Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wat Dose A Vigin Look Like

Pavas GreyStar, Medoro and AngloGold in the air by environmental issues in granting Country

Bogotá. Canada's decision to withdraw the application for an environmental license for the Angostura Project, encourages those who are watching very closely what about major projects and Medoro and AngloGold, in order to make responsible mining.

pressure is higher for other mining companies are exploring in Santander as Window, Galway Resources, Norvista.

GreyStar clarified that continue to explore alternatives for the project and will work jointly with the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development and the Ministry of Mines and Energy in resolving outstanding issues. "The withdrawal of the license might be misinterpreted as meaning that Greystar is removed completely from the project, but the intention is simply to avoid it is issued to allow a future presentation of another project in appropriate terms," \u200b\u200bthe company said in written communication.

Steve Kesler, president and CEO of Canada said that "we understand the concern of government and communities about the project open and the need to protect the wilderness and so we organized a meeting next week with the Minister of Mines and Energy and the Minister of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development. The aim is to discuss how the open-pit project may be modified to address concerns and present our proposal to go forward. "

Kesler said it is obvious that there will be a delay in first planned production compared to the draft proposed open pit, but they will work quickly to advance the next phase of study y de perforación para ampliar y mejorar la categorización de los recursos subterráneos de alto grado. "Nuestro recién nombrado director de Operaciones, David Heugh, tiene una amplia experiencia de la minería de oro subterránea ya que cuenta con una amplia trayectoria e n Anglo American", aclaró.

Ante los nuevos acontecimientos, las directivas de la compañía canadiense Medoro Resources, anunciaron que no desistirán de su proyecto de exploración aurífera en Marmato (Caldas). El gerente Corporativo de Medoro, Juan Carlos Santos, aseguró que "nuestra operación está entre 1.500 metros y 1.700 metros de altura.

We are half way to touch forbidden areas. "He added that this draft is not an environmental restrictions.

Note that at this time, Medoro doing environmental impact studies and has not been dealt a license from the Ministry of Environment. According to the spokesman for the firm, the project has no insurmountable difficulties in environmental matters and that is why they are quiet.

Experts believe that another project to be reconsidered is that of AngloGold Ashanti Colombia, the third-largest gold producer, currently has a license to explore the mine's Colosa as there are concerns that affect water resources and Ibague near Cajamarca in Tolima. The push and pull in the Colosa, considered one of the largest gold mines with more than 12 million ounces, has been branded more as in 2008 the examination was suspended by order of Cortolima because water resources used the region.

Currently, the exploration activities carried out by the signature is made with water purchased from other sectors of the country while waiting for the water authority of the entity.

The Angostura project would be reformed
The mining industry hopes that the project be reformulated GreyStar and conforming to regulations so that they continue to make outside the zone moor. So said the executive director of the Colombian Chamber of Mines, César Díaz Guerrero, who explained that "this is a project that should be saved because it will generate great economic benefits to the country. We need to rethink to take into account the conditions Current Ecosystem which to develop. As for other projects, Diaz believes to be analyzed individually and that mining can not be seen from the standpoint of extremism.

Opinions Shot
Carlos Noriega
Minister of Mines and Energy

"According to Colombian law can not develop mining projects in wilderness areas, provision we respect. "

Cesar Diaz Guerrero
Executive Director of the Colombian Chamber of Mines

"The mining industry is expected to GreyStar project be reformulated and conforming to regulations continue to be done outside the wilderness area.

Senator Jorge Robledo

"With the widespread civil resistance that made the Santander, transnational knew that the Government would not dare to grant a license that was also illegal."

Director Elvia Hercilia Páez Regional Autonomous Corporation of Bucaramanga

"On many occasions GreyStar warned that the project should be reformulated and that did not meet environmental standards."


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