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Leonardo Padura and murder of Trotsky

In do we mean by Haruki Murakami run refers to those novelists who have to be gaining muscle strength based on the record, digging with pick and shovel, until one day they hit a spring. If writing has some hard work, through a deal with some materials difficult to handle, what is what happens when all the craftsmanship, hard and sustained, is carried out, in addition to faith, with an impressive talent for mean? What happens is Leonardo Padura, and the source is not only found a brightness, but a brilliant top loneliness. If anything was clear earlier in his novels was that Leonardo Padura dominated the scaffolding, his weapons of writer, the pick and shovel to build a character and their situations, a porous and sensory landscape inhabited for reading, but also when they have already spent months and even years, since he closed the book. Already Goodbye, Hemingway , all that skill was serving a greater challenge: the reconstruction of a character known by everyone from the admiration and disappointment that any reader of Hemingway have ever experienced in your life, and convinced real job as a writer of a new version of the character, while the usual, walked back to Finca Vigia the last night of the shooting.

But it was with The man who loved dogs , focusing on the figures of Ramón Mercader, Trotsky's murderer, from start to become his executor, and himself Lev Davidovich, since the beginning of exile that would lead to his violent death in Coyoacán, where Leonardo Padura has been found at the end of this magnificent waterway referred to Murakami, which in the case of Padura not be reduced to the great talent that already knew, but has reached huge dimensions of teaching and powerful, with a wingspan, wisdom and passion, character profile, their journeys and fears, these anxieties intimate secret, it becomes human history and only the scope of the giants.

The man who loved dogs is a novel giant giant characters, which then are as yet credible as compassion and pain. Merchant transforming their own historical shadow, the murderer of Trotsky, and its subsequent evolution, decades after the assassination, trying to find a rest in the ruins of the boy who once was, the actual figure of Leon Trotsky, twilight hopeless, but fueled by the strength, courage on the run, and Ivan, the narrator, also victimized by the Cuban Communist island, are the three planes alternating fed together with rhythm and instinctive suggestion puzzle.

Borzois dogs, so beloved by Trotsky and his murderer, appear slim, elegant, and the lost dignity in the world after the devastation of the Stalinist extermination machine in the English war in Cuba and its genocidal purges. The description of Trotsky's family privacy, besieged and sentenced to death in the distance, repudiated by all nations until it reaches the Cardenas Mexico, Norway, Turkey or in the desolation of a wagon train halted by a temporary snow in the middle of the Russian steppe, is masterly in all its nuances. Research, fiction, nonfiction and people treated with emotional autopsy fine: the novel all live and breathe as those princely Russian greyhounds.


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