Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wooden Swing Set Hamilton, Ont

Christmas ...

I have a lot of wishes and all are full of dreams, light, with cheerful colors, covered with papers which bright chocolates are filled with endless zest for life and each has a different flavor ...

The I create in this head of mine and I am so eager to decorate like I close my eyes and send them with all my strength to each of those typically passed through once or for all they want in this place, know that they can take every man his portion, because happiness is a gift that is eaten in the company ...

Happy Holidays, everyone may be ready to learn to appreciate what we already have and look what we are dying to have, everyone will know your precious and true desire, do not tell because of that fly, fly ...

Kisses and be happy ...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Church Letter Of Termination

Feel ... Consider

is all I want
not want anything, just having you
feel is my only desire
and here I have
decide you ...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hairdressing Leaflets Templates

I like to watch life pass,
see walking around
men, women,
the elderly ...

I like contemplating the world from a window
because sometimes I just feel like being a spectator
and fantasizing about some stories that are often
crossed my imagination

Like when you and I guess are one,
not a day that dawns, or a night together, not two, not three,
sometimes fantasize that ours is a life together
a present and a future ...

dream and love as there is no charge
ask me for kings, see, taste your kisses a one,
miss your hugs and enjoy each other, to feel
my unlimited time, without having to sign pact Nigun
simply feeling happy for having us ...

maker I love my little castle, my naughty boy,
my protector, my guardian angel and little devil ...

I'm yours until I sleep.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bushnell 1600 And 1500 Size


Again I'm lost and there are people that I work as a balm. Not because love has to be so complicated, suffice to want and point, no? Wish it were that simple but what makes us human is the rationale that we also often play a bad pass.
Yesterday I had dinner with my ex boyfriend latter one seriously, someone who loved me so pure, support and respect ever though our interests and our way of seeing life separated us ... not made me happy and I became someone I did not want to be, however your company is like a balm for me, I am comforted her peace and serenity, his good humor always but deep down we know that we can never be happy next to each other ... could not feelings have their own language and talk to each other, face to face without misunderstandings?
oh my god ....
the truth is that many people have asked me what happened with the unpresentable, so I I'll update: the unpresentable still in his keynote to give long, so I decided to do mine, which was him calling me and I grabbed him by the time the phone or not, until I discovered that my name only to hear it was not an easy conversation and asked me in the least for me ... I decided that was not what I wanted so little by little room phone calls but still, he insisitia. To me that pissed ... so call me if you do not want to see me? If you want to be heard on the phone call of hope! Total
that following a link which reported the publication of a story ecsribió me inviting me to the opening of his apartment and I, in my keynote I told the truth, that after being dizzy partridge for 8 months he had lost interest and curiosity to see him ... and he goes and tells me I'm an edge!
hahaha at least I'm honest and not take anyone's hair disguising interest ... I know not what kept calling total call following the edge, I guess for me but I decided to shit on do not play that game ... until I wrote an email saying I erased my contacts and my phone, which I thought it was great!
But apparently the world is full of unpresentable and I must have a magnet because there are 2 more on the scene. The good thing is that now I've decided I'm not going to let win more, because I've noticed that since I fell in love with my balm, none of the men I know has aroused my curiosity, my interest or my admiration but more While I have been seduced and I've left wanting to know beforehand that it was not what I wanted ... and I suppose we can find on the scene today. Unpresentable
The second call into question what the spoiler. The third will Fito.
I put in history: the spoiler was a friend of a couple friend of mine with whom we left one night in early summer for dinner and met with the spoiler that was all night mimándome, gave me flowers and asked me the phone. Instantly give me yours, I relented and said please remove it, that I keep the number. So I did and as I said, "oh, crap pass." My friend said that was silly, that was not done and see if you remove at once to your ex's head. Total I saw the picture of "another man who has not passed a rupture that six years ago that there was" (and now I make here a small note to one of the men who follow me, me you can explain this phenomenon? That of root to a story already expired? to compare with women who have harmed you and we do not have anything to do?? not fair, we do not do!). Well, you see the picture I decided to leave the flirting, yet at the end of the night he asked me to sleep with him, just sleep because "nothing magic dust ISABELLA, cuddle." In view of his drunken state and the phone incident, she said no.
The next day I sent an SMS asking me for forgiveness and giving me your phone. So began a flirtation phone until we decided to stay for coffee ended up being a dinner, which ended up being a drink then another deep conversation and a new spoiler to me. The attraction took second place and decided it was an interesting guy to be known. So I slept in her apartment, each in a different room, until the five o'clock stood in front of mine and we slept together, hugging, caressing and talking, no kissing or sex.
I liked that feeling of knowing for a long time and I thought it was an interesting person to know. The attraction had been in revolt ... and go and kiss me when we went! was something nice and beautiful, broke everything I thought he was giving ... from that day daily messages, phone calls and attempts to see us again, all in vain ... I had explained that he had half history with a coworker so I decided to meet him as a person, but physically we never saw again ... so I was spacing the calls, I told my friends call me eventually and not daily ... until one day it was unpleasant to me, not I said nothing but I decided to get some distance between us ... and called me again to send sms while in Brazil on vacation, to write almost daily sms that I did not answer, for me to ask a mutual friend: "Hey, you know something about Isabella?'m calling and I write and nothing, you know if you have a boyfriend? is that what she and I had been!"
course, when I was the friend who does not complain and always is there that is perfect, I say that something does not seem right or do not like do not take me seriously and suffer the consequences and then make calls to get tired ... late, too late ... I'm they say things to be valued and when I say, this hurts me and walk away from things that hurt me, then I leave the day they are outraged that they do not understand is:! HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION! !
with what he and I had been known ... had a wonderful first date, they kissed and not seen again and began calling every day as boyfriends / friends until it was worn ... .
course, I choose evil. The fact is that I answered the pooper for education, knowing that he was worried about me, I thanked him for his concern and said that everything was fine. But say the face.
pity than fear or lack of interest or something that makes them react too late ... because my wait is not eternal, because they do not understand such simple things so difficult: I like-like you-stay-we know - We are happy, because then we'll see where it leads or no leads to nowhere ...
Well, I will save Fito it has more crumb and I think today is more than enough, I look like an old bitter, hahaha Lucky
music soothes the savage beast .. I'll take Do not look back , Lucie Silvas

Friday, December 4, 2009

Beauty Salon Employee Agreement

The sweet Christmas ... SEX

I hear inside my sweet Christmas and that it will be more secure that not even I can see you in a long, long time, miss you and not be sad recourse to the cakes chocolate because you remind me of that exquisite taste, actualmene'm addicted to you and the ...

Cocoa-sex-cholate-pleasure ... Christmas-holiday-nostalgia, memories, joy-gift-holiday-solitude in the company ...
silent crowds, noisy parties full of food and sometimes even unwanted gifts.

I'm thinking maybe this date is no longer what it was anymore because I do not anymore I'll be the same and yet I'm not sad, I'm happy
because you, because you'll be in everything you do, with each surprise, with every laugh with me though I can not see or touch ...
love you and that floods everything of another color, one that allows me to be different or just be me ...

For you and happy holidays all and thousands of golden stars and sparkling of those who illuminate all ...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sayings For Bridale Recipe Cards

imaginary ...

Erotica, sensuality , manners and female cats over these hot fantasies that emerge only by my naughty little mind when I do nothing else to remind ...
thinking you Honestly I have so often that sometimes I feel trapped in an erotic novel ... and my little punishment is yielding to lower my passions and
fly to you full of imaginary sex ...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Where Is There A Heys Warehouse In Mississauga?

My masks ...

many masks I take off to be really who I am? ...

You have the power to strip me of my absurd barriers down all my walls and makes it through my misgivings, that I understand you love me as I am.

I have struggled to understand and accept that so, you'll like what you see through my eyes ...

With you I learned to appreciate my strengths and accept my faults, so when I stand before you, put aside my masks and give you just what I am, without hiding anything simply because there are no tricks to you, ours is really ...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Making Acurling Crutch

You give me life ... Floto

when I fly to you, a virtual or real, something inside me feel calm, relaxed, quiet ... it's like inside me to come over a halo of light that floods everything ...

mime basting with hope and new dreams ...

're my zest for life and my view that there are no boundaries or conventions ...

When it comes to us


Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Gun Does Ari Gold Use


pleasure, bliss, desire .. .

Saturday, November 7, 2009


want to be a child ...

A Sometimes it's stronger than me and ask shouting stop, stop the world and get off ,
in a serene beach and be like the child that provides the golden sunshine and bright as a ball of light , to run and play by the golden sand and wet my feet and laugh without fear of giving a wrong step, without fear of falling and stain clothing or to get wet because a cold pillars .. .

'm so tired of being told what is good, what is bad, which kills, fattening ....

please leave me alone, I'm and want to remain small and not tall, or ideas, just ask for calm to return to enjoy as before

to have time to waste in the arms of those who love her dearly and do not be afraid if one of these days I get a tug Hair, who cares I do not fear pain, and I fell many times and it's only a matter of knees shake a little, dry your tears and forget ...

quickly forget the bitterness only darkens the soul and frowns ...
prefer to continue believing that after getting up, life goes on and nothing is forever ...

why but sometimes I say you love me life, I just think we have today, tomorrow, God will say, kisses love you want more than this poor girl be able to put between letters ...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Uncensored Tv On Insight How To

Happiness is not doing what you want
but wanting what you do ... ......

If this great statement is true, I must say that I love doing what I do and especially ... LOVE ... with all the happiness you give me the luxury of having you in my life, it is true that nothing is as idyllic as we wish, but I have become clear that he wanted to return me to enjoy what is ours, because things are pending, because are keen to repeat as many, because we have found something that many seek to find and only a few we hayarlo and enjoy
so even if life ends at this moment ... I would feel full and satisfied for having loved my little happy child ...

Friday, October 23, 2009

2005 Honda Pilot Tire Pressure Monitoring

The existence ...

Sometimes life is like this beautiful glass jar filled with many butterflies , who just want to fly peacefully total freedom ...

you the sending you,
because you are part of
as my real world I have never seen
part of existence ...

".. there is not for people like you.

Existence is for those who give everything
without asking anything in return,
with absolute certainty that what we are giving
not yours,
it belongs to existence .. .. "

Thanks for being part of it, TQM

Monday, October 19, 2009

Shoulder Clunk Noise Catching

Congratulations ...

thousand congratulations with all my love to who has won a piece of my heart

Your birthday is cause for celebration in my life because since you came into it in some way another woman also was born in me, one who loves knowing you safe, comfortable and happy under this beautiful sky ...

cakes is that you deserve all the flavors and colors I just did some things for you and the destination to and ate with my ... mmmmm I loved anticipate our holiday ritual , hahaha remember now your turn to blow out the candles and of course the desire to make ...

a huge kiss and chocolate flavored Lacasitos

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Como Usar Gameshark En Gpsphone


There are times when you know people who are not very communicative or expressive little. I use to be that nothing ever shuts up, indeed, at times I have spoken over the account and I said something that, even if true, was not well received by the other. Sincerity is something that our society is very poorly paid because sometimes it hurts. We do not want nothing tear us apart our happy bubble where we falsely, indestructible and no negative feelings.
I once read a quote from Khalil Gibran who said that in the same place from which our tears, also be our joy. So there one without the other, I guess that will compensate for that, no?
The fact is that Oracle was talking to my friend and I had a thought: the people does not arise how hard it is to tell someone you love something you know will hurt, but do it for their own good. And it's true. I suffer when I say something that will be well received by the person I love so crude the statement I'm doing. Then I think, do you have more weight I say that what is shown? Are the millions of hugs that I give? Will kisses caresses, the knowing glances, laughter ...? Why sometimes hurt more words than weapons?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Diaper Raffle Poems For Bird Shower

be happy ...

"We tend to believe that be happy when things go well , but things will start to go well just as we learn to be happy "

(Irene Orce)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Get Symptoms Of Syphilis


tod @ s. .. not I'll give any excuse because I hate them and have time to blog is something that I set for myself. But I realize that my life is chaos, it is clear that to carry the cost of an apartment I am a mess ... finally!
I have wanted to live alone and I was actually looking to buy something but I got the numbers ... it will be so bad that I organize myself? Insurance.
The truth is that we have a new roommate and the truth, I know many odiareis me for what I am about to say but ... the training to be stupid. Something as basic as flush after shitting, close a door you open or turn off a light you left on, seems to have no place in your brain ... really can anyone ignore this? I will have the obtuse mind?
The truth is that I do not like anyone's mother, and less on things so obvious, because I just turning into someone who does not want to be, a heavy unbearable picky ... but there are people in our lives that appear to get tested, because they take the worst of us ... I feel that after so long without writing only take frogs and snakes, the truth is I have news about unpresentable, Dukes and other specimens ... kisses and promise to be bad! jijiji

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ivermectin Scabies Hamster


Summers are always stressful, at least for me, I just divided among the people living my parents, which is on the Costa Brava and has little beach, and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe great devourer.
This has been especially hard because my little sister gets married and believe me I thought it was stupid when people say that a wedding was a lot of work ... but it's true. He married next week and it makes me really happy ... but also of illusion have been nerves, expenses, haste, misunderstanding ... one of them has been with my other sister, which is a pity and a few days wedding. Of course not thinking to allow this misunderstanding to be extended until that day and talking to my sister to clarify what has happened. And while she thought what she had actually occurred, I wondered: Do we get angry when we have no reason? or when we can not give it to us ... why?
and the fact is that cold retrospect I find it quite absurd, since I find no reason to really be good or valid ... the truth is that I wonder if there really reasons to be angry sometimes ... because anger is a way to help or that no solvent is simply a way out ... how easy it is to think about it when the heart beats fast with anger, nor are we so caught up in ourselves that at the end even lose sight of the reason we had taken it ...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lorenaherrera Haciendo Elamor

makes for good weather to stand on a terrace ... I'm tired of my Sunday afternoons, stuck at home ... people do not feel like going outside in the heat and me I drop the top floor ... I feel that I spent the life I'm in a city like Barcelona which could squeeze every street but I can not do it alone ... and heat and grooms enclose my friends at home ... ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, today I have a great day, two Sundays I hate being in my house because everyone has alternative plan ... I hate the feeling of being alone and not have someone to share the city, the afternoon of Sunday, terraces, the sunny day ....