Thursday, December 30, 2010

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie 16th

Colombia COLOMBIA: Mine Accident Amagá (Antioquia) leaves one dead and three wounded

At this time, according to the mayor, the emergency is under control.

December 27, 2010

Lily Bedoya, commander Fire Department of Amagá, said one piece of land that fell within one of the tunnels of the colliery San Fernando, caused the emergency in the morning.
"A miner was killed in Medellín when Amagá brought him and the others had fractures," said the fire commander.
Amagá The mayor, Relief Aid Zapata, denied that it had submitted a fire, as was rumored a couple of hours.
"We are waiting to go to the mine entrance miners were in the tunnel," said Zapata. "Since the incident at the mine is controlled, "he said.

rescued 70 bodies in Amagá

Shortly after the completion of the rescue work in deep coal mine San Fernando, in Amagá, 73 candles are kept burning at the foot of the Virgen del Carmen, patron saint of miners.
In a sort of simple altar at the entrance to the offices of the company mates of the 73 miners killed by explosion on Wednesday of last week, now pay tribute and pray that the gates of heaven are opened for men to cry today este pueblo, que vive del carbón.
A ese monumento se acercan con reverencia y de forma silenciosa los mineros que participan en el rescate. Antes de entrar o salir del túnel San Joaquín, cada uno de ellos se persigna delante de la Virgen y le piden que les dé valor para no desfallecer.
Van 8 días de búsqueda Al cierre de esta edición, y después de ocho días de atención de la emergencia, ya fueron recuperados 70 cuerpos,ocho de ellos ayer, y sólo falta por evacuar otros tres, dos de ellos ya están localizados.
“Esperamos que se pueda amanecer con la noticia de que ya los recuperamos a todos”, comentó Jhon Fredy Rendón, director de la Oficina de Disaster Antioquia.
He added that there have been high concentrations of methane gas in the mine, which has delayed the evacuation of the last bodies.
Olga Lucia Moncada, sister of Carlos Mario Bolivar, one of the bodies recovered and friend of many others, is given short dialogues holding forces quietly with the candlestick that corresponds to your family, Carlos Mario Bolivar, attesting that he listening.
commission is expected to submit its report investigating the July 3 to find out what caused the explosion archivo/documento/MAM-4026842

Friday, December 24, 2010

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The Fourth Fleet of the Navy of the United States complete the encirclement of South America

Colombia: U.S. Trojan Horse

Latest News (Benytsa González) / Aporrea / insurgents
la          nueva arquitectura militar de eeu
writer Account Virgil in the Aeneid that the Greek Odysseus, after many years of wanting to dominate Troy, devised to build a huge wooden horse inside which hid a large number of soldiers. Then introduced him to the legendary city, as a gift, to control and destroy.

Today, the U.S. introduced in South America, in aid, troops, weapons and equipment of high technology, mobility and reach across their bases in Colombia. And, for the Brazilian analyst Luis Moniz Bandeira, Colombia is Washington's Trojan horse in the region.
And that beyond Colombia's sovereign decision to "allow access" to the U.S. to use military bases on its territory, as an extension of the bilateral agreements between nations to combat drug trafficking and terrorism, Washington's imperialist power and its growing energy needs, the abundance natural resources and raw materials in South America and the activation of the Fourth Fleet of the U.S. Army War in the Pacific and Atlantic, arouse suspicion and fear in the region.
Chalmers Johnson, professor at the University of California, said the Pentagon as the largest landowner in the world. "At one time you could establish the extent of imperialism by counting the colonies. The U.S. version of the colony is the military base today. "
For Johnson, the U.S. military deployment in the world, rather than serve his defense, has the sole purpose provide hegemony, ie, control over the largest number of countries on the planet.
enemy: drug trafficking? United States and Colombia have argued that the military activities of the bases will be limited to combating drug trafficking and terrorism within Colombia and Bogota will be under control.
However, Moniz Bandeira said that although nominally under control bases Colombian Americans, the handle and use as they wish.
Furthermore, "operating agreement explicitly stating that its use is not prohibited for other types of organizations from the Department of Defense United States, he added.
Moreover, the U.S. Comptroller General (GAO), the International Center for National Policy (CIP) and the Washington Office on Latin America (Wola) agree on pointing out the failure of Plan Colombia the fight against drug trafficking, despite more than six billion dollars spent for this purpose.
Y, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorin, left in the inkwell a question: If President Alvaro Uribe says FARC are annihilated How justifies the increased U.S. military presence? Some experts say that the objective of the bases are not guerrillas or drug trafficking, but the control of South America and on routes to Africa.
John Lindsay Poland, co-director of the Company Reconciliation Force for Latin America and the Caribbean states that the military budget document more recent State Department and the Colombian government defines the scope of the bases beyond combating drug trafficking and terrorism.
"Pentagon seeks sites for logistics and training, contingency operations and plans to deploy cargo aircraft C-17 not used for counter-drug air base in Palanquero "he says, adding that" it is incredible that the U.S. military activities will be restricted to the Colombian territory. "
regard a report by the Southern Command, cited by some analysts, indicates that "almost half the continent can be covered by a C-17 without refueling" from Palanquero, but with enough power " could cover the entire continent, except the region of Cape Horn (Chile).
to Moniz, the bases Colombia and the Fourth Fleet of the Navy will allow America to expand its presence, to ensure the control of natural resources and fencing to South America.
The region holds the largest reserves of precious natural resources: the Guarani Aquifer border (37 cubic km of water), which runs through Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay Venezuela's oil, with oil reserves of 76 billion barrels, and newfound energy wealth in Brazil, which can raise their reserves to 17 billion barrels, gas in Bolivia and the Brazilian Amazon, among others.
All are riches that could "extend the life of the empire weakened," the Uruguayan journalist Raul Zibechi.
In the words of Moniz Bandeira: "The only country that can be a threat is the U.S., because it is a power and natural resource needs."
U.S. forces offers 3500 meters of length for takeoff and landing of aircraft C-17
In a modern structure, the base has room for 100 aircraft.
feature a citadel for more than two thousand people, casinos, restaurants, supermarkets and a radar system.
United States will invest $ 46 million in the empowerment of the base.
In a text released by the Co-Director of the Company Reconciliation Force for Latin America and the Caribbean (FOR), John Lindsay-Poland, says that the greatest number of killings of civilians each year in Colombia is not the work of the guerrillas, but the army and paramilitary groups, as reported by Jesuit Centre for Research and Education of the People (Cinep).
Poland states that a majority of five thousand million internally displaced persons "were expelled from their homes by paramilitary violence forced dispossession of almost 4.5 million hectares of land.
Most U.S. military presence will not help to the return of these lands to their rightful owners, nor will the Colombian military accountable for the more than 1,700 civilian deaths occurred since 2002. "
also notes that problems such as human rights violations that threaten democracy and security of the Colombian people will be part of the U.S. mission.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

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COLOMBIA: The Gold Rush

By: Alfredo Molano Jimenez / Special Envoy

Santander, between progress and deforestation. Chronicle of gold mining in the mountains.
Minería en          Santander
Photo: Gabriel Aponte
If granted the environmental permit, this is the last photo of heath.

Santurbán The Moor, the source of the water that feeds Bucaramanga and other areas of Santander, is facing a new challenge: large-scale mining, one of the locomotives that the government has announced.

The Serrania de Santurbán, in Santander, located in the center of the debate on the effects of mining in the country. What is the background is a struggle between the mining and energy development, embodied by President Santos as one of the locomotives of the economy, and natural wealth and biodiversity of Colombia. Two legitimate positions that are opposed and on which the President himself has referred to as the big question that the world is how to reconcile these two visions of the planet? The one suggested that despite the environmental effects are greater the benefit and progress, and one assumes that the irreversible damage caused by these projects will leave a desert country and shabby.
A few hours from Bucaramanga, by road that leads to Santander Norte de Santander, is the mountainous region of Santurbán, 92 thousand hectares, which is intertwined with the sky, a fog bank whence the water that feeds parts of the two departments. Gold mining there is an ancient practice. From colonial times, these mountains have been carved to get the precious mineral, but they refuse and keep inside. Only small quantities are expelled through the internal currents of the earth and end up in rivers that form at the foot of the mountain.
Since the mid-90's started the boom of the multinational mining. Many companies were they put the eye in Santander, among these the powerful Greystar Resources Ltd. A Canadian multinational which the International Finance Corporation (ICF, in English), World Bank agency that invests in private projects, is the largest shareholder, with 11 % and JP Morgan, one of the largest banks in the world.
In one of the peaks of these mountains, at 3,900 meters, the Greystar nailed the flag and baptized Angostura Project. Today, the company is expecting that the Environment Ministry granted the environmental license that would begin the operational phase, which lasted until 2025, but the environmental movement have cry to heaven and to the Attorney Alejandro Ordóñez, two days ago, presented his position, to ask the Ministry of Environment to consider not issue the license, despite the new mining code prohibited the mining of high mountains, this regulatory framework does not apply to the Angostura project, because when you gave there was no prohibition in this regard.

Angostura Project in 1994, reached Santurbán Greystar. On the slope, in the municipality of California-named probably seeking to replicate what was experienced United States in the 20 -, is the headquarters of the project. In this village municipality is home to more than 1,850 people, mostly engaged in mining. Here people support the company, all companies that have come in search of gold, which are more than five and its subcontractors pass from the ten companies.
The Greystar has acquired the mining rights over 30 hectares in the area, but the Angostura Project use only a thousand and in the process of exploration and is 15 years and have invested more than $ 100 million . According to the company in those thousand hectares is estimated that over 7.7 million ounces of gold -16 tonnes of gold annually, and nearly 80 million -72 ounces of silver tons annually, making this area one of the largest gold deposits in South America. But environmentalists warn that there are 100,000 times more arsenic than gold, and wonder where all that anger to stop toxic mineral. Environmental impact

"Nobody can deny that the extraction of gold, and this project specifically, has a strong environmental impact, but you have to weigh are the social and economic benefits offered by the mining industry," explains one of the engineers the Greystar.
For its part, the Committee for the Defence of Santurbán Paramo, consisting of associations environmentalists, unions, students, academics, Santander Society of Engineers, the Society of Public Improvements, Fenalco Santander and political parties like the Greens and the Democratic Pole, are opposing the project, arguing that there will be irreversible damage to water sources that nourish the metropolitan area. "The committee is not against mining projects, is against projects that affect present and future possibility of water for the metropolitan area and some populations and Norte de Santander department. We are proposing alternative development proposals for the region, "says Luis Carlos Estupiñán, one of committee members.
The project proposes to open a cut of 220 hectares with a depth of 200 meters at the top of the mountain, coming through the gold. In addition, there shall be two spaces for the treatment of toxic substances used in the mineral extraction process, one will have 110 hectares on the creek Angosturas, and the other 90 acres on the creek Páez. The two fall into the river gorges Surata. The company's engineers say there is no scientific possibility that leaks of toxic substances, as it tries to make a waterproofing technology.
The Greystar ensures that there will be no impact on water sources in the metropolitan area, because according to warnings, the river Surata represents a minimum rate of water entering Bucaramanga. But environmentalists insist that this river, in times of crisis, providing 70% of water consumed in the capital of the department.
According to figures presented by the environmental impact study of Greystar, the project will use 40 000 kilos of cyanide and 230 tons of ANFO per day.

social impact is no doubt that such projects benefit a large number of people. That the inhabitants of Surat, California and veins, to mention some of the centers where they live fever gold, are in favor of mining, open pit or in any way. Especially if you have benefited from some of the projects of social responsibility that mining companies often promote their areas of influence in some way to mitigate the impact caused by mining. print / temadeldia / articuloimpreso-241 885-foot- of-gold-santurban

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Santurbán open-pit Mining

"This massive mining is done by the company Gravicol. The community has never received any benefits. What I get is environmental pollution, water pollution, and in addition, effects on the degradation of the social fabric. I'm not talking about the irreparable damage to the topsoil. That "hole" has myriad effects, and no social benefits, despite being shielded by legislation that does not protect the sustainability of the country, and has nothing to do with intelligence or strategic responsibility for the country. The mining issue is not to "hollow" and get treasures. Irreversible effects is affected with natural and human communities, directly affecting the country's future. This is done within the framework of a country that has no political or environmental strategy: have not seen the effects of winter? If you remove the topsoil, do not expect anything else, only worse.

open pit mining in the world has proven to be an issue that causes negative effects: in Africa, British Columbia, Guatemala, Peru ,.... Implementation, as they want to do in Santander can not affect homeostasis of the planet systems (climate, ciclosde carbon, water, nitrogen, etc). and implementation, given, must be highly technical, but above all, must be accompanied by a comprehensive plan for mitigation, compensation, improvement and investment in sustainability. I'm not an environmental activist, but work in communication for development and I know that this type of mining only is destroying the country's future poverty and ensuring that our economic, environmental and human, is guaranteed. "

Hernando Mestre commentary about the picture above.
Photo taken from the official ; Gravicol , Gravel company operating in the area

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Meaning Of Lots Of Creamy Cervical Mucos


popular struggle deny environmental permits granted by the government corrupt Alvaro Uribe and the Colombian bourgeoisie to prey Colombian territory

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do You Enter A P When Citing A Text Book


Opinion article in the newspaper criticized the front, Bucaramanga / Santander / Colombia.
Friday, November 12, 2010 21:23 Quesada writes a column every Friday for the past two years in the newspaper "The Front", in Bucaramanga, but never had any problems. However, when sending your column last week entitled "Greystar SANCTIONED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MAL" This was the answer:
Thursday, November 4, 2010, 4:08
pm From: "Claudia Milena Benavides"
A: "Claudio Beltrán"
Good afternoon:
I tell you, Claudio, I can not publish his column about Greystar Resources for not being compatible with the thought of newspaper's management. I hope again within 7 days with their contributions.
I hope you understand the reasons. Thanks

This is the censored article: Greystar
Blue Gold, as they call water is the most valuable that exists on earth. We are already living the prophesied water war, this is one of their battles. Refresh the memory:
Angostura The mining project of Greystar operating for years, destroying water and biodiversity, and now intends to move and treat 1,075 million tonnes of rock which used 7,000 tons of the explosive ANFO month and 1,200 tons of sodium cyanide per month (poison and deforestation unrecoverable). The law states that over 3 thousand meters above sea level wilderness area and could not be exploitation and the Greystar's Angostura project has most of its location there.
However, the firm's experts argue that it has not been recognized. Santurbán is seen as a wilderness protection area, subpáramo and high Andean forest, which classifies it as an area of \u200b\u200bhigh environmental fragility and therefore very important ecosystem, such as water recharge area and wildlife refuge. No matter if a paper says that is an area of \u200b\u200bwasteland or not: it will affect us as the reservoir Bucaramanga structures are within 30 or 35 km as the crow line of site operation.
It would seriously jeopardize the quality and quantity of the vital liquid of water bodies Surata river providers, using the cyanide leaching technique. Cyanide mining was banned in Germany in 2002 and the European Parliament to ban it just for all other countries in May 2010.
The requested flows for different stages of the project, exceed 50 percent of the average flow available in different water bodies. This multinational mining will take over the high mountain lakes, which are the headwaters of rivers that feed our metropolitan aqueduct.
All this will destroy the wilderness of Santurbán, which removed 11.5 million ounces of gold and 61 million ounces of silver over 15 years of operating these mines in the municipalities of California, streaks, Surat, Carnage and Tona.
"Greystar pollution in the watersheds will be zero percent," noted the company's environmental manager, Leonardo Di Mare. But the multinational ", supposedly careful of the environment", has just been fined by the CMDB by following charges, among others:
"The sistemasde treatment of drainage tunnels and tailings leachate has not complied with the provisions of Article 72 of the 1984 decreto1594 standard of discharge for discharges to a water source.
-file does not exist with the environmental documents or a blog for inteventoria and environmental monitoring.
"No septic systems have resulted in most of the sites you have and need the system. "In the dump
The lazy, there was diversion of the stream channel of the same name and is not aware of the permit of the CMDB to the intervention.
I wonder where the courage Santander, if left alone to protest over trifles, to insult the bad driver who parked his car, or to complain about stupid things, like argue because they changed the schedule of the novel that we like. Once we lavantabámos as one man, "Always free in our mountains," and we walked through the madman will shift. Today, when our future and that of our descendants is seriously threatened by the greed of foreigners overpowering, we were looking to see what happens. Sacudámonos the drowsiness and get out to protest in the streets, we support the leaders and environmentalists fighting to stop an outburst as this mining project.
If this is the Greystar our land in the exploration phase, how will the exploitation?
As a result Claudio Beltran gave up his column in the Front and on Saturday November 13, the Programme Manager PLANET Caracol, we will be interviewed on this affront to freedom of expression that should have everything a newspaper columnist who is respected. This radio show airs from 9 to 10 am on AM dial 880 from Bucaramanga, at 810 AM or 100 FM in Bogotá.
Zapatoca BERTRAM, November 9, 2010
Dear Rafael, hereby
email I announce my resignation to the column I've written for your newspaper every week for over two years.
I appreciate the space that opened me to express my opinion about environmental issues, issues that you may remember when we met, I expressed as the most urgent and extremely serious for our species and our great home, Planet Earth.
not know the nostalgia that makes me stop sending the column, but to do honor to the principles, but when the matter is life or death, the destruction of all a beautiful wasteland. The figures say exploit billion tons of rock with explosives and use toneladasde 7000 1200 tons of cyanide each month, which is simply absurd when the moors and wetlands are the most valuable that exists on a planet suffering from global warming, are wonderful water plants inhabited by mermaids, nymphs and pixies. They told me they are angry at the alleged sacrilege. Water, blue gold, is too important, is sacred to replace it with a metal ground, the one is a treasure from heaven, and the other is just land. Santurbán entire ecosystem, its fauna and flora, native species are somewhat valuable, are worth infinitely more than the 11.5 million ounces of gold and 61 million ounces of silver to foreigners intend to extract.
Your position on this ecocide seems possible lack of objectivity and biased by criticizing my writing on the subject, when it is assumed that journalism should focus on both sides of the conflict, as it did when I wrote rejecting Hidrosogamoso building, company also supports.
Resignation from this server column and their reasons for doing so, will be announced on the radio program "Planeta" of Caracol, on Saturday, God willing. What you get in the 880 AM dial in Bucaramanga, or at 810 AM or 100 FM in Bogotá.
Despite our differences, we will continue offering my friendship and respect for your tenacious work as a journalist, which extend to the editor Claudia Milena Benavides.
Peace, strength and joy, Beltran Claudio Q.

NOTE: The censor is called Rafael Serrano Prada. He was parliamentary pension millionaire today enjoys. And it's profitable businesses in his newspaper. Censorship is because he seeks monetary benefits with Greystar, a company that contaminated with cyanide water taken by bumangueses. But that he would not care, above puts the money chasing!
If we surrender now, you never know what will be our defeat." (Homer J. Simpson).

Monday, October 18, 2010

Italian Glamour Model

sana in corpore sano

Do you know that this is the motto of acronyms ASICS? It is a brand of footwear and sportswear that he knew and today I discovered has this motto. I had never stopped to think that had a meaning. It's funny how with increasing our knowledge of the world feel more curiosity for everything around me. Away from things to see them in perspective. Resting your mind. Today I started to do meditation at home, to let the mind rest and empty, as do a reset on a computer. Because our mind exists in the past and future, but little in the present, in the ahora.Utilizar the ability to overcome oneself, the energy released from every pore, quantum physics! Let be a mere spectator of what happens to you ...¡¡¡ happen! Holaaaaa

Monday, October 11, 2010

Can I Exercise With A Herpe Break Out


the truth is I've had a weekend of laughter and pleasure with my friend Oracle! Is one of those people who have not lost at any time, despite having been a separate time for personal reasons that do not go to case and I was telling you about the time I spent making this blog and the fact is that when I started this blog was in emotional crisis and that crisis madurez.Pero there now, of course we all have our demons but my life is now another perspective on slower, quieter but still in turmoil ... I dream of the idea continues to fall in love with a man again, but I no longer despair for having waited. Listening to others or simply be silent with someone at home, unfilled voids tontas.Reirte words with a friend to mourn with laughter. Record you being silly, singing a song, cold on the bike in the face in the fall, talking on the phone with friends who have birthdays or returning from New York, go see Barca in the Nou Camp!
just want to say that my views have been growing with me and are now thriving !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Disfrtutad

Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Whiten Wool Garment

A Spinster

I write while I hear a new soundtrack in my life, which many already know but I'm discovering: Al Green. His music gives me peace and comfort, it really is Feast your ears. The truth is that it is quite old but good things never expire.
Sometimes you have to stop asking questions, just enjoy the way and I recently had a little forgotten. Now I leave them be one hundred per cent while I sucked all the way posibles.Llega the fall and again plans to do and days falling like leaves from trees. Chestnuts from street stalls. The cold air stirs you with a pleasant face with such force that makes you smile. The brown of the streets full of mysterious leaves hiding something under your fingers ... I have a hunch that this fall I will fall in love ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bladder Weakness Aged 19

is better to be silent and suspicious of your little wisdom to speak and remove any doubt about it ...

Abraham Lincoln (1808-1865)

I believe in people who speak little and act a lot, as my grandmother:

"Actions speak louder than words"

so I like the facts more than the flatterers and talkative, is why every day I think I need more good real time, without much;
looks I prefer warm, calm, frank and sweet are my favorites.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tattoos About Being Strong

Seeking spinster (as the dictionary Espasa-Calpe):-aged, single.
So until it is forty years old did not walk into that category. Rio for the absurd, by the fact that imposing a requirement for entry into that category.
The issue is that yesterday I saw a friend and both a couple of years we have awakened maternal instinct, so I said: I'm going to turn into a spinster . I replied that I shake hands and how sealing a business and two seconds later reacts indignantly: - No! no shaking hands! have to say no.
I laugh for fear we have for the single state and the way he fled, peste.Me like the river because the reaction of my friend, I have also had and as the day I do not understand why. Singleness is easy to cure and not have to be something definitivo.Lo truth is that I know many couples who prove that lower or much hopes, or simply prefer not to follow the sun @ s. .. and complaints as the partner in question makes a thousand and one ... and I want something easy and nice, so if I have time to forty!
Jaaj, "it really be an old maid is a cross?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cervix Get High Before Period

often would like to remain a child without money worries or problems. Age without being seen to which I, without thinking that sometimes the days slip through my fingers ... today I have a good day. My mind is exhausted, dehydrated, my strength of will fall like a column, dry.
do not know if I have commented on occasion that many people think of me I'm a strong person. I do not know if I am, just know that this image that the others accept it as mine, sometimes weighs heavily that want someone to help me cope without having to ask. That sometimes the people you care look after me without asking. Understand me, not that I do not care, but sometimes occurs when the weight is crushing. I am one of those moments and I will not force me to go against it. Time will take its course.
say that accidents do not exist, that somehow try to call attention to peers and I have been three accidents this year so I have to stop and that hurts me deep breath ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How To Shrink Facial Pores


Does anyone know what the correct definition of spirit? Because I sometimes feel that it hurts the spirit, not the soul. This dualism of words that ultimately mean one of our ignorance, our ignorance ... is there really a difference? Is there?
I've always been an intuitive person and has given me a lot fear anything supernatural or could not understand because I was unknown ... if our spirit is our soul and feel with the soul, then we should not be afraid.
centuries ago women were burned at the stake. Women who said they were witches and were possessed by demons. Women who convulsed and put eyes, which were in a trance and it was impossible to master ... women in this century we know that suffering was epilepsy, but at that time was not sufficient to explain science and understand what was happening.
Today we fear the unknown and like then, do not believe in mediums or in life beyond death and (at least to me), give us fear the spirits of the dead. .. what if it, like at the time, is that we are not prepared scientifically to understand them? everything that is not there, it is not real? Has anyone ever seen the love of a physical, tangible way? I think so, that our spirit and our soul or two at a time or remain the same, he has seen but not with the eyes, but with a vision which does not require physics or science or explanation, but beyond the end ... after all, we only use ten percent of nuetra brain right?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Biotene Toothpaste Reactions

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Clf2−bond Angle

"I wonder if the stars are lit so that someday, everyone can find it"
The prince

Friday, April 23, 2010

Chance Favors The Prepared Mind -louis Pasteur

All girls still dream of one day to dress gowns dresses Renaissance ... which alone occupied the space of a tent that spears into the air and ride alone!
I'm happy, excited, excited, lively, positive, enthusiastic! Is a time of many changes and all positive, I know, I feel like a spring that has suddenly opened in my body and my blood contamination. My mother always says I'm like a phoenix rising from its ashes and is reborn each time splendid. But I feel I'm in a time of change all necessary and positive. I started drawing classes at the moment only practical with charcoal but I like to do something creative. I need to complete, to express myself .. that is the reason for this blog.
And I reflect and I'm glad I forgot to Edward to think and do things for me because some are getting and how those cloudy days in which points shy lightning slowly through the fog of the city and the light is changing and dawns a bright sunny day.
without Edward.
That does not mean that no longer wait, but now is more dynamic.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Salmon And Potato Recipe

Dream ... Happy day

I sunrises that allow me to wake up beside you, knowing you here beside me without missing a detail of your life, I have the pleasure of embracing you again, kiss you without pauses , to be happy again in your arms ...

Perhaps one day soon my best dreams can become my reality, meanwhile let me continue to dream and fly to where there are no boundaries, no distance because I need to believe that even in my perfect bubble, anything is possible ...

magical Sweet dreams my love.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Funniest Wesley Pipes Quotes


Women's Strength, Courage and Courage

Women's Intelligence and Creativity.

Women is love, tenderness and peace.

Happy Women's Day.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

How To Congradulate Some That Had A Baby


Know that I see you fall.
not I set a trap, is the link of my love and you're hooked
in my spider web. I swear I have not spun the threads.
swear I do not hunted.
swear I regret that this happens because you are not hunted.
This material, this trap has been spinning from you to your soul that engages
and your grief consume me because I gave chase.
If my soul and I was your prey to your hunger of the soul
love me I apologize because my food does not satisfies you.
And I swear that I see you falling into this trap, I inadvertently
abyss and do not deserve it and know that my soul rejects.

Shoulder Pain After Eating Too Much

RESPÍRAME, I FEEL THAT I whispered to my

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sports Bar Uniforms Ideas

the same stuff ... MAJOR DECISIONS

Funny how facts and different people are connected, as you reach the same conclusion by very different routes and talks ... and the truth is that many women do not know what wonderful or how big they are to admit their fears, their weaknesses, break their masks and show baring your soul before you, becoming what makes us so spectacularly unique and authentic ... the essence that goes beyond dialogue, those words without being the same spoken by persons other than just summarize something that is more than a sensation, a certainty, a wire cord of some women to others ... not ever happened to you that you have spoken with someone and well described using other words a sense different to yours but a spring awakening something concrete in your thinking so that you have to FEEL confident that is exactly referring to?
That I came up with two friends of mine, who did not know each other but I describe attitudes and thoughts that ultimately were having and uncomfortable ... it was very exciting, it made me feel proud and gave me a joy that does not I can describe ...
In the motorcycle, on the way home I was accompanied by that feeling I dodged traffic, noise, all those annoyances that sometimes irritate me and make me uncomfortable and I ended up reaching the same conclusion: THE END AND WE'RE ALL OUT PASTA MADE FROM THE SAME
Thanks for that small amount that reminded me that there are still human!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tile For Big Green Egg Table

Some days as much as you like can not smile ...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Blister In Baby's Penis And Has A Uti

not understand why the money we both colla ... in this society makes it destroyed families, dreams and even lives ... diseases that can not afford because there is no money, families to be on the street unable to pay ... mortgage money is the devil of this society? I think so, because he kills people and brings out the worst of each ... I hate the scale of values \u200b\u200bmeasured in euros, measures of social positions salary ... no one decides to stop satan worship?
As the large phytoplankton, "I am sorry that you admire the courage in battle ... the money you save, is the same as murder" Render
with kisses all you can !!!!!!!! !!!!!! Disporting

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Constipation Diarrhea Toddlers

I decided to go for love.

Hate is too great a burden.

(Martin Luther King, Jr.) ..

Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Much Is Cataract Surgery In India

gray days

When you see a good man, tries to imitate, when you see a bad one, examine yourself.

- Confucius

Friday, January 15, 2010

Where To Find Glory Hole In Stockport Swimming


in case you and you give the link of a blog called besametonto, be Prepare @ s because it is a porn image down the screen but there is a very comprehensive blog, funny and interesting of the current move frikadas several internet ....... I like to be informed of all the strange things that occur in many places and has a fresh fun

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do You Pay Tax On Used Boat In Ontario

with sparkling eyes contemplates the world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden where least expected. Who does not believe in magic will never find.

- Gustave Flaubert,
French writer

Monday, January 11, 2010

Statistical Significance Formula


I do not know if I ever said, but the truth is that This love-hate strategies. Those who know me know that patience is not one of my virtues and less when it comes to something or someone I like to know, which makes me curious and I share a topic that fascinates me ... but there are women who jugglers are genuine emotions, they know dominate and show them on the dose and the key moments and accurate. I'm not like, as the song goes great Fito: "My heart is glass, not save anything you do not see ...", so I do not know how to be strategist and resist the urge to know more of that someone suddenly turned on the tip of a wick that is full of powder ... so my question is: when is a good time to learn about the other? Because in fact, expected to ask for what he will say the other is to stop being ourselves, if we really want is to know more ... wait is only pretending to sell a version of WE ARE s We are not really me and I'm tired of this circus of flirtation and love and have decided to make it easy and natural as that is how I think it must be to then not disappointing expectations or false hopes ... Is love like a chessboard, where to meditate before moving tab?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pontoon Trailers For Sale In Ottawa, Ontario


Who said that love changes over time? Building castles in the air and imagining love stories that go well, ie, daydreaming I remember that feeling of having butterflies in the stomach and are the same as those of when he was fifteen ... I remember having a very small friend who hunted butterflies and now I regret it, because we were avoiding alomejor hunt them enough to get in someone's stomach ... it is seen that as much as life disappoints us, when one is romantic dream on and not let the vices of others the vice and corrode ... so here I am, waiting for my appointment cyber ... lol, would be devoted also to catch butterflies? daydream love me !!!!!!!!!!

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If there are fairies

Just recently I saw before me a great scenery dreams, one where I felt the presence of infinite beings inextricably linked with its surroundings while providing a very soft halo of light and direct.
upon entering that path I felt an inner strength that made me hesitate at first, replanterarme back exactly where I had entered, but after a while breathing slowly and curiously achieve calm down and discovered that I was right where I was but I almost safe around, look around and it was a beautiful place so quietly, I bend down and see that the soil color he was different hues, blue, green, lilac, magenta, yellow'm not sure if plants or flowers, maybe it was the dim light that filtered from the many branches of leafy trees, filling the strange jungle, where I first saw this beauty together, walking slowly so as not to break anything, I feared that my weight would crush many tiny little things and I suddenly saw before me a wonderful thing, far away and to my surprise they were elves, fairies, gnomes, unicorns and many more great things, doing all their work carefully, I saw peacefully handed over to it, I think back now to my little abode and evoke that splendid day, I understand that if there are fairies and they are beautiful, magical and generous, that and respect those who managed to see them one day, I can only say that I have given the joy of seeing a dream.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Oovoo Wont Detect My Camera

Today one of those casual life I began to talk to a guy who did not know the internet ... and it might attract someone just for what you write? and at what point are you laughing? (Well, hahaha, the cyber equivalent) ... that person just discussed (well, actually exchanged) opinions and told him I was sorry and we now know, without looking at the eyes when speaking, without hearing the other's voice to laugh or tone of voice with which things are said without the other's body odor ... without all those things that differentiate us from machines, without all those things that make us human ... because we are evolving and ? to the non-person, non-feeling.
castrated also remembered what the feelings are now ... you noticed? If someone says he is sad or depressed, people get angry or I asked for clarification on plan, but because you are depressed? what are you complaining? Gentlemen, I complain about me not being felt, whatever it is. FEEL sadness, or joy, or hate, or love or pity ... FEEL Lord, we feel, because I have to give explanations for making my heart work? Sometimes I think people who are afraid that others feel alive ...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Heritage House Lantana


spoke yesterday with a friend who for reasons still living with her ex-boyfriend. And after the conversation with her and two other friends who are in love crisis, I reached the same conclusion three times: when they claimed their views, their damage, they ended up giving return to all things and considering how they seem a hysterical, a selfish and a controller ... and I assume that women are complicated, but some men are experts at manipulating the information and turn it around: if we catch them a lie, lie to us so we are not angry, that if you hide something, they do so we are not angry, that if we get angry because something has upset us or hurt us, which is that we are always angry! Total , we always have to lose if you do not want to be always "be angry" ... Of course in my case I am of the crushing and not be persuaded, be that as I studied psychology I'm a tough opponent in the electronic handling ...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Removal Polyp Stop Miscarriages

s! Hi @ all!
I will not make promises that can not meet because I am of course be punished if it fails and this is one of the things that I have decided to do, complain and punish. I want to get the laughs
senseless carelessness, the banality, to be cheerful ...
I also realized that I can not live without creating anything, not art ... last year was the writing course, this year I'm doing drawing and painting and one day I got the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bdrawing comics Erotic women and I realized that although I am given draw fairly well, when I represent a movement or an image, pass it from my head to paper with real and not grotesque dimensions is more complicated ... and this afternoon I'm meeting a friend for pins ... it felt as if the brain needs to get energy through the hands and turn it into something palpable ... seriously if I do something creative I start to make someone lazy and whiny ...
Remember one thing: 359 days to get your sleep before the year is out !!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Support For Multiple Ids

bad girl I'll be ...

What I have decided this year I bad girl
The good go to heaven
but poor tend to go everywhere ...
So as I'd like rural tourism for life
I grab my backpack, put my fantasies in it and a path
narrow, wide, uphill or downhill do not care I just want to change
some landscape and say that when a change of attitude does
to see a vast new landscape before us.
If true will tell in detail what I found and discovered, I hope it terribly pleasant and sensual, I need just that ...