Sunday, April 24, 2011

Is It Ok To Masterbate In Chickenpox

"I do not sell, I'd rather go," Carmen S. Bonilla

Cortolima The Director said that the theme of La Colosa life is more than silver, stands to be consulted tolimenses ensures that candidates are being persuaded and warned it will not stay quiet for more than AngloGold the following attack.
NEW DAY: Your Cortolima period is until 31 December this year. Will try the re-elect?
BONILLA CARMEN SOFIA: I only seek re-election if I see that we have not fulfilled the purpose that we brought. So far I think we have done better, I think that result if effectively accomplish the task, we would be tested in June.

END: In the future, have you thought about a candidacy for mayor or provide services from the Government?
would look if the exercise of the Department provide services we do in or out of Tolima Tolima. There are few national entities tolimenses few pulling for Tolima Tolima.

END: Have you had proposed?
We had many proposals, even international, to go to work for the Department.
END: Do not tell me of some multinational gold ...
No no, no! For any reason. I have clear what the benefit is required for the Department. Not finishing what we have. The greatest wealth we have is nature, water, oxygen, and the land God gave us. I am a believer.
END: Is that why the firm AngloGold said that the debate on the Colosa is premature, heart and he has felt battered.
I have nothing against AngloGold, they are in their purpose. There has been a misperception, Cortolima is obliged to comply and enforce the law. He was giving mining stocks left and right, without notice to state responsibility areas of wasteland, wetland areas, national parks could not touch. We gave an SOS to the Government and therefore we have been told that we are against.
END: How many mining stocks are talking about and where?
CBS: Regional Park Coello
we propose are 31 000 hectares, of which 70 percent is in the basin of Combeima and 30 percent only in Cajamarca. 100 percent that we realize that there are 26 mining titles, and of those, 23 Combeima basin. That is very serious, what I have been responsible.
END: What is the threat that these titles represent to Ibague?
Ibague, forward, has a high threat in terms of water. Mal would do to store information and that in 10 years with global warming, a mining rampant, uncontrolled agricultural sector and strong activities in the basin of Combeima, its scarcity index exceeds 100 percent. This is to say we can not pretend that because the firm AngloGold attacks us morning, noon and night by all means, nationally, in presidency, ministries and others on board, we assume the role of remaining silent so as not to touch us .
END: That's the thing!?
I am willing to leave the corporation, if that's the point. But I can not remain silent while in Cortolima with existing studies. Our institutional responsibility to warn the Tolima, Ibague and the country what can happen on water resources.
END: How do you analyze the position that the Governor has taken the debate about mining?
note that he is very concerned about the royalties. If the royalties come in Tolima, the project is done, and if they do not, then how that is done, when the issue is more of life than silver. Be responsive and accountable to the future, I think I have children and my children's children; Suddenly those without do not mind that.
END: Do you agree that you consult tolimenses?
Suddenly this interview is going to cost me a thousand things, but I do not promote anything other than the constitutional right of participation with tolimenses; not about strikes, sticks and stones. It is not. We know that there are signatures of image and trying to persuade others to community leaders, mayors, councilmen, deputies in the field, the fact is that people should be aware that you are playing with your life and your future, and to that extent is healthy and rational demand our rights in terms of a query. If Carmen Sofia again or not returns is not important, what's important here is the future of Tolima.
END: AngloGold has been invited to visit the mines in Brazil?
Yes, many times, but I have not gone. I do not care what AngloGold wants to show me I want to see objectively ugly, evil and good. They are leading many tolimenses and take them where they want, I do not only interested in the issue of AngloGold but all mining in general, because all polluting activities, what happens is that some are irreversible, uncompensable, unmitigated, and say in terms of open pit mining and cyanide and mercury management do not know the first case, mitigated, compensable.
END: But AngloGold said he does not know yet whether the project The Colosa will open.
Well, if by tunneling evaluate what has been done in the country, and not mining. Where the tunnel has been generally dry because water sources are subsumed and lost. So break down the mountain or make tunnels, no impact, the impact is less, but no impact. My concern is, if AngloGold says it is not clear yet where to go, then why so much spending, not even investment.
END: What are these costs?
CSB: AngloGold
sent us in 2009 the balance report 2008 and figures reported here, for example, in social projects 16 billion dollars in environmental issues something like 24 or 26 billion pesos and in governance more than 300 billion pesos. I still do not understand why all that money executed in 2008, when Cortolima had closed all the activities of AngloGold at La Colosa on February 18, would mean that in only a month and a half had implemented all that money. So much money, if it was closed, is a concern that I have yet, especially on the issue of governance.
END: What about former chairpersons of corporations that are now defending environmental interests of multinational mining companies?
I think there is a double standard at all levels. Rest assured that I would not do that. I would not sell for five dollars, do not sell my people, I hurt my Tolima, and if I have to go back to being the humble woman, I will. (Voice breaking).
END: The notice very sensitive ...
someone criticizes me and sometimes said that the potato from my father, yes, he grew up with great effort, was a humble family and I am proud that my father and my mother who struggled to carry me forward and taught me many things. So I prefer to leave rather than by money from the sale of the suffering of the poor, which I feel proud. (Crying) ...
Cortolima management Criticism
END: Some are so worried staff at CAR ...
CSB: When we receive Cortolima
were five thousand active files, three thousand 500 were concessions of water and 500 thousand were control, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation. This means that the environmental authorities had a low rate by few people, precisely because of fears of directors, because whenever I came Cortolima hired people to attack. We did a restructuring, but the issue of control and surveillance was still low. He joined service staff, lawyers, and judicantes interns looking to have greater coverage, that to say that the environmental authority in this administration shot, because we have a December 31 report of 22 000 open processes. Regardless whether or not we said that we provide services, the issue is that the Corporation has a mission and must go.
END: Spending on disclosure?
CSB: I here do not fuck
journalists to hire every month to press them to speak well of the principal. If bad news comes a Corporation I go and put my face anywhere. I do not manipulate the media, I annual contract for a study of rating of the Office of Communications. Institutional campaigns we do is not media buying, and respect for journalists.
END: Another sensitive issue is handled Cortolima Payandé Cemex. What is this?
There is a license issued by the Ministry and other Cortolima. We have placed a team for particulate matter measuring 2.5 microns as a pilot, we take that measure since late last year and I tell the technicians that meet the standard. Cortolima going to do epidemiological studies to detect the material that becomes invisible to the teams how health has affected to justify why the Ministry should review that resolution.
END: He has not come to fight with the Governor ...
I do not fight with him. We have tried to be cautious but we also respect, let us work. Unlike other presidents, I do not live yet others, but my work and answer for what we do.
The water problem in Ibague
END: What is the position of Cortolima in the debate on the issue of water in Ibague?
Ibagué should define a water plan to 30 years that includes the management of the basin Combeima and define the alternate source of the city, the aqueduct is not complementary. With everything we're seeing would not be Coello, should be Totaro basin by river side Chipalo
END: But did that topic was not already defined? ...
The supplementary water supply was not as an alternative source, but to bring water to the neighborhoods of the South. Cortolima not accepted as an alternative source in any study or determination because he could not close the mouth of the Combeima to give way to the intake side Coello, because there would be enough water to serve the city. That is not the solution, is part of the solution to an area that has no water, except when on Combeima basin there are 23 mining rights. Therefore, the candidates and the current administration, if achieved, should consider a study on river basin water Chipalo which would enable all future Ibague.
END: Is it appropriate to link private or think of a concession?
CSB: I think that lack
better structure and better plan financially investment. I'm not friend nor enemy to seek a different alternative to the Ibal, there are companies that are pilots in the country as EPM or Manila Water and Water. The important thing is that companies are efficient and that water quality. The Ibal can improve and revise models seriously considering not generate resources or English, or American, or even Colombia.

The record Jaramillo
END: change of pace. Some say that the environmental authority, not so much when it comes to development projects of former Senator Mauricio Jaramillo ...
CSB: that I know the name of it there is construction, but we understand that school being built off the San Bonifacio. When the issue appeared, we said, not a moment do not get into that bunch because he had already permits decisions and other entities that are the responsibility Cortolima.
END: Is not a way to wash your hands?
CSB: I want to clarify that when this administration took up the subject, and had building permits issued by the curators and sanctioning Cortolima Ibal ends, coming from many years to issue authorization sources Pipeline water. So to avoid that said they Cortolima is directing performances, a study was contracted Universidad Nacional de Manizales for them who are the experts come to watch the water rounds. The study was contracted to the El Vergel area because it was the problem, but does not specify the findings is that in this case are not in breach of coastal retreat.
END: But you admit its proximity to the former senator Mauricio Jaramillo?
CSB: I can not deny friends. But for me the file Jaramillo is like any other, well that is not payable to Jaramillo. EDWIN



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