Thursday, January 21, 2010

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gray days

When you see a good man, tries to imitate, when you see a bad one, examine yourself.

- Confucius

Friday, January 15, 2010

Where To Find Glory Hole In Stockport Swimming


in case you and you give the link of a blog called besametonto, be Prepare @ s because it is a porn image down the screen but there is a very comprehensive blog, funny and interesting of the current move frikadas several internet ....... I like to be informed of all the strange things that occur in many places and has a fresh fun

Thursday, January 14, 2010

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with sparkling eyes contemplates the world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden where least expected. Who does not believe in magic will never find.

- Gustave Flaubert,
French writer

Monday, January 11, 2010

Statistical Significance Formula


I do not know if I ever said, but the truth is that This love-hate strategies. Those who know me know that patience is not one of my virtues and less when it comes to something or someone I like to know, which makes me curious and I share a topic that fascinates me ... but there are women who jugglers are genuine emotions, they know dominate and show them on the dose and the key moments and accurate. I'm not like, as the song goes great Fito: "My heart is glass, not save anything you do not see ...", so I do not know how to be strategist and resist the urge to know more of that someone suddenly turned on the tip of a wick that is full of powder ... so my question is: when is a good time to learn about the other? Because in fact, expected to ask for what he will say the other is to stop being ourselves, if we really want is to know more ... wait is only pretending to sell a version of WE ARE s We are not really me and I'm tired of this circus of flirtation and love and have decided to make it easy and natural as that is how I think it must be to then not disappointing expectations or false hopes ... Is love like a chessboard, where to meditate before moving tab?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

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Who said that love changes over time? Building castles in the air and imagining love stories that go well, ie, daydreaming I remember that feeling of having butterflies in the stomach and are the same as those of when he was fifteen ... I remember having a very small friend who hunted butterflies and now I regret it, because we were avoiding alomejor hunt them enough to get in someone's stomach ... it is seen that as much as life disappoints us, when one is romantic dream on and not let the vices of others the vice and corrode ... so here I am, waiting for my appointment cyber ... lol, would be devoted also to catch butterflies? daydream love me !!!!!!!!!!

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If there are fairies

Just recently I saw before me a great scenery dreams, one where I felt the presence of infinite beings inextricably linked with its surroundings while providing a very soft halo of light and direct.
upon entering that path I felt an inner strength that made me hesitate at first, replanterarme back exactly where I had entered, but after a while breathing slowly and curiously achieve calm down and discovered that I was right where I was but I almost safe around, look around and it was a beautiful place so quietly, I bend down and see that the soil color he was different hues, blue, green, lilac, magenta, yellow'm not sure if plants or flowers, maybe it was the dim light that filtered from the many branches of leafy trees, filling the strange jungle, where I first saw this beauty together, walking slowly so as not to break anything, I feared that my weight would crush many tiny little things and I suddenly saw before me a wonderful thing, far away and to my surprise they were elves, fairies, gnomes, unicorns and many more great things, doing all their work carefully, I saw peacefully handed over to it, I think back now to my little abode and evoke that splendid day, I understand that if there are fairies and they are beautiful, magical and generous, that and respect those who managed to see them one day, I can only say that I have given the joy of seeing a dream.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Oovoo Wont Detect My Camera

Today one of those casual life I began to talk to a guy who did not know the internet ... and it might attract someone just for what you write? and at what point are you laughing? (Well, hahaha, the cyber equivalent) ... that person just discussed (well, actually exchanged) opinions and told him I was sorry and we now know, without looking at the eyes when speaking, without hearing the other's voice to laugh or tone of voice with which things are said without the other's body odor ... without all those things that differentiate us from machines, without all those things that make us human ... because we are evolving and ? to the non-person, non-feeling.
castrated also remembered what the feelings are now ... you noticed? If someone says he is sad or depressed, people get angry or I asked for clarification on plan, but because you are depressed? what are you complaining? Gentlemen, I complain about me not being felt, whatever it is. FEEL sadness, or joy, or hate, or love or pity ... FEEL Lord, we feel, because I have to give explanations for making my heart work? Sometimes I think people who are afraid that others feel alive ...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Heritage House Lantana


spoke yesterday with a friend who for reasons still living with her ex-boyfriend. And after the conversation with her and two other friends who are in love crisis, I reached the same conclusion three times: when they claimed their views, their damage, they ended up giving return to all things and considering how they seem a hysterical, a selfish and a controller ... and I assume that women are complicated, but some men are experts at manipulating the information and turn it around: if we catch them a lie, lie to us so we are not angry, that if you hide something, they do so we are not angry, that if we get angry because something has upset us or hurt us, which is that we are always angry! Total , we always have to lose if you do not want to be always "be angry" ... Of course in my case I am of the crushing and not be persuaded, be that as I studied psychology I'm a tough opponent in the electronic handling ...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

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s! Hi @ all!
I will not make promises that can not meet because I am of course be punished if it fails and this is one of the things that I have decided to do, complain and punish. I want to get the laughs
senseless carelessness, the banality, to be cheerful ...
I also realized that I can not live without creating anything, not art ... last year was the writing course, this year I'm doing drawing and painting and one day I got the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bdrawing comics Erotic women and I realized that although I am given draw fairly well, when I represent a movement or an image, pass it from my head to paper with real and not grotesque dimensions is more complicated ... and this afternoon I'm meeting a friend for pins ... it felt as if the brain needs to get energy through the hands and turn it into something palpable ... seriously if I do something creative I start to make someone lazy and whiny ...
Remember one thing: 359 days to get your sleep before the year is out !!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Support For Multiple Ids

bad girl I'll be ...

What I have decided this year I bad girl
The good go to heaven
but poor tend to go everywhere ...
So as I'd like rural tourism for life
I grab my backpack, put my fantasies in it and a path
narrow, wide, uphill or downhill do not care I just want to change
some landscape and say that when a change of attitude does
to see a vast new landscape before us.
If true will tell in detail what I found and discovered, I hope it terribly pleasant and sensual, I need just that ...