Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What To Wear To Hard Rock Cafe Interview

Juana Castro and Letters January

Juana Castro transcribe a letter dated January , the conflict in Sidereal weaves a gentle haven. Much has been Juana Castro, who has just won the National Critics Award for his latest book of poems, letters January, to live and suffer, to reach this final clearance has appreciated at last his entire career. In fact, January Letters (Vandalia, Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2010), was published together with Homestead, an anthology of his other work. Juana Cordoba Castro is a poet who has long been carefully cultivating a verbal, an ethical intention. All his previous books - art of falconry as Concave women - have given the encouragement of recognition reader, a strengthening of the feminist movements that have been seen occasionally in the poetry of Jane, a reason to be aesthetic .

Juana Castro has long been claiming the women's poetry. Belongs to a generation -Was born in Villanueva de Cordoba in 1945 - in which it had become imperative, or at least I understood it, writing from her womanhood, and also to explain and qualify it. Perhaps for those born from democracy, this stubbornness brave, steady, Juana Castro feminist values \u200b\u200bexceeded it may seem somewhat openly, but then there's the poignant, outrageous, painful, domestic terrorism, to convince us that things have not changed as much as it sometimes seems-and the gender issue, capital for her and her fellow adventurers, and also a concept is assumed. Among my fellow

writers, a novel or a poem is not better or worse for being designed by a woman or a man, but for their formal qualities, for its pace, its ability to evoke sensory or breathing, dreamy demeanor. In the generation of Juana Castro, coming from an era of utter contempt for the feminine, of women's subordination to an oppressive machismo, vindicating the nature of women and their urgent need for absolute equality of rights became an issue poetic.

Castro Juana's poetry is plastic and sound, has that joyful verbalize linked to the Group 27 and the Song, of Cordova, but also in Malaga Conch Magazine Platero and Cadiz. Pure poetry alive, the heroic time back. Juana Castro is refined, resplendent, from compassion and pain.


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