Monday, April 18, 2011

Shortage Of Manpower Quebec Immigrant

Ernesto Pérez Zúñiga and his game Monkey

What mystery lies at the spectral step into the cellar, in the chiaroscuro of hallucination speckled with a few monkeys escaped, the custodians of the dream. The voltage actually reaches its diverse mixtures of several continuous and buried planes that can peek over things, the best look diagonal: immediacy first lysergic reverie later, a new youth fiction and smugglers on the beach between the desks of desire and the need to escape again and give up the short, dead-end alley of a life marked.

above combination of situations, lit and underground networks, but also visible light, and also much more lies ahead in the novel The monkey suit, Ernesto Pérez Zúñiga. Ernesto Pérez Zúñiga is a poet and novelist, poet or novelist. I think that at no time has come to writing the other definitively imposed, and that healthy balance-lives, has lived his creative activity, which itself has been nourished by the multiple perspectives and complex autonomous communicating vessels but also giving his speech with a complexity not without natural beauty in form. Natural or artificial well, because the artifice of the central character of his new novel, The monkey suit, is so well spun, has such soul masters in the frame space, that any sequence surreal, incredible a priori, we becomes possible and probable.

The protagonist of The Monkey game is a high school teacher in a coastal town near Gibraltar. Coexists with a harsh reality, with no future students who have to be convinced they have it, when both sides know that, in fact, not true: we expect a wild and accurate despair, prison awaits, crime , crime. But neither the young teacher, away from any literary echo what Keating of The Dead Poets Society , has dazzling horizon of life: he lives alone, does not believe in anything, much less in their work, "rushes every night with their peers in the local bars, which hold up their bodies still young, but less, and sometimes in his sleep in other beds.

One day, returning with a huge binge, he discovers that his house with a neglected garden, have a basement. I had not ever seen, although a small window overlooking the lush lawn. It then delves into the enigma of his own existence, when you see the monkey with its immersive gaming. Metaliterature, the photo of Ava Gardner as the only handle emotional, Dana Andrews, Lolita. The monkey suit is literature; but also the gritty life of a teacher without morning, aged and alone, told with truth.


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