Saturday, March 26, 2011

Camera Aircraft For Sale

Sunday Poem Photo Album, or almost a poetic

Memory is the indirect light of the fence, the limit on the lookout for future instant. Once said Jaime Gil de Viedma that the subjects of his work were "the passage of time and I", which is saying something and that is nothing, because the passage of time and self is the synthesis of any writing, by top of aesthetic variety. Antonio Machado, a poet who was very akin Biedermann, could have said exactly the same, but also Juan Ramón Jiménez, not so close to Jaime Gil de Viedma, simplifying the most of all his writing, including prose and its final stage could also say: because even poetry Language is becoming the realm of self, both suffered and enjoyed as Emily Dickinson, a great poet with his reverie not quite nice. One, when you write, why write?

write as I remember, I write to remind myself. We know that the passage of time is a constant, and also their own personal experience. We know that the homeland of the language can be claimed as an end in itself-that is, Gongora, but Mallarmé and a long tradition, or as a means to an end-social poetry, some 50 and Blas de Otero-best, and that the colloquial speech can become much more ambitious rhetoric that the construction of a world visual. We know it can engage in dialogue with poetry itself metaposía, metaliterature at last, some tradition akin to the generation 27 to 70 in Spain, the newest-and with the other cultural baggage, on a question of symbols just being, well, an exploration of identity and its social, and historical inquiry, geological, vital, emotional, changeable, it is always a matter of the poem.

approach the poem as subjects, as a questioner of reality: where reality ends and begins? Can you put boundaries on realism? A poem is more realistic because it is more a notary the here and now, than trying to transcend reality seek to alter more diverse? Poetry comes from the tension between planes, the recognizable and the unfathomable, in several poetic, and the debate about the reality, that has nourished the theory of poetry and fiction in the last two centuries, will now be cyclical.

However, the reality is today. "The reality is memory? Absolutely. And you have to adjust. One has to gather his family photos, also dust the tops and review the older faces, who were also young people a day and spent their hours in that avenue with the dizzying elevation of a new life do. A book can not answer all the answers, but at least enough to stay alive.


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