Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Register Homemade Trailer Mich


Joaquín Pérez. Jeronimos Monastery, Cordoba, March 2004

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What To Wear To Hard Rock Cafe Interview

Juana Castro and Letters January

Juana Castro transcribe a letter dated January , the conflict in Sidereal weaves a gentle haven. Much has been Juana Castro, who has just won the National Critics Award for his latest book of poems, letters January, to live and suffer, to reach this final clearance has appreciated at last his entire career. In fact, January Letters (Vandalia, Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2010), was published together with Homestead, an anthology of his other work. Juana Cordoba Castro is a poet who has long been carefully cultivating a verbal, an ethical intention. All his previous books - art of falconry as Concave women - have given the encouragement of recognition reader, a strengthening of the feminist movements that have been seen occasionally in the poetry of Jane, a reason to be aesthetic .

Juana Castro has long been claiming the women's poetry. Belongs to a generation -Was born in Villanueva de Cordoba in 1945 - in which it had become imperative, or at least I understood it, writing from her womanhood, and also to explain and qualify it. Perhaps for those born from democracy, this stubbornness brave, steady, Juana Castro feminist values \u200b\u200bexceeded it may seem somewhat openly, but then there's the poignant, outrageous, painful, domestic terrorism, to convince us that things have not changed as much as it sometimes seems-and the gender issue, capital for her and her fellow adventurers, and also a concept is assumed. Among my fellow

writers, a novel or a poem is not better or worse for being designed by a woman or a man, but for their formal qualities, for its pace, its ability to evoke sensory or breathing, dreamy demeanor. In the generation of Juana Castro, coming from an era of utter contempt for the feminine, of women's subordination to an oppressive machismo, vindicating the nature of women and their urgent need for absolute equality of rights became an issue poetic.

Castro Juana's poetry is plastic and sound, has that joyful verbalize linked to the Group 27 and the Song, of Cordova, but also in Malaga Conch Magazine Platero and Cadiz. Pure poetry alive, the heroic time back. Juana Castro is refined, resplendent, from compassion and pain.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Do I Need Insurance To Register My Jet Ski

Vs mining locomotive. Beyond environmental typewriter

By: Maria Elvira Samper
THE MINING DEBATE-Environment, which is on the agenda is translated into practice in a train wreck: the mining locomotive, in the framework of a model without vision long-term, poor controls, manilargo imposts and obsessive in revenue for the nation is advancing rapidly, and the little machine environment, slowly weakened by the Uribe government merged the ministry of industry with interest-Housing anti-handed cut investment and mining rights at the discretion even in protected areas and reserves.

President Santos, however, said in all possible scenarios, starting with the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, where it committed to the 'mamos' of indigenous peoples to respect the environment, which will promote a policy of sustainable development and respect for biodiversity. But at least for now, have prevailed on the action promises to stop and / or suspend projects that are too costly in environmental terms. Two buttons shown: that of Greystar to extract gold in the desert of Santurbán, was suspended under pressure from civil society and not government business, and St. Andrew to explore and eventually exploit oil reserves in an area of \u200b\u200bcoral , held back by popular action, not government initiative.

The San Andres is a special case: the National Hydrocarbons Agency gave the green light to the association Repsol-Ecopetrol to explore and eventually exploit oil in an area declared by Unesco "biosphere reserve area ". And it did so without prior consultation with all communities likely to be be affected, as mandated by the Constitution, and counter to the commitment to protect that took Colombia 11 years ago with that recognition. The area includes 76% of coral reefs in the country, has interconnected ecosystems with hundreds of animal species and is also the ancestral territory of ethnic and cultural minorities living from fishing in that area.

Minister of Environment and Housing or sound or thunder. Whoever has the baton is the Minister of Mines, Carlos Shot. The same as in March, during the Global Forum on Mining (Canada), offered tax breaks to multinationals investing in the country, to compensate for the increase in certain taxes or the elimination of some deductions. The same is said against that areas where mining rights have been granted regional natural parks are declared. The same that he supported the project in Santurbán before Santander to take out the nail to defend its wilderness and its waters. The same was in favor of the oil project in San Andrés. Not surprisingly the sector-including oil and gas is three years-growing faster than the overall economy. Hence the desire to attract investment to fuel the engine.

While resurrecting Minambiente to make counterpart of Mines, while there is concrete evidence of commitment to sustainable development as the government define its environmental policy and exhaustively set where and under what conditions is allowed exploration and eventual exploitation oil and other minerals, and where such activities are banned, the mining engine is beating the little machine's environmental and civil society that has made the dike, the voice warning about the environmental risks of some projects authorized by the Uribe government. Ojo! Ingeominas has more than 16,000 applications for legalization and / or grant mining rights. We must not lower our guard.

Police Car Recovery Speke

Santurbán Gold

A group of farmers and environmental organizations visited the moor , Santander, to present communities productive activities other than mining on a large scale.

By: Diana Carolina Cantillo E. / Special Envoy
Peter all his life has been a farmer of wasteland, but now wants to produce organic food.

anchored A huge cloud in the mountain can not distinguish between the sky and the desert. The wind drives, breaks through the fog. Those who are on their way to the top of the moor Monsalve, Santander, miss that being nearly 3,000 feet have not felt cold. Then Don Pedro, a local farmer, explains that "it is at night, when clouds Pegaditas stick well to the sky, you begin to feel the cold of the moor."

The journey begins in Upper Cachirí Monsalve toward the moor, which is part of the complex of Santurbán páramo and Surata where the river, which flows through the narrow canyon Magueyes blades and Common, to flows into the Rio de Oro, in the municipality of Girón.

A month ago, the social pressure on the government prevented the Angostura Project, the Gold Label Greystar, was developed in the desert of Santurbán.

Now the original purpose of the ecological mission, consisting of 30 people (peasants, Afro-Colombians, indigenous people, environmentalists, researchers and academics), was to reach the top of the complex, located in the municipalities of veins and California-but for security reasons would be impossible to get there, and teach the inhabitants of these regions economic activities other than mining, which uses large quantities of chemicals and water.

"Let the farmers grow food for their own regions, used to be a challenge. They could not imagine what it was a broth with organic potatoes, "says Adam Rankin, environmental engineer and director of Fundaexpresión and Agroecological School. Rankin says that it is possible to think about sustainable production processes with native seeds, no pesticides and chemicals, to ensure food self-sufficiency of these communities.

is the case of the School of Agroecology Soto Province, Santander, which started in 2001 at the initiative of Fundaexpresión and technical support from the Industrial University of Santander (UIS). There, about 50 farm families associated Lebrija, Surat, Matanza, Floridablanca, Girón, Piedecuesta, Tona Charta and have recovered more than 180 kinds of potatoes, well diversified planting crops of beans, corn, beans, vegetables, celery and quinoa, and maintain livestock friendly environment, such as trout farms. This group has created rural homes to promote and sell their products. In Santurbán also be possible.

the distance is hard to see a forest of pine and feels like a fresh scent of eucalyptus. Some of those who undertook this journey contemplate with admiration for these plants beautiful and imposing, compared with the others that are seen on the road. Tatiana Rodriguez, mining research Censat-Agua Viva-Colombia-environmental organization, points out that neither of these plants are characteristic of the moor, which were planted by the Corporation Autonomous Regional for the Defense of the Bucaramanga Plateau (CMDB) for over ten years as a reforestation plan because of the burning land to create pastures. Further explains that require large amounts of water to grow, removing the opportunity to live in the bushes typical of this ecosystem, which have the function to capture the water and release it slowly.

"The moors are like a sponge. If you start a piece of land and the Crushers, he's out sick water. That's why these big companies are behind it "is the explanation given Landazábal Lina Cruz, a native of Cachirí, a township of Surat in the department of Santander. She has lived all his life in the subpáramo de Monsalve, which has a plot that develops in crops without chemicals and pesticides. Remember that his brother died in an illegal mine because of cyanide and that's why and pollution that have caused the moor, and mining it will not.

Lina Cruz is responsible for leading the group through the rocky and slippery trail in the wilderness, until Monsalve, road as she can walk blindfolded because he runs into a beast 30 years ago or on foot, according to the weather.

Before getting into the wilderness, in the village of Cachirí, the group met with farmers and Surata Marta Patricia Smith, Secretary of Health of the municipality, in order to exchange their experiences regarding the preservation of ecosystem heath and productive alternatives used in other regions, such as agro crops and a project called Green Gold.

Oro Verde was born as an initiative of organizations such as the Fundación Amigos del Chocó (Amichocó) and the Community Council of Chocó, where the younger generation seeking Choco practice the ancient techniques of artisanal mining, which are applied for gold alluvium, such mazamorreo, zambullidero and water run.

Green gold is natural and is marketed Under this premise around the world since 2006, making it have an added value that means that you pay more for it than for the gold extracted using chemicals. Currently 194 families of Afro-Colombian and indigenous Upper San Juan (Chocó) benefit from the project. But multinationals are behind the other method, the contaminant.

For Surata, according to José Ignacio Echeverría, mayor of the municipality, "100% of the land has mining application. The only thing it saves is 10 meters wide and 25 kilometers long has the river. " During the visit to this county, it was observed exploration performing Barracuda Gold mining company that is opening track Cachirí to Groves.

In this meeting came the proposal to create a peasant reserve not only to defend the wilderness area that belongs to the township, but to protect their livelihoods and sources of self-preservation, like the peasants with purely agricultural vocation and not mine. Eber

Abello Villada, councilman and member of the Association of Producers Caramanta Township, Antioquia, who is part of the ecological mission, believes that "the only way that we have the people who live in areas where there is gold, to partner in community them against the multinationals and the government itself, for whom raw capitalist development and not caring water. "

Lina Cruz goes to the front of the journey and to give encouragement to the weary hikers told that "the virgin wilderness is only to snuff and a half." For now only see pastures, moss that the locals called poor mattress, stocks-a hot pink tubular flowers that provide food for hummingbirds, "Uvos and blackberries. Along the way, Lina Cruz explains to his students all the secrets they hold the land: "This is the Pain-killer," he says pointing to a plant-and use it to cure all ills. " Then he laughs. After an hour away, is plenty of straw and a small-stemmed plants with leaves of velvet: the frailejones. That indicates the moor. Follow the walk another five minutes until a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus welcomes visitors. There the group makes a circle, people hold hands and make a prayer, that everyone has their god and according to their belief. The group promises to be the guardian of the nature of their regions, most precious as gold with them being tillers of the soil.

The truth is that few have been stripped Santurbán in the cold mountain defending the environmental cause, and other tips on the verge of lynching have tried to protect the mining industry, which they consider their livelihoods. It seems that the fog attached to rocks and the multiplicity of its horizon bewitch everyone who walked on this paradise.

Greystar The failed attempt

On 17 March, when it emerged that Canadian miner Greystar withdraw his application for a license for the exploitation of gold in the wasteland of Santurbán, Santander, the company is left open the possibility of a new project in this region: underground mining.

The response of the Ministry of Mines and Energy was immediate. Through a statement said "Must be sufficiently clear that in no way viable underground mining project that would undermine the comprehensive ecosystem subpáramo moor."

From that moment there was silence in Greystar. The latest news from the multinational ran on behalf of a jolt in their positions. He was appointed as president Rafael Nieto Loaiza Colombian lawyer, replacing Steve Kesler, who led the failed Santurbán licensed.

Is It Ok To Masterbate In Chickenpox

"I do not sell, I'd rather go," Carmen S. Bonilla

Cortolima The Director said that the theme of La Colosa life is more than silver, stands to be consulted tolimenses ensures that candidates are being persuaded and warned it will not stay quiet for more than AngloGold the following attack.
NEW DAY: Your Cortolima period is until 31 December this year. Will try the re-elect?
BONILLA CARMEN SOFIA: I only seek re-election if I see that we have not fulfilled the purpose that we brought. So far I think we have done better, I think that result if effectively accomplish the task, we would be tested in June.

END: In the future, have you thought about a candidacy for mayor or provide services from the Government?
would look if the exercise of the Department provide services we do in or out of Tolima Tolima. There are few national entities tolimenses few pulling for Tolima Tolima.

END: Have you had proposed?
We had many proposals, even international, to go to work for the Department.
END: Do not tell me of some multinational gold ...
No no, no! For any reason. I have clear what the benefit is required for the Department. Not finishing what we have. The greatest wealth we have is nature, water, oxygen, and the land God gave us. I am a believer.
END: Is that why the firm AngloGold said that the debate on the Colosa is premature, heart and he has felt battered.
I have nothing against AngloGold, they are in their purpose. There has been a misperception, Cortolima is obliged to comply and enforce the law. He was giving mining stocks left and right, without notice to state responsibility areas of wasteland, wetland areas, national parks could not touch. We gave an SOS to the Government and therefore we have been told that we are against.
END: How many mining stocks are talking about and where?
CBS: Regional Park Coello
we propose are 31 000 hectares, of which 70 percent is in the basin of Combeima and 30 percent only in Cajamarca. 100 percent that we realize that there are 26 mining titles, and of those, 23 Combeima basin. That is very serious, what I have been responsible.
END: What is the threat that these titles represent to Ibague?
Ibague, forward, has a high threat in terms of water. Mal would do to store information and that in 10 years with global warming, a mining rampant, uncontrolled agricultural sector and strong activities in the basin of Combeima, its scarcity index exceeds 100 percent. This is to say we can not pretend that because the firm AngloGold attacks us morning, noon and night by all means, nationally, in presidency, ministries and others on board, we assume the role of remaining silent so as not to touch us .
END: That's the thing!?
I am willing to leave the corporation, if that's the point. But I can not remain silent while in Cortolima with existing studies. Our institutional responsibility to warn the Tolima, Ibague and the country what can happen on water resources.
END: How do you analyze the position that the Governor has taken the debate about mining?
note that he is very concerned about the royalties. If the royalties come in Tolima, the project is done, and if they do not, then how that is done, when the issue is more of life than silver. Be responsive and accountable to the future, I think I have children and my children's children; Suddenly those without do not mind that.
END: Do you agree that you consult tolimenses?
Suddenly this interview is going to cost me a thousand things, but I do not promote anything other than the constitutional right of participation with tolimenses; not about strikes, sticks and stones. It is not. We know that there are signatures of image and trying to persuade others to community leaders, mayors, councilmen, deputies in the field, the fact is that people should be aware that you are playing with your life and your future, and to that extent is healthy and rational demand our rights in terms of a query. If Carmen Sofia again or not returns is not important, what's important here is the future of Tolima.
END: AngloGold has been invited to visit the mines in Brazil?
Yes, many times, but I have not gone. I do not care what AngloGold wants to show me I want to see objectively ugly, evil and good. They are leading many tolimenses and take them where they want, I do not only interested in the issue of AngloGold but all mining in general, because all polluting activities, what happens is that some are irreversible, uncompensable, unmitigated, and say in terms of open pit mining and cyanide and mercury management do not know the first case, mitigated, compensable.
END: But AngloGold said he does not know yet whether the project The Colosa will open.
Well, if by tunneling evaluate what has been done in the country, and not mining. Where the tunnel has been generally dry because water sources are subsumed and lost. So break down the mountain or make tunnels, no impact, the impact is less, but no impact. My concern is, if AngloGold says it is not clear yet where to go, then why so much spending, not even investment.
END: What are these costs?
CSB: AngloGold
sent us in 2009 the balance report 2008 and figures reported here, for example, in social projects 16 billion dollars in environmental issues something like 24 or 26 billion pesos and in governance more than 300 billion pesos. I still do not understand why all that money executed in 2008, when Cortolima had closed all the activities of AngloGold at La Colosa on February 18, would mean that in only a month and a half had implemented all that money. So much money, if it was closed, is a concern that I have yet, especially on the issue of governance.
END: What about former chairpersons of corporations that are now defending environmental interests of multinational mining companies?
I think there is a double standard at all levels. Rest assured that I would not do that. I would not sell for five dollars, do not sell my people, I hurt my Tolima, and if I have to go back to being the humble woman, I will. (Voice breaking).
END: The notice very sensitive ...
someone criticizes me and sometimes said that the potato from my father, yes, he grew up with great effort, was a humble family and I am proud that my father and my mother who struggled to carry me forward and taught me many things. So I prefer to leave rather than by money from the sale of the suffering of the poor, which I feel proud. (Crying) ...
Cortolima management Criticism
END: Some are so worried staff at CAR ...
CSB: When we receive Cortolima
were five thousand active files, three thousand 500 were concessions of water and 500 thousand were control, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation. This means that the environmental authorities had a low rate by few people, precisely because of fears of directors, because whenever I came Cortolima hired people to attack. We did a restructuring, but the issue of control and surveillance was still low. He joined service staff, lawyers, and judicantes interns looking to have greater coverage, that to say that the environmental authority in this administration shot, because we have a December 31 report of 22 000 open processes. Regardless whether or not we said that we provide services, the issue is that the Corporation has a mission and must go.
END: Spending on disclosure?
CSB: I here do not fuck
journalists to hire every month to press them to speak well of the principal. If bad news comes a Corporation I go and put my face anywhere. I do not manipulate the media, I annual contract for a study of rating of the Office of Communications. Institutional campaigns we do is not media buying, and respect for journalists.
END: Another sensitive issue is handled Cortolima Payandé Cemex. What is this?
There is a license issued by the Ministry and other Cortolima. We have placed a team for particulate matter measuring 2.5 microns as a pilot, we take that measure since late last year and I tell the technicians that meet the standard. Cortolima going to do epidemiological studies to detect the material that becomes invisible to the teams how health has affected to justify why the Ministry should review that resolution.
END: He has not come to fight with the Governor ...
I do not fight with him. We have tried to be cautious but we also respect, let us work. Unlike other presidents, I do not live yet others, but my work and answer for what we do.
The water problem in Ibague
END: What is the position of Cortolima in the debate on the issue of water in Ibague?
Ibagué should define a water plan to 30 years that includes the management of the basin Combeima and define the alternate source of the city, the aqueduct is not complementary. With everything we're seeing would not be Coello, should be Totaro basin by river side Chipalo
END: But did that topic was not already defined? ...
The supplementary water supply was not as an alternative source, but to bring water to the neighborhoods of the South. Cortolima not accepted as an alternative source in any study or determination because he could not close the mouth of the Combeima to give way to the intake side Coello, because there would be enough water to serve the city. That is not the solution, is part of the solution to an area that has no water, except when on Combeima basin there are 23 mining rights. Therefore, the candidates and the current administration, if achieved, should consider a study on river basin water Chipalo which would enable all future Ibague.
END: Is it appropriate to link private or think of a concession?
CSB: I think that lack
better structure and better plan financially investment. I'm not friend nor enemy to seek a different alternative to the Ibal, there are companies that are pilots in the country as EPM or Manila Water and Water. The important thing is that companies are efficient and that water quality. The Ibal can improve and revise models seriously considering not generate resources or English, or American, or even Colombia.

The record Jaramillo
END: change of pace. Some say that the environmental authority, not so much when it comes to development projects of former Senator Mauricio Jaramillo ...
CSB: that I know the name of it there is construction, but we understand that school being built off the San Bonifacio. When the issue appeared, we said, not a moment do not get into that bunch because he had already permits decisions and other entities that are the responsibility Cortolima.
END: Is not a way to wash your hands?
CSB: I want to clarify that when this administration took up the subject, and had building permits issued by the curators and sanctioning Cortolima Ibal ends, coming from many years to issue authorization sources Pipeline water. So to avoid that said they Cortolima is directing performances, a study was contracted Universidad Nacional de Manizales for them who are the experts come to watch the water rounds. The study was contracted to the El Vergel area because it was the problem, but does not specify the findings is that in this case are not in breach of coastal retreat.
END: But you admit its proximity to the former senator Mauricio Jaramillo?
CSB: I can not deny friends. But for me the file Jaramillo is like any other, well that is not payable to Jaramillo. EDWIN


Fast Songs To Dance To At A Talent Show

40% of Colombian territory in order to grant mining megaprojects

21/04/1911 By Dario Arenas

During the last period of the Uribe administration granted as much mining titles in the history of Colombia and deepened the privileges of the big mining transnational. Now, under the mandate of Santos, as surely will happen to the rest of inherited neoliberal package, aims to deepen and to bring higher dimensions.
40% of the territory is called a concession for mining projects. Of the 114 million acres that make up the total homeland, about 45 million is requested for this purpose, roughly the size of the 4 largest departments in the country (Amazonas, Vichada, Caqueta and Meta), plus all the coffee , Cundinamarca and Valle del Cauca together. This in a country, which through the sea of \u200b\u200bopening reforms started in the 90's, agriculture and industry suffered a huge backlog, and where it is estimated that there are available and uncultivated only 4.97 million hectares for agriculture (1).
This is the share of mining policy embodied in the 2001 mining code reform ratified in 2010. During the last period of the Uribe government was granted the highest number of mining in the history of Colombia and deepened the privileges of the big mining transnational. Now, under the mandate of Santos, as surely will happen to the rest of the inherited neoliberal package, aims to deepen and lead to higher dimensions.
The expansion of mining activity in Colombia respond, like most of the policies of our governments, not the authentic needs the Colombian people but to foreign interests them. With the economy of the great powers tremendously weakened by the recurring crisis that causes the capitalist system, with the need to search again sustained wealth in precious metals and gold prices reaching historical record highs, topping $ 1400 an ounce are natural expeditions undertaken again to countries like Colombia, have these precious resources. The international financial capital under this logic has been strengthened and has taken a leading role, getting to have investments in the global mining industry of around 84.327 million dollars between 2000 and 2006, through providers funds as powerful as JP Morgan, Citigroup, HSBC Holdings, ING, and other large financial conglomerates in the world (2). Test
desperate thirst for power by mining and energy resources, as reflected in the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, is the use of temporary circumstances such as Libya. Humanitarian pretexts, the United States takes positions of command and control over the resources of an area that has been neglected by their mandates.
Given that in recent years there has been an overwhelming entry of Canadian mining companies in Colombia and that these represent 75% of the global mining industry, it is no wonder that the joy of the current Minister Juan Carlos Echeverry finance, who remarkably comfortable with the type of relationships that Colombia has with the world, recently put it, "the English discovered America 500 years ago and found Canadians Colombia for 10 years. What we are very happy" (3 .) Tangible evidence of the attitude of the upper class leader of our country against the great powers and their interests. One might note that only express the minister dismissed his outburst of brutal honesty that more than a century and under similar conditions we also had "discovered" the gringos.
Amagá, El Hoyo-Patia, Suarez, Marmato, La Jagua de Ibirico, Anaime Quinchía, Snuff, Pore, Taraira, Socha, Montelibano, Sardinata, Remedios, Buenos Aires, the mountains of San Lucas, Condoto, Cajamarca, are among many other Colombian populations, the example of mining model that seeks to impose on our country. Have been in some cases, affected by the draconian conditions set by the transnational labor and witness firsthand the state abandonment of choking and harassment of local traditional mining, and others, are intended to be victims of the destruction of their environment environment, the displacement of populations, the dispossession of their habitat, the rapture of their traditions and the expropriation of their work, life and history. All of these communities have sufficient reason to be homeless by the State and have a fair and legitimate right to rebel against the policies of harassment and looting agency found who in theory should defend their interests.
This is the true face of mining locomotive Santos. Wagons full of excuses and privileges for transnational companies, filled with tax exemptions, discounts and great for business at their convenience with amazing profit margins, all contrasted with creeping persecution of small traditional miners in our country . The deepening of investor confidence plunged to try a huge portion of our population in a fatal logic unassailable as our leaders, in which integration into the global market languished and weakened economies such as the Colombian should be at any cost, regardless of the asymmetries that exist, the place he left behind in play, and the damage that these policies generate in our population.
witnessing a distressing and overwhelming scenery. Itching for reprimarization of our economy does not peer, the policies of plunder, pillage and plunder were fought far from institutionalized and has given them a turn of progress and welfare, when in fact nest inside the same formulas perpetuated backwardness and underdevelopment in our country.
Colombia veins remain open. Even retain the scars on the skin of our nation, such as the struggle for our independence 200 years ago, we demonstrate that when solving people can overcome the submissive policies and regimes unpatriotic, and can decide their fate themselves . Awareness, mobilization and organization should lead the way in which, as in the case of Santurbán victory, defeat the meek surrender of our resources and we can definitely derail the nefarious mining locomotive Santos.
Dario Arenas - Article written in relation to the Second National Front of the Colombian Network for Large Scale Crime, CLAIMING, held on 8 and 9 April 2011 in Bogotá.
(1) Aurelio Suárez Montoya, Tribune Red No. 111, January 13, 2011
(2) Financing Global Mining: The Complete Picture (ed. Rob Morrison), pfi market intelligence, Thomson's 2007
(3) Calgary (Canada), March 27 (EFE)
Saturday 14 May: Mobilizing Marmato (Caldas) against Canadian mining for homeland defense. On Saturday 14 May Marmato, Caldas, a town with a mining tradition over 500 years, will take place a day against the Canadian company's intentions to overthrow Medoro Resources and displace the people economically and socially for all its people. You are cordially invited to all social, political and resistance to megamineros projects in the country and all who wish to join this important mobilization.

Kelly Green And White Dresses

Sunday Poem returned


She was behind the labyrinth.
I knew upon meeting.
Although at first his neck to glare at the door
that hotel (I think it could be the Michelangelo,
and there was a piano-bar), I never would have believed it was possible
get so lucky
or any other hotel or elsewhere.
You had to see it. You had to have seen us.

was almost impossible to imagine two people as frail, with a gleam
so rarely human. The brightness
stayed inside my chest, like a warm
died soon after, but I could see there was a
invisible thread, a desire capillary
in you and in it,
do not have more restraint than death.
And I said to myself, maybe even a little earlier:
're like a frightened lion cub.
afraid you just have this fear
larger than life.
You're like a frightened lion cub,
because a lion does not surrender, not cease or falter
curling in battle, just back

and dies of an impulse or
roars and takes a breath and ends with his teeth.
I would say it was easy.
I would say that it is still easy.
But she is behind the maze
and no way out of herself, is a seaside hotel

left where all doors lead to the sea. Owned

The Ollerías (Visor, 2011)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Knitted Beanie With Bill Patterns

That seems robbery, new form of aggression against defenders in Colombia

dhColombia, warns of "new ways" of aggression against human rights defenders in Colombia. One of the most used are the covert operations that make it appear as acts of "ordinary crime" such as robberies, thefts, traffic accidents. This seems to be the case with the new act of aggression or security incident that victimize the legal representative of the Corporation Plant ( ) Zoraida Hernández. Then transcribe the UA announced in today.

serious security incidents


The undersigned organizations, we went so compelling to intergovernmental human rights bodies, international organizations and the general public, in order to report on the security situation of the President of the Corporation Plant and human rights lawyer
ZORAIDA HERNANDEZ PEDRAZA, who in recent days has seen an increase in persecution against them, as well as acts of harassment. FACTS

1. On Thursday April 14, 2011, at approximately 7:30 pm, two men broke by force in the home of the president of the Sembrar Zoraida Hernandez
at a time when she was present in company family.

men reached to enter onto the balcony of the house and destroy the lock on my door, but could not reach because of other insurance carries the same door and the rapid reaction and cries for help, a situation that forced men to flee.

2. It is particularly disturbing that in the time it occurred, were suspended inexplicably the intercom and telephone number of the goal, which prevented immediate communication with the security staff of the residential complex, restoring the same minutes after the presentation security incident and
men escaped.

3. From the 3rd of March 2011 Plant Corporation was forced to return to the Government of Colombia all the security plans (Armored car and bodyguards), in the absence of policy measures and actual protection materials, as well as the intention of forcing Plant and lawyer Jorge Molano to accept private armed for their protection.

4. The Government of Colombia was committed to sow to make a high-level meeting for discussion and adoption of policy measures, before 15 March 2011. It has been more than 40 days total lack, but by the government no action is taken, maintaining total silence about the reasons for the delay.

5. It is clear that what happens in relation to the rights to life, integrity and freedom of Zoraida Hernández, his family, as well as other members and advisors of harvesting, is total and exclusive responsibility of the Government of Colombia, which has been especially apathy and neglect to provide guarantees for the defense of human rights

These acts of intimidation, are presented in a context in which leaders, supporting organizations leaders and enforcement processes of the right to land and territory (return, refund, complaint and permanence) are being subjected to various forms of aggression against their lives.

Plant Corporation, accompanied by leaders, communities and organizations that process forward defense of its territory and land restitution. Sow now accompanies the process of voluntary return and autonomous community of Pavas started from April 04 2011, in which Zoraida Hernandez,
has played an important role in advising members of the Association of Peasants in Buenos Aires ASOCAB, community displaced by paramilitary structures, which has benefited palm companies
in the South of Bolivar, claiming to do the necessary guarantees for the return to Treasury the Pavas.

Zoraida Hernandez, is itself, a spokeswoman for the National Movement of Victims of Crimes of the State from which he has given several interviews to the media about the law and restitution to victims recently on land and privileges to members of the security forces "detained" in military garrisons.

On April 4th, 2011 Zoraida Hernandez was one of the spokespersons of the Colombia Europe United States in the development of the National Bureau of Security, on the situation of defenders, advocates, victims and organizations claiming their rights to land, territories and the restitution
chaired by the Minister of Interior and Justice and with the presence of various authorities and international community.

Given the imminent threat to life and physical integrity of the human rights lawyer Zoraida Hernandez, asked to address the authorities in Colombia to being required:

a) taken special security measures (political and material), in agreement with the beneficiaries, to secure the rights to life, integrity and freedom of ZORIDA HERNANDEZ PEDRAZA, your family and other members of the Corporation Plant.

b) Be informed why the Government of Colombia has failed for over thirty (30) days to comply with agreements to hold high-level meetings for the adoption of policy measures.

c) For the control and judicial agencies, to conduct the necessary investigations to determine those responsible for the acts of persecution and harassment reported in this urgent action and punished in exemplary fashion.

Bogotá, April 18, 2011



NOMADESC Fedeagromisbol

Red de Hermandad y Solidaridad
-Colombia Solidarity Committee with Political Prisoners

Refeence Letter About Community Service


Entry dismissed the smell of books as he opened the door. A Holy Week in the last ten years, also with other steps for the same rituals. Granada then was, for me, Paseo de los Tristes especially Cuesta de Gomérez and the Alhambra. And Bodegas Castañeda, with barrels to sip neat concentric. And a look dark, slate-like skin, with a trace of Lorca continued to the hotel was the last house she lived. Also a library, as there is usually with all the walls in their scale of books. I bought two, which then gave: an old edition of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse , by Vicente Blasco Ibanez, and in his edition of Adonais intonsa, The air does not return , Increase July.

was 1996. Song then, for me, no room was a memory, a photograph of enigma and youth, which recognized only the faces of Ricardo Molina and Pablo García Baena. Julio started reading one of those extra days, probably after a tour of the Albaicin: "Ah, summer afternoons in the quiet cities ... / Pale processions where bright silks, / soft under the sun that dies after the towers / Bishop's Palace, painted yellow. " Of course this was not the Passion, but the poem Corpus Octave. But that was Córdoba, and Granada and oneself. These summer evenings on the quiet cities. The solution of the book, and my time then, was nevertheless in the rain poem look ... not to write.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Muscle Infection Under Arm


Joaquín Pérez. Sevilla, March, 2007

Best Underwear For Balls

Remembering Avicenna Manuel Cuesta Córdoba

La Espiga as ghost ship of the night, and parted nimbus vision where the miracle of warmth. What is night if not cordial, dressed in the willows of the mystery. The Tang, like space, has the hospitality of the meeting, because even the same materials, people and nice and secluded that provision, make one think that new episodes are still to come. So in Córdoba in places like La Espiga, with the effective action of its own programming, which is the best way to connect, behind closed doors, with any true initiative for change.

One of these changes, although it is a repeat offender in the new landscape of the city at night, it represents the singer Seville Manuel Cuesta. The music of Manuel Cuesta, the composition of their songs in a long poem between love and joy, and despair of red on the calendar next to the profile of mother-of Audrey Hepburn, is a dream that goes well with the ear, so he has intimate discovery. Increasingly linked to the city, Manuel Cuesta going to Cordoba and transit routes true, with a wine at Bodegas Guzman and a reed in the Courier, as we will offer a repertoire that, in recent years has not moved much of the transformation space more personal, which is to be poured on a composer but he himself notes, softly. The rhythms are the same, the tunes also, however, there is a sinister presence that sometimes appears in the abyss of other possible worlds, on a cliff even sensed gives the alarm. Music as awareness, word and music.

In recent years, and this could argue a lot, the trend has been interested and very well directed, to revile anything that smacks of singer-songwriters. Song of the author or uncle giving the plate, with the guitar and plaid shirt, in folk plan. Someday I should explain, in these terms, the damage done to the famous English culture scene, it was moved that she has not left much. Today, everybody pulls the indie , because the songwriting is so reviled that to see who has balls, forgive me, getting into a scenario that aesthetic. Well, here's a songwriter of all life, and also talented. Disciple of Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, but Pablo Guerrero, and the two Silvios Serrat, Seville and Cuba. Poetry made words, with a vocation to be sung, as in the poems of Rodolfo Serrano and Miguel Angel Ortega, Lucas. Welcome to the future.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Shortage Of Manpower Quebec Immigrant

Ernesto Pérez Zúñiga and his game Monkey

What mystery lies at the spectral step into the cellar, in the chiaroscuro of hallucination speckled with a few monkeys escaped, the custodians of the dream. The voltage actually reaches its diverse mixtures of several continuous and buried planes that can peek over things, the best look diagonal: immediacy first lysergic reverie later, a new youth fiction and smugglers on the beach between the desks of desire and the need to escape again and give up the short, dead-end alley of a life marked.

above combination of situations, lit and underground networks, but also visible light, and also much more lies ahead in the novel The monkey suit, Ernesto Pérez Zúñiga. Ernesto Pérez Zúñiga is a poet and novelist, poet or novelist. I think that at no time has come to writing the other definitively imposed, and that healthy balance-lives, has lived his creative activity, which itself has been nourished by the multiple perspectives and complex autonomous communicating vessels but also giving his speech with a complexity not without natural beauty in form. Natural or artificial well, because the artifice of the central character of his new novel, The monkey suit, is so well spun, has such soul masters in the frame space, that any sequence surreal, incredible a priori, we becomes possible and probable.

The protagonist of The Monkey game is a high school teacher in a coastal town near Gibraltar. Coexists with a harsh reality, with no future students who have to be convinced they have it, when both sides know that, in fact, not true: we expect a wild and accurate despair, prison awaits, crime , crime. But neither the young teacher, away from any literary echo what Keating of The Dead Poets Society , has dazzling horizon of life: he lives alone, does not believe in anything, much less in their work, "rushes every night with their peers in the local bars, which hold up their bodies still young, but less, and sometimes in his sleep in other beds.

One day, returning with a huge binge, he discovers that his house with a neglected garden, have a basement. I had not ever seen, although a small window overlooking the lush lawn. It then delves into the enigma of his own existence, when you see the monkey with its immersive gaming. Metaliterature, the photo of Ava Gardner as the only handle emotional, Dana Andrews, Lolita. The monkey suit is literature; but also the gritty life of a teacher without morning, aged and alone, told with truth.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Male Waxing Erections


death and, without more, is an excuse long
a hoax set,

because that meat is still in your flesh
and know that I look, the touch

remains ,

that there is a faint sigh into the granite,
an echo is filtered more
Beyond the sand,

a voice that whispers that after Mount
no lights,

that will be waiting with open smile
land opening suddenly to find you. Owned

Delta (Visor, 2004)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Animated 25th Birthday Clip Art

Colombia: self return and restitution of land as a community of southern Bolívar

Warned everybody, national and international community , media communication and public opinion on the following events which threaten the voluntary and autonomous process of return and restitution of land as a community of southern Bolívar Pavas have undertaken.
Although this case was properly brought before the meeting of the National Bureau of Fair on Monday April 4, chaired by the Minister of Interior and Justice, Dr. Germain Vargas Lleras and the presence of Vice President of the Republic of Colombia, Dr. Angelino Garzon, the State has not taken effective action to guarantee our lives, physical integrity, freedom and to guarantee our right of return and restitution of our lands. ASOCAB began its return from the April 4, 2011.
1. Today, April 13, 2011 at 5:30 pm, two members of the Office 39 of San Martin Wolf, were present in the community that is peaceful in the Treasury the Pavas and took photographs to all the families who have decided to exercise our right of return and the members of national and international guests.
2. The members of the OPP showed no identification, but told us that they were in a work ordered by the Attorney-39, San Martin de Loba, to "prosecute all those who ; they were there. "
3. It should be noted that the Office 39 of San Martin de Loba, Attorney Wilson Antonio Valletta Monterrosa, advances two criminal proceedings against three leaders ASOCAB , for crimes against land invasion ALVEAR Eliud MET, ETHNICITY TORRES MORENO and MISAEL Payares and slander against the latter. Filers are 136676001121201100014 and 136676001121201100066.
4. Meanwhile, the displaced community events as we have reported for several years and continue to denounce, have no haste on the part of justice in Colombia, but pay attention and effective applications for the palm companies have used many strategies to strip us of our territory
5. An example of this is the Marble complaints Mario Montero, recognized by the community as one of the paramilitaries who took part in our forced displacement since 2003. The complaint rests on the prosecution in a while, but this man is still in the region to exert all sorts of abuse and intimidation against us.
6. The Office of San Martin de Loba, Mario Marble became a victim and us, the displaced community, we became victimizers. Mario Marble criminal complaint brought against one of our leaders and the prosecution forward quickly complaint. Mario Marble is currently protected by the consortium Labrador (palm companies) and the Police Mompox which has said it is in our community by protecting those companies. On Sunday 10 April, as the prosecution took pictures of everyone we meet at the ranch Guans to which we have decided to return.
7. As a displaced community have come and gone through all channels of dialogue and dialogue, as we have insisted on the various courts and administrative, to demand respect for our rights, though the State has recognized us. We demand a dignified and respectful to our return and the right to remain in our territory.
1. To convene immediately the Bureau of Advocacy in southern Bolivar in order to continue the dialogue process initiated since 2005, viability resulting from the proposed topics communities, where one case of guarantees is the community of Pavas, in order to ensure the return and stay at Hacienda us owned and we were robbed.
2. That we refunds and, farms The Pavas, and Peñaloza If God wants and we were awarded the remaining 11 vacant lots that make up the Hacienda Las Guan where we were displaced and of which have been illegally dispossessed.
3. That the Ombudsman and Office permanently join our community in order to secure the rights of return and the personal integrity to the returnee families of turkeys.
4. That the national government, order the National Police refraining from action to hinder, impede or disrupt our return to these lands.
5. Is conducting the investigations about the irregularities committed by the Prosecutor's Office 39's San Martin de Loba in the investigations initiated against the leaders of ASOCAB (Payares Misael Guerrero, Eliud Alvear Torres Moreno met and Ethnicity), also refrain from giving offense to the exercise treatment of the fundamental right of return.
6. What are ahead by the Attorney General's Office and other control entities that apply relevant research in order to establish responsibilities disciplinary actions INCODER officials, the Police Inspector of the Rock, the First Judge of Mompox Promiscuous The police chief of Bolivar and the Ministry of Agriculture, involved in the case of our displacement and dispossession and conflict over land with palm companies and Contributions CI Tequendama SA San Isidro SA.
- Farmers Association BUENOS AIRES
- Agro-Mining Federation BOLIVAR SOUTH
RETURN supporting organizations,

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ontario Honey Extractors

Sunday Poem Elizabeth Taylor returns to Babylon

was bigger than life. We know now that we no longer have those violet eyes to dive into your ocean serene silence. It was all his characters, and herself, as his greatest creation, excessive and awful, a sensual beauty that has exceeded the canon any sensual beauty, she was a star in a sense of the term, surely, has also died with her. Perhaps it was in

Ivanhoe, starring as the Jewish Rebecca of York, with dark hair and eyes glistening pure innocence, when the flesh of his presence reached its zenith cleaning: that of a virgin avocado to the gallows for failure Templar submitted to indignant George Sanders, but then would be saved by the Saxon knight, a favorite of Richard Plantagenet, Sir Ivanhoe / Robert Taylor. It was 1952. Two years later, and several films and in his films-would The Last Time I Saw Paris , a melodrama beautiful, mournful, elegant, based on the story Return to Babylon, by Francis Scott Fitzgerald, who was also in literature and life, as beautiful as aching and elegant, "giving life to a woman in love her young husband, novelist, with that natural virtuosity to provide the world with joy. There is a great tenderness in the light rain hitting the door when she decides not to fall into the arms of his young pretender, the future Saint and Bond, Roger Moore, and go home. But her husband sleeps in the middle of a huge binge and the door is locked from the inside. She calls, you get to hug again, it's over the life of dissipation, must return to the simple love; however, the door will not open while the rain still beating his fragile heart, and she will die after pneumonia.

would come after Giant, and his close friendship with the giant Rock Hudson, only thereafter came to be taken seriously as an actor. Also The tree of life where embodied-and never better, to a southern woman pulled into a hell of inner fire, great childhood nightmares and end in murky waters. No one like her could be Cat on a Hot Tin Roof , or leave a rolled up carpet before Caesar with just a clear coat. Eternal activist against AIDS After Hudson's death, his eyes are still movies.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How To Empty Water Pop Up Camper

Joaquín Pérez. Brussels, February, 2011