Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fast Songs To Dance To At A Talent Show

40% of Colombian territory in order to grant mining megaprojects

21/04/1911 By Dario Arenas

During the last period of the Uribe administration granted as much mining titles in the history of Colombia and deepened the privileges of the big mining transnational. Now, under the mandate of Santos, as surely will happen to the rest of inherited neoliberal package, aims to deepen and to bring higher dimensions.
40% of the territory is called a concession for mining projects. Of the 114 million acres that make up the total homeland, about 45 million is requested for this purpose, roughly the size of the 4 largest departments in the country (Amazonas, Vichada, Caqueta and Meta), plus all the coffee , Cundinamarca and Valle del Cauca together. This in a country, which through the sea of \u200b\u200bopening reforms started in the 90's, agriculture and industry suffered a huge backlog, and where it is estimated that there are available and uncultivated only 4.97 million hectares for agriculture (1).
This is the share of mining policy embodied in the 2001 mining code reform ratified in 2010. During the last period of the Uribe government was granted the highest number of mining in the history of Colombia and deepened the privileges of the big mining transnational. Now, under the mandate of Santos, as surely will happen to the rest of the inherited neoliberal package, aims to deepen and lead to higher dimensions.
The expansion of mining activity in Colombia respond, like most of the policies of our governments, not the authentic needs the Colombian people but to foreign interests them. With the economy of the great powers tremendously weakened by the recurring crisis that causes the capitalist system, with the need to search again sustained wealth in precious metals and gold prices reaching historical record highs, topping $ 1400 an ounce are natural expeditions undertaken again to countries like Colombia, have these precious resources. The international financial capital under this logic has been strengthened and has taken a leading role, getting to have investments in the global mining industry of around 84.327 million dollars between 2000 and 2006, through providers funds as powerful as JP Morgan, Citigroup, HSBC Holdings, ING, and other large financial conglomerates in the world (2). Test
desperate thirst for power by mining and energy resources, as reflected in the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, is the use of temporary circumstances such as Libya. Humanitarian pretexts, the United States takes positions of command and control over the resources of an area that has been neglected by their mandates.
Given that in recent years there has been an overwhelming entry of Canadian mining companies in Colombia and that these represent 75% of the global mining industry, it is no wonder that the joy of the current Minister Juan Carlos Echeverry finance, who remarkably comfortable with the type of relationships that Colombia has with the world, recently put it, "the English discovered America 500 years ago and found Canadians Colombia for 10 years. What we are very happy" (3 .) Tangible evidence of the attitude of the upper class leader of our country against the great powers and their interests. One might note that only express the minister dismissed his outburst of brutal honesty that more than a century and under similar conditions we also had "discovered" the gringos.
Amagá, El Hoyo-Patia, Suarez, Marmato, La Jagua de Ibirico, Anaime Quinchía, Snuff, Pore, Taraira, Socha, Montelibano, Sardinata, Remedios, Buenos Aires, the mountains of San Lucas, Condoto, Cajamarca, are among many other Colombian populations, the example of mining model that seeks to impose on our country. Have been in some cases, affected by the draconian conditions set by the transnational labor and witness firsthand the state abandonment of choking and harassment of local traditional mining, and others, are intended to be victims of the destruction of their environment environment, the displacement of populations, the dispossession of their habitat, the rapture of their traditions and the expropriation of their work, life and history. All of these communities have sufficient reason to be homeless by the State and have a fair and legitimate right to rebel against the policies of harassment and looting agency found who in theory should defend their interests.
This is the true face of mining locomotive Santos. Wagons full of excuses and privileges for transnational companies, filled with tax exemptions, discounts and great for business at their convenience with amazing profit margins, all contrasted with creeping persecution of small traditional miners in our country . The deepening of investor confidence plunged to try a huge portion of our population in a fatal logic unassailable as our leaders, in which integration into the global market languished and weakened economies such as the Colombian should be at any cost, regardless of the asymmetries that exist, the place he left behind in play, and the damage that these policies generate in our population.
witnessing a distressing and overwhelming scenery. Itching for reprimarization of our economy does not peer, the policies of plunder, pillage and plunder were fought far from institutionalized and has given them a turn of progress and welfare, when in fact nest inside the same formulas perpetuated backwardness and underdevelopment in our country.
Colombia veins remain open. Even retain the scars on the skin of our nation, such as the struggle for our independence 200 years ago, we demonstrate that when solving people can overcome the submissive policies and regimes unpatriotic, and can decide their fate themselves . Awareness, mobilization and organization should lead the way in which, as in the case of Santurbán victory, defeat the meek surrender of our resources and we can definitely derail the nefarious mining locomotive Santos.
Dario Arenas - Article written in relation to the Second National Front of the Colombian Network for Large Scale Crime, CLAIMING, held on 8 and 9 April 2011 in Bogotá.
(1) Aurelio Suárez Montoya, Tribune Red No. 111, January 13, 2011
(2) Financing Global Mining: The Complete Picture (ed. Rob Morrison), pfi market intelligence, Thomson's 2007
(3) Calgary (Canada), March 27 (EFE)
Saturday 14 May: Mobilizing Marmato (Caldas) against Canadian mining for homeland defense. On Saturday 14 May Marmato, Caldas, a town with a mining tradition over 500 years, will take place a day against the Canadian company's intentions to overthrow Medoro Resources and displace the people economically and socially for all its people. You are cordially invited to all social, political and resistance to megamineros projects in the country and all who wish to join this important mobilization.


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