santander], of which 1.6 million people depend, "said Robledo. "It will use 40 tons of cyanide each day, 230 tons of ANFO. It will blow up 1.075 million MT of soil in the first phase, it also carried out in an area of \u200b\u200bwilderness and nature reserve which is forbidden. "

"At the same time that impact the environment also affect our cultural values," says Avirama. "The social and productive structures are altered. The peasant, indigenous or African descent are deprived of water and land several times by their own colleagues who work in informal mining or have 'sold' to big business. Besides bringing investment companies and bring the money they generate customs that are not commensurate with the lifestyle and traditional customs of the people. "

Dispossession and displacement
Another disadvantage to the Allied News interviewed expressed is the presence of illegal armed groups, attracted by the movement of money, settle in the region to extort, or in some cases by serving the transnational.

"It is consolidating a dispossession of land, [while] is establishing a foreign investment, especially in mining and oil palm, which is related to forced displacement, "said Jorge Rojas, director of the Consultancy for Human Rights and Displacement (CODHES). "About 32% of the 280,000 people displaced in Colombia occurred in 2010 occurred in areas where these two economic activities has markedly increased."

Within this framework, the government took measures such as initiating surprise visits to the mines, revocation of permission by insecurity, increased amount of fines and provides for the creation of the National Agency for Mineral-to regularize small mining, which it says is the largest polluter, sega more lives by its informality and has become a new source of funding for the illegal groups.

However, Valencia believes that it is a way out of business these miners to give concessions to big business.
"In Colombia there are over 2 million small-scale miners, small-scale, long have survived through this activity, and the government is trying to take away that support and deliver the holding to large mining projects," says . "By putting has been rigged in the same sack of gold mining and illegal, then acquire permission to pursue them equally and paves the way to the big multinationals. -Latinamerica.