Sunday, April 24, 2011

Do I Need Insurance To Register My Jet Ski

Vs mining locomotive. Beyond environmental typewriter

By: Maria Elvira Samper
THE MINING DEBATE-Environment, which is on the agenda is translated into practice in a train wreck: the mining locomotive, in the framework of a model without vision long-term, poor controls, manilargo imposts and obsessive in revenue for the nation is advancing rapidly, and the little machine environment, slowly weakened by the Uribe government merged the ministry of industry with interest-Housing anti-handed cut investment and mining rights at the discretion even in protected areas and reserves.

President Santos, however, said in all possible scenarios, starting with the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, where it committed to the 'mamos' of indigenous peoples to respect the environment, which will promote a policy of sustainable development and respect for biodiversity. But at least for now, have prevailed on the action promises to stop and / or suspend projects that are too costly in environmental terms. Two buttons shown: that of Greystar to extract gold in the desert of Santurbán, was suspended under pressure from civil society and not government business, and St. Andrew to explore and eventually exploit oil reserves in an area of \u200b\u200bcoral , held back by popular action, not government initiative.

The San Andres is a special case: the National Hydrocarbons Agency gave the green light to the association Repsol-Ecopetrol to explore and eventually exploit oil in an area declared by Unesco "biosphere reserve area ". And it did so without prior consultation with all communities likely to be be affected, as mandated by the Constitution, and counter to the commitment to protect that took Colombia 11 years ago with that recognition. The area includes 76% of coral reefs in the country, has interconnected ecosystems with hundreds of animal species and is also the ancestral territory of ethnic and cultural minorities living from fishing in that area.

Minister of Environment and Housing or sound or thunder. Whoever has the baton is the Minister of Mines, Carlos Shot. The same as in March, during the Global Forum on Mining (Canada), offered tax breaks to multinationals investing in the country, to compensate for the increase in certain taxes or the elimination of some deductions. The same is said against that areas where mining rights have been granted regional natural parks are declared. The same that he supported the project in Santurbán before Santander to take out the nail to defend its wilderness and its waters. The same was in favor of the oil project in San Andrés. Not surprisingly the sector-including oil and gas is three years-growing faster than the overall economy. Hence the desire to attract investment to fuel the engine.

While resurrecting Minambiente to make counterpart of Mines, while there is concrete evidence of commitment to sustainable development as the government define its environmental policy and exhaustively set where and under what conditions is allowed exploration and eventual exploitation oil and other minerals, and where such activities are banned, the mining engine is beating the little machine's environmental and civil society that has made the dike, the voice warning about the environmental risks of some projects authorized by the Uribe government. Ojo! Ingeominas has more than 16,000 applications for legalization and / or grant mining rights. We must not lower our guard.


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